blob: e2d3fdadc86a8db3352b82bfec17453bdbf0115f [file] [log] [blame]
<div id="ov-device">
<div class="tabular-header">
<h2>Devices ({{ tableData.length }} total)</h2>
<div class="ctrl-btns">
<div class="refresh" (click)="toggleRefresh()">
<!-- See icon.theme.css for the defintions of the classes active and refresh-->
<onos-icon classes="{{ autoRefresh?'active refresh':'refresh' }}"
iconId="refresh" iconSize="42" toolTip="{{ autoRefreshTip }}"></onos-icon>
<div class="separator"></div>
<onos-icon classes="{{ selId ? 'current-view':undefined }}"
iconId="deviceTable" iconSize="42"></onos-icon>
<div routerLink="/flow" routerLinkActive="active">
<onos-icon classes="{{ selId ? 'active':undefined }}"
iconId="flowTable" iconSize="42" toolTip="{{ flowTip }}"></onos-icon>
<div routerLink="/port" routerLinkActive="active">
<onos-icon classes="{{ selId ? 'active':undefined }}"
iconId="portTable" iconSize="42" toolTip="{{ portTip }}"></onos-icon>
<div routerLink="/group" routerLinkActive="active">
<onos-icon classes="{{ selId ? 'active':undefined }}"
iconId="groupTable" iconSize="42" toolTip="{{ groupTip }}"></onos-icon>
<div routerLink="/meter" routerLinkActive="active">
<onos-icon classes="{{ selId ? 'active':undefined }}"
iconId="meterTable" iconSize="42" toolTip="{{ meterTip }}"></onos-icon>
<div routerLink="/pipeconf" routerLinkActive="active">
<onos-icon classes="{{ selId ? 'active':undefined }}"
iconId="pipeconfTable" iconSize="42" toolTip="{{ pipeconfTip }}"></onos-icon>
<div class="summary-list" onos-table-resize>
<table onos-flash-changes id-prop="id" width="100%">
<tr class="table-header">
<th colId="available" class="table-icon" sortable></th>
<th colId="type" class="table-icon"></th>
<th colId="name" sortable>Friendly Name </th>
<th colId="id" sortable>Device ID </th>
<th colId="masterid" [ngClass]="{width: '130px'}" sortable>Master </th>
<th colId="num_ports" [ngClass]="{width: '70px'}" sortable>Ports </th>
<th colId="mfr" sortable>Vendor </th>
<th colId="hw" sortable>H/W Version </th>
<th colId="sw" sortable>S/W Version </th>
<th colId="protocol" [ngClass]="{width: '100px'}" sortable>Protocol </th>
<tr class="table-body" *ngIf="tableData.length === 0" class="no-data">
<td colspan="9">{{ annots.noRowsMsg }}</td>
<tr class="table-body" *ngFor="let dev of tableData; trackBy $index"
(click)="selectCallback($event, dev)"
[ngClass]="{selected: === selId, 'data-change': isChanged(}">
<td class="table-icon">
<!--[ngClass]="{width: devAvail.getBBox().width}"-->
<onos-icon iconId="{{dev._iconid_available}}"></onos-icon>
<td class="table-icon">
<onos-icon iconId="{{dev._iconid_type}}"></onos-icon>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ dev.masterid }}</td>
<td>{{ dev.num_ports }}</td>
<td>{{ dev.mfr }}</td>
<td>{{ dev.hw }}</td>
<td>{{ dev.sw }}</td>
<td>{{ dev.protocol }}</td>
<p>TODO (21 Jun 18): Add in:</p>
<li>Scrolling for long lists of devices</li>
<li>Sorting by column</li>
<li>Left align header columns</li>
<li>Move tooltip to underneath icon</li>
<li>Correct width and icon colour of active and device icon columns</li>
<li>Add device details panel</li>
<li>Add more unit tests</li>
<li>Make icon for #undefined work (e.g. for device type olt or unknown)</li>
<li>Change loading service to fade in and out and have a threshold of </li>