blob: f3b839c21137dcd4d0abb9e47b25556695178d46 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {Node, UiElement} from './node';
import * as d3 from 'd3';
export enum LinkType {
* model of the topo2CurrentRegion region rollup from Region below
export interface RegionRollup {
id: string;
epA: string;
epB: string;
portA: string;
portB: string;
type: LinkType;
* Implementing SimulationLinkDatum interface into our custom Link class
export class Link implements UiElement, d3.SimulationLinkDatum<Node> {
// Optional - defining optional implementation properties - required for relevant typing assistance
index?: number;
id: string; // The id of the link in the format epA/portA~epB/portB
epA: string; // The name of the device or host at one end
epB: string; // The name of the device or host at the other end
portA: string; // The number of the port at one end
portB: string; // The number of the port at the other end
type: LinkType;
rollup: RegionRollup[]; // Links in sub regions represented by this one link
// Must - defining enforced implementation properties
source: Node;
target: Node;
public static deviceNameFromEp(ep: string): string {
if (ep !== undefined && ep.lastIndexOf('/') > 0) {
// named port format is [name](number)
if (ep.includes('[')) {
return ep.substr(0, ep.lastIndexOf('[') - 1);
} else {
return ep.substr(0, ep.lastIndexOf('/'));
return ep;
* The WSS event showHighlights is sent up with a slightly different
* name format on the link id using the "-" separator rather than the "~"
* @param linkId The id of the link in either format
public static linkIdFromShowHighlights(linkId: string) {
// Already in the right format
if (linkId.includes('~')) {
const parts: string[] = linkId.split('~');
// remove host part if needed
const part0 = Link.removeHostPortNum(parts[0]);
const part1 = Link.removeHostPortNum(parts[1]);
return part0 + '~' + part1;
// Custom traffic highlight
if (linkId.includes('-')) {
// "-" is used only as separator between the links
if (linkId.indexOf('-') === linkId.lastIndexOf('-')) {
const parts: string[] = linkId.split('-');
const part0 = Link.removeHostPortNum(parts[0]);
const part1 = Link.removeHostPortNum(parts[1]);
return part0 + '~' + part1;
} else if (linkId.includes(')')) {
// "-" is used in the port name
var index = linkId.indexOf(')');
// the format is [name](number) on both ends
if (linkId.charAt(index + 1) === '-') {
const part0 = Link.removeHostPortNum(linkId.substr(0, index + 1));
const part1 = Link.removeHostPortNum(linkId.substr(index + 2, linkId.length));
return part0 + '~' + part1;
} else {
index = linkId.indexOf('-');
const part0 = Link.removeHostPortNum(linkId.substr(0, index));
const part1 = Link.removeHostPortNum(linkId.substr(index + 1, linkId.length));
return part0 + '~' + part1;
// unknown format
return linkId;
private static removeHostPortNum(hostStr: string) {
// Regex is for the tagged hosts
if (hostStr.includes('/None/') || hostStr.match('/[+-]?[0-9]+/')) {
const subparts = hostStr.split('/');
return subparts[0] + '/' + subparts[1];
return hostStr;
constructor(source, target) {
this.source = source; = target;
linkTypeStr(): string {
return LinkType[this.type];
* model of the topo2CurrentRegion region link from Region
export class RegionLink extends Link {
constructor(type: LinkType, nodeA: Node, nodeB: Node) {
super(nodeA, nodeB);
this.type = type;
* model of the highlights that are sent back from WebSocket when traffic is shown
export interface LinkHighlight {
id: string;
css: string;
label: string;
fadems: number;