blob: 0f1936e2bc7b48d1dbf4a2f2af3a468dfc5cd37f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
import java.util.Set;
* Mechanism for distributing and storing virtual network model information.
public interface VirtualNetworkStore
extends Store<VirtualNetworkEvent, VirtualNetworkStoreDelegate> {
* Adds a new tenant ID to the store.
* @param tenantId tenant identifier
void addTenantId(TenantId tenantId);
* Removes the specified tenant ID from the store.
* @param tenantId tenant identifier
void removeTenantId(TenantId tenantId);
* Returns set of registered tenant IDs.
* @return set of tenant identifiers
Set<TenantId> getTenantIds();
* Adds a new virtual network for the specified tenant to the store.
* @param tenantId tenant identifier
* @return the virtual network
VirtualNetwork addNetwork(TenantId tenantId);
* Removes the specified virtual network from the store.
* @param networkId network identifier
void removeNetwork(NetworkId networkId);
* Adds a new virtual device to the store. This device will have no ports.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return the virtual device
VirtualDevice addDevice(NetworkId networkId, DeviceId deviceId);
* Removes the specified virtual device from the given network.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
void removeDevice(NetworkId networkId, DeviceId deviceId);
* Adds a new virtual host to the store.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param hostId host identifier
* @param mac mac address
* @param vlan vlan identifier
* @param location host location
* @param ips set of ip addresses
* @return the virtual host
VirtualHost addHost(NetworkId networkId, HostId hostId, MacAddress mac,
VlanId vlan, HostLocation location, Set<IpAddress> ips);
* Removes the specified virtual host from the store.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param hostId host identifier
void removeHost(NetworkId networkId, HostId hostId);
* Adds a new virtual link.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param src source end-point of the link
* @param dst destination end-point of the link
* @param state link state
* @param realizedBy underlying tunnel identifier using which this link is realized
* @return the virtual link
VirtualLink addLink(NetworkId networkId, ConnectPoint src, ConnectPoint dst, Link.State state, TunnelId realizedBy);
* Updates the tunnelId in the virtual link.
* @param virtualLink virtual link
* @param tunnelId tunnel identifier
* @param state link state
void updateLink(VirtualLink virtualLink, TunnelId tunnelId, Link.State state);
* Removes the specified link from the store.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param src source connection point
* @param dst destination connection point
* @return the virtual link
VirtualLink removeLink(NetworkId networkId, ConnectPoint src, ConnectPoint dst);
* Adds a new virtual port to the network.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portNumber port number
* @param realizedBy underlying port which realizes the virtual port
* @return the virtual port
VirtualPort addPort(NetworkId networkId, DeviceId deviceId,
PortNumber portNumber, ConnectPoint realizedBy);
* Binds an existing virtual port to the network.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portNumber port number
* @param realizedBy underlying port which realizes the virtual port
void bindPort(NetworkId networkId, DeviceId deviceId,
PortNumber portNumber, ConnectPoint realizedBy);
* Removes the specified port from the given device and network.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portNumber port number
void removePort(NetworkId networkId, DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber portNumber);
* Returns the list of networks.
* @param tenantId tenant identifier
* @return set of virtual networks
Set<VirtualNetwork> getNetworks(TenantId tenantId);
* Returns the virtual network for the given network identifier.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @return the virtual network
VirtualNetwork getNetwork(NetworkId networkId);
* Returns the list of devices in the specified virtual network.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @return set of virtual devices
Set<VirtualDevice> getDevices(NetworkId networkId);
* Returns the list of hosts in the specified virtual network.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @return set of virtual hosts
Set<VirtualHost> getHosts(NetworkId networkId);
* Returns the list of virtual links in the specified virtual network.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @return set of virtual links
Set<VirtualLink> getLinks(NetworkId networkId);
* Returns the virtual link matching the network identifier, source connect point,
* and destination connect point.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param src source connect point
* @param dst destination connect point
* @return virtual link
VirtualLink getLink(NetworkId networkId, ConnectPoint src, ConnectPoint dst);
* Returns the list of ports of the specified virtual device.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return set of virtual networks
Set<VirtualPort> getPorts(NetworkId networkId, DeviceId deviceId);
* Adds the intent to tunnel identifier mapping to the store.
* @param intent intent
* @param tunnelId tunnel identifier
void addTunnelId(Intent intent, TunnelId tunnelId);
* Return the set of tunnel identifiers store against the intent.
* @param intent intent
* @return set of tunnel identifiers
Set<TunnelId> getTunnelIds(Intent intent);
* Removes the intent to tunnel identifier mapping from the store.
* @param intent intent
* @param tunnelId tunnel identifier
void removeTunnelId(Intent intent, TunnelId tunnelId);