blob: 188e24ea8d8ff6b31f27b6f5f6571bbd0a5d1d31 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.yangutils.parser.impl.parserutils;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangContainer;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangList;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangNode;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.Parsable;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.YangConstructType;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.parser.exceptions.ParserException;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.parser.impl.TreeWalkListener;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.YangConstructType.getYangConstructType;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.parser.impl.parserutils.ListenerErrorMessageConstruction.constructListenerErrorMessage;
* Represents a utility to carry out listener validation.
public final class ListenerValidation {
* Creates a new listener validation.
private ListenerValidation() {
* Checks parsed data stack is not empty.
* @param listener Listener's object
* @param errorType error type needs to be set in error message
* @param yangConstructType type of parsable data in which error occurred
* @param parsableDataTypeName name of parsable data type in which error
* occurred
* @param errorLocation location where error occurred
public static void checkStackIsNotEmpty(TreeWalkListener listener, ListenerErrorType errorType,
YangConstructType yangConstructType, String parsableDataTypeName,
ListenerErrorLocation errorLocation) {
if (listener.getParsedDataStack().empty()) {
* If stack is empty it indicates error condition, value of
* parsableDataTypeName will be null in case there is no name
* attached to parsable data type.
String message = constructListenerErrorMessage(errorType, yangConstructType, parsableDataTypeName,
throw new ParserException(message);
* Checks parsed data stack is empty.
* @param listener Listener's object
* @param errorType error type needs to be set in error message
* @param yangConstructType type of parsable data in which error occurred
* @param parsableDataTypeName name of parsable data type in which error
* occurred
* @param errorLocation location where error occurred
public static void checkStackIsEmpty(TreeWalkListener listener, ListenerErrorType errorType,
YangConstructType yangConstructType, String parsableDataTypeName,
ListenerErrorLocation errorLocation) {
if (!listener.getParsedDataStack().empty()) {
* If stack is empty it indicates error condition, value of
* parsableDataTypeName will be null in case there is no name
* attached to parsable data type.
String message = constructListenerErrorMessage(errorType, yangConstructType, parsableDataTypeName,
throw new ParserException(message);
* Returns parent node config value, if top node does not specify a config
* statement then default value true is returned.
* @param listener listener's object
* @return true/false parent's config value
public static boolean getParentNodeConfig(TreeWalkListener listener) {
YangNode parentNode;
Parsable curData = listener.getParsedDataStack().peek();
if (curData instanceof YangNode) {
parentNode = ((YangNode) curData).getParent();
if (parentNode instanceof YangContainer) {
return ((YangContainer) parentNode).isConfig();
} else if (parentNode instanceof YangList) {
return ((YangList) parentNode).isConfig();
return true;
* Checks if a rule occurrences is as per the expected YANG grammar's
* cardinality.
* @param childContext child's context
* @param yangChildConstruct child construct for whom cardinality is to be
* validated
* @param yangParentConstruct parent construct
* @param parentName parent name
* @throws ParserException exception if cardinality check fails
public static void validateCardinalityMaxOne(List<?> childContext, YangConstructType yangChildConstruct,
YangConstructType yangParentConstruct, String parentName)
throws ParserException {
if (!childContext.isEmpty() && childContext.size() != 1) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: \""
+ getYangConstructType(yangChildConstruct) + "\" is defined more than once in \""
+ getYangConstructType(yangParentConstruct) + " " + parentName + "\".");
Iterator<?> context = childContext.iterator();
throw parserException;
* Checks if a rule occurrences is exactly 1.
* @param childContext child's context
* @param yangChildConstruct child construct for whom cardinality is to be
* validated
* @param yangParentConstruct parent construct
* @param parentName parent name
* @param parentContext parents's context
* @throws ParserException exception if cardinality check fails
public static void validateCardinalityEqualsOne(List<?> childContext, YangConstructType yangChildConstruct,
YangConstructType yangParentConstruct, String parentName,
ParserRuleContext parentContext)
throws ParserException {
if (childContext.isEmpty()) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: Missing \""
+ getYangConstructType(yangChildConstruct) + "\" in \"" + getYangConstructType(yangParentConstruct)
+ " " + parentName + "\".");
throw parserException;
} else if (!childContext.isEmpty() && childContext.size() != 1) {
Iterator<?> childcontext = childContext.iterator();
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: \""
+ getYangConstructType(yangChildConstruct) + "\" is present more than once in \""
+ getYangConstructType(yangParentConstruct) + " " + parentName + "\".");
throw parserException;
* Checks if a rule occurrences is minimum 1.
* @param childContext child's context
* @param yangChildConstruct child construct for whom cardinality is to be
* validated
* @param yangParentConstruct parent construct
* @param parentName parent name
* @param parentContext parents's context
* @throws ParserException exception if cardinality check fails
public static void validateCardinalityNonZero(List<?> childContext, YangConstructType yangChildConstruct,
YangConstructType yangParentConstruct, String parentName,
ParserRuleContext parentContext)
throws ParserException {
if (childContext.isEmpty()) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: Missing \""
+ getYangConstructType(yangChildConstruct) + "\" in \"" + getYangConstructType(yangParentConstruct)
+ " " + parentName + "\".");
throw parserException;
* Checks if a either of one construct occurrence.
* @param child1Context first optional child's context
* @param yangChild1Construct first child construct for whom cardinality is
* to be validated
* @param child2Context second optional child's context
* @param yangChild2Construct second child construct for whom cardinality is
* to be validated
* @param yangParentConstruct parent construct
* @param parentName parent name
* @param parentContext parents's context
* @throws ParserException exception if cardinality check fails
public static void validateCardinalityEitherOne(List<?> child1Context, YangConstructType yangChild1Construct,
List<?> child2Context, YangConstructType yangChild2Construct,
YangConstructType yangParentConstruct, String parentName,
ParserRuleContext parentContext)
throws ParserException {
if (child1Context.isEmpty() && child2Context.isEmpty()) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: Either \""
+ getYangConstructType(yangChild1Construct) + "\" or \"" + getYangConstructType(yangChild2Construct)
+ "\" should be present in \"" + getYangConstructType(yangParentConstruct) + " "
+ parentName + "\".");
throw parserException;