Various fixes for vRouter

- CPRM uses solicited address;
- CPRM uses link local address;
- Updates unit tests;

Change-Id: Ic147bff7e572ba31f092b3e745ab6a096420e0a6
diff --git a/apps/routing/cpr/src/main/java/org/onosproject/routing/cpr/ b/apps/routing/cpr/src/main/java/org/onosproject/routing/cpr/
index e1d2d39..79c3b49 100644
--- a/apps/routing/cpr/src/main/java/org/onosproject/routing/cpr/
+++ b/apps/routing/cpr/src/main/java/org/onosproject/routing/cpr/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ReferenceCardinality;
 import org.onlab.packet.EthType;
 import org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address;
+import org.onlab.packet.Ip6Address;
 import org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix;
 import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
 import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
@@ -76,6 +77,8 @@
 import static org.onlab.packet.ICMP6.NEIGHBOR_ADVERTISEMENT;
 import static org.onlab.packet.ICMP6.NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION;
 import static org.onlab.packet.IPv6.PROTOCOL_ICMP6;
+import static org.onlab.packet.IPv6.getLinkLocalAddress;
+import static org.onlab.packet.IPv6.getSolicitNodeAddress;
 import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
@@ -301,41 +304,119 @@
                 fwdToSend.add(buildForwardingObjective(selector, treatment, intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
             } else {
                 // Neighbour solicitation traffic towards the router.
+                // This flow is for the global unicast address.
                 selector = buildNdpSelector(
+                        ip.ipAddress().toIpPrefix(),
+                        null,
+                        NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION,
+                        null
+                );
+                fwdToSend.add(buildForwardingObjective(selector, treatment, cpNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                // Neighbour solicitation traffic towards the router.
+                // This flow is for the link local address.
+                selector = buildNdpSelector(
+                        intf.connectPoint().port(),
+                        intf.vlan(),
+                        Ip6Address.valueOf(getLinkLocalAddress(intf.mac().toBytes())).toIpPrefix(),
+                        null,
+                        NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION,
+                        null
+                );
+                fwdToSend.add(buildForwardingObjective(selector, treatment, cpNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                // Neighbour solicitation traffic towards the router.
+                // This flow is for the solicitation node address of
+                // the global unicast address.
+                selector = buildNdpSelector(
+                        intf.connectPoint().port(),
+                        intf.vlan(),
+                        Ip6Address.valueOf(getSolicitNodeAddress(ip.ipAddress().toOctets())).toIpPrefix(),
+                        null,
+                        NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION,
+                        null
+                );
+                fwdToSend.add(buildForwardingObjective(selector, treatment, cpNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                // Neighbour solicitation traffic towards the router.
+                // This flow is for the solicitation node address of
+                // the link local address.
+                selector = buildNdpSelector(
+                        intf.connectPoint().port(),
+                        intf.vlan(),
+                        Ip6Address.valueOf(
+                                getSolicitNodeAddress(getLinkLocalAddress(intf.mac().toBytes()))
+                        ).toIpPrefix(),
                 fwdToSend.add(buildForwardingObjective(selector, treatment, cpNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
                 // Neighbour solicitation traffic from the router.
+                // This flow is for the global unicast address.
                 selector = buildNdpSelector(
+                        null,
                 fwdToSend.add(buildForwardingObjective(selector, treatment, intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
-                 // Neighbour advertisement traffic towards the router.
+                // Neighbour solicitation traffic from the router.
+                // This flow is for the link local address.
+                selector = buildNdpSelector(
+                        controlPlanePort,
+                        intf.vlan(),
+                        null,
+                        Ip6Address.valueOf(getLinkLocalAddress(intf.mac().toBytes())).toIpPrefix(),
+                        NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION,
+                        intf.mac()
+                );
+                fwdToSend.add(buildForwardingObjective(selector, treatment, intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                // Neighbour advertisement traffic towards the router.
+                // This flow is for the global unicast address
                 selector = buildNdpSelector(
+                        ip.ipAddress().toIpPrefix(),
+                        null,
+                        NEIGHBOR_ADVERTISEMENT,
+                        null
+                );
+                fwdToSend.add(buildForwardingObjective(selector, treatment, cpNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                // Neighbour advertisement traffic towards the router.
+                // This flow is for the link local address
+                selector = buildNdpSelector(
+                        intf.connectPoint().port(),
+                        intf.vlan(),
+                        Ip6Address.valueOf(getLinkLocalAddress(intf.mac().toBytes())).toIpPrefix(),
                 fwdToSend.add(buildForwardingObjective(selector, treatment, cpNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
                 // Neighbour advertisement traffic from the router.
+                // This flow is for the global unicast address
                 selector = buildNdpSelector(
+                        null,
                 fwdToSend.add(buildForwardingObjective(selector, treatment, intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                // Neighbour advertisement traffic from the router.
+                // This flow is for the link local address
+                selector = buildNdpSelector(
+                        controlPlanePort,
+                        intf.vlan(),
+                        null,
+                        Ip6Address.valueOf(getLinkLocalAddress(intf.mac().toBytes())).toIpPrefix(),
+                        NEIGHBOR_ADVERTISEMENT,
+                        intf.mac()
+                );
+                fwdToSend.add(buildForwardingObjective(selector, treatment, intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
             // Finally we push the fwd objectives through the flow objective service.
@@ -454,7 +535,6 @@
         return add ? fobBuilder.add() : fobBuilder.remove();
     static TrafficSelector.Builder buildBaseSelectorBuilder(PortNumber inPort,
                                                             MacAddress srcMac,
                                                             MacAddress dstMac,
@@ -525,6 +605,7 @@
     static TrafficSelector buildNdpSelector(PortNumber inPort,
                                             VlanId vlanId,
                                             IpPrefix srcIp,
+                                            IpPrefix dstIp,
                                             byte subProto,
                                             MacAddress srcMac) {
         TrafficSelector.Builder selector = buildBaseSelectorBuilder(inPort, null, null, vlanId);
@@ -534,6 +615,9 @@
         if (srcIp != null) {
+        if (dstIp != null) {
+            selector.matchIPv6Dst(srcIp);
+        }
         if (srcMac != null) {
diff --git a/apps/routing/cpr/src/test/java/org/onosproject/routing/cpr/ b/apps/routing/cpr/src/test/java/org/onosproject/routing/cpr/
index 1291f8f..212cc42 100644
--- a/apps/routing/cpr/src/test/java/org/onosproject/routing/cpr/
+++ b/apps/routing/cpr/src/test/java/org/onosproject/routing/cpr/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 import org.junit.Ignore;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.onlab.packet.EthType;
+import org.onlab.packet.Ip6Address;
 import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
 import org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix;
 import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
@@ -80,6 +81,8 @@
 import static org.easymock.EasyMock.verify;
 import static org.onlab.packet.ICMP6.NEIGHBOR_ADVERTISEMENT;
 import static org.onlab.packet.ICMP6.NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION;
+import static org.onlab.packet.IPv6.getLinkLocalAddress;
+import static org.onlab.packet.IPv6.getSolicitNodeAddress;
 import static org.onosproject.routing.cpr.ControlPlaneRedirectManager.ACL_PRIORITY;
 import static org.onosproject.routing.cpr.ControlPlaneRedirectManager.buildArpSelector;
 import static org.onosproject.routing.cpr.ControlPlaneRedirectManager.buildIPDstSelector;
@@ -268,97 +271,135 @@
     private void setUpInterfaceConfiguration(Interface intf, boolean install) {
         DeviceId deviceId = controlPlaneConnectPoint.deviceId();
         PortNumber controlPlanePort = controlPlaneConnectPoint.port();
         for (InterfaceIpAddress ip : intf.ipAddresses()) {
             int cpNextId, intfNextId;
             cpNextId = modifyNextObjective(deviceId, controlPlanePort,
                     VlanId.vlanId(ControlPlaneRedirectManager.ASSIGNED_VLAN), true, install);
             intfNextId = modifyNextObjective(deviceId, intf.connectPoint().port(),
                     VlanId.vlanId(ControlPlaneRedirectManager.ASSIGNED_VLAN), true, install);
             // IP to router
-            TrafficSelector toSelector = buildIPDstSelector(
-                    ip.ipAddress().toIpPrefix(),
-                    intf.connectPoint().port(),
-                    null,
-                    intf.mac(),
-                    intf.vlan());
+            TrafficSelector toSelector = buildIPDstSelector(ip.ipAddress().toIpPrefix(),
+                                                            intf.connectPoint().port(),
+                                                            null,
+                                                            intf.mac(),
+                                                            intf.vlan());
             flowObjectiveService.forward(deviceId, buildForwardingObjective(toSelector, null,
                                                                             cpNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY));
             // IP from router
-            TrafficSelector fromSelector = buildIPSrcSelector(
-                    ip.ipAddress().toIpPrefix(),
-                    controlPlanePort,
-                    intf.mac(),
-                    null,
-                    intf.vlan()
-            );
+            TrafficSelector fromSelector = buildIPSrcSelector(ip.ipAddress().toIpPrefix(),
+                                                              controlPlanePort,
+                                                              intf.mac(),
+                                                              null,
+                                                              intf.vlan());
             flowObjectiveService.forward(deviceId, buildForwardingObjective(fromSelector, null,
                                                                             intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY));
             TrafficTreatment puntTreatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder().punt().build();
             if (ip.ipAddress().isIp4()) {
                 // ARP to router
-                toSelector = buildArpSelector(
-                        intf.connectPoint().port(),
-                        intf.vlan(),
-                        null,
-                        null
-                );
+                toSelector = buildArpSelector(intf.connectPoint().port(),
+                                              intf.vlan(),
+                                              null,
+                                              null);
                 flowObjectiveService.forward(deviceId, buildForwardingObjective(toSelector, puntTreatment,
                                                                                 cpNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
                 // ARP from router
-                fromSelector = buildArpSelector(
-                        controlPlanePort,
-                        intf.vlan(),
-                        ip.ipAddress().getIp4Address(),
-                        intf.mac()
-                );
+                fromSelector = buildArpSelector(controlPlanePort,
+                                                intf.vlan(),
+                                                ip.ipAddress().getIp4Address(),
+                                                intf.mac());
                                              buildForwardingObjective(fromSelector, puntTreatment,
                                                                       intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
             } else {
                 // NDP solicitation to router
-                toSelector = buildNdpSelector(
-                        intf.connectPoint().port(),
-                        intf.vlan(),
-                        null,
-                        NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION,
-                        null
-                );
+                // Global unicast address
+                toSelector = buildNdpSelector(intf.connectPoint().port(),
+                                              intf.vlan(),
+                                              ip.ipAddress().toIpPrefix(),
+                                              null,
+                                              NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION,
+                                              null);
                 flowObjectiveService.forward(deviceId, buildForwardingObjective(toSelector, puntTreatment,
                                                                                 cpNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                // NDP solicitation to router
+                // Link local address
+                toSelector = buildNdpSelector(intf.connectPoint().port(),
+                                              intf.vlan(),
+                                              Ip6Address.valueOf(
+                                                      getLinkLocalAddress(intf.mac().toBytes())
+                                              ).toIpPrefix(),
+                                              null,
+                                              NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION,
+                                              null);
+                flowObjectiveService.forward(deviceId,
+                                             buildForwardingObjective(toSelector, puntTreatment,
+                                                                      intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                expectLastCall().once();
+                // NDP solicitation to router
+                // solicitated global unicast address
+                toSelector = buildNdpSelector(intf.connectPoint().port(),
+                                              intf.vlan(),
+                                              Ip6Address.valueOf(
+                                                      getSolicitNodeAddress(ip.ipAddress().toOctets())
+                                              ).toIpPrefix(),
+                                              null,
+                                              NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION,
+                                              null);
+                flowObjectiveService.forward(deviceId,
+                                             buildForwardingObjective(toSelector, puntTreatment,
+                                                                      intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                // NDP solicitation to router
+                // solicitated link local address
+                toSelector = buildNdpSelector(intf.connectPoint().port(),
+                                              intf.vlan(),
+                                              Ip6Address.valueOf(
+                                                      getSolicitNodeAddress(getLinkLocalAddress(intf.mac().toBytes()))
+                                              ).toIpPrefix(),
+                                              null,
+                                              NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION,
+                                              null);
+                flowObjectiveService.forward(deviceId,
+                                             buildForwardingObjective(toSelector, puntTreatment,
+                                                                      intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                expectLastCall().once();
                 // NDP solicitation from router
-                fromSelector = buildNdpSelector(
-                        controlPlanePort,
-                        intf.vlan(),
-                        ip.ipAddress().toIpPrefix(),
-                        NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION,
-                        intf.mac()
-                );
+                // Global unicast address
+                fromSelector = buildNdpSelector(controlPlanePort,
+                                                intf.vlan(),
+                                                null,
+                                                ip.ipAddress().toIpPrefix(),
+                                                NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION,
+                                                intf.mac());
                                              buildForwardingObjective(fromSelector, puntTreatment,
                                                                       intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                expectLastCall().once();
+                // NDP solicitation from router
+                // Link local address
+                fromSelector = buildNdpSelector(controlPlanePort,
+                                                intf.vlan(),
+                                                null,
+                                                Ip6Address.valueOf(
+                                                        getLinkLocalAddress(intf.mac().toBytes())
+                                                ).toIpPrefix(),
+                                                NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION,
+                                                intf.mac());
+                flowObjectiveService.forward(deviceId,
+                                             buildForwardingObjective(fromSelector, puntTreatment,
+                                                                      intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                expectLastCall().once();
                 // NDP advertisement to router
+                // Global unicast address
                 toSelector = buildNdpSelector(
+                        ip.ipAddress().toIpPrefix(),
@@ -367,26 +408,52 @@
                 flowObjectiveService.forward(deviceId, buildForwardingObjective(toSelector, puntTreatment,
                                                                                 cpNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
                 // NDP advertisement from router
+                // Link local address
                 fromSelector = buildNdpSelector(
-                        controlPlanePort,
+                        intf.connectPoint().port(),
-                        ip.ipAddress().toIpPrefix(),
+                        Ip6Address.valueOf(getLinkLocalAddress(intf.mac().toBytes())).toIpPrefix(),
+                        null,
-                        intf.mac()
+                        null
                                              buildForwardingObjective(fromSelector, puntTreatment,
                                                                       intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                expectLastCall().once();
+                // NDP advertisement to router
+                // Global unicast address
+                toSelector = buildNdpSelector(controlPlanePort,
+                                              intf.vlan(),
+                                              null,
+                                              ip.ipAddress().toIpPrefix(),
+                                              NEIGHBOR_ADVERTISEMENT,
+                                              intf.mac());
+                flowObjectiveService.forward(deviceId,
+                                             buildForwardingObjective(toSelector, puntTreatment,
+                                                                      intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                expectLastCall().once();
+                // NDP advertisement to router
+                // Link local address
+                fromSelector = buildNdpSelector(controlPlanePort,
+                                                intf.vlan(),
+                                                null,
+                                                Ip6Address.valueOf(
+                                                        getLinkLocalAddress(intf.mac().toBytes())
+                                                ).toIpPrefix(),
+                                                NEIGHBOR_ADVERTISEMENT,
+                                                intf.mac());
+                flowObjectiveService.forward(deviceId,
+                                             buildForwardingObjective(fromSelector, puntTreatment,
+                                                                      intfNextId, install, ACL_PRIORITY + 1));
+                expectLastCall().once();
         // setting expectations for ospf forwarding.
         TrafficSelector toSelector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder().matchInPort(intf.connectPoint().port())
                 .matchIPProtocol((byte) OSPF_IP_PROTO).build();
         modifyNextObjective(deviceId, controlPlanePort, VlanId.vlanId((short) 4094), true, install);
                 buildForwardingObjective(toSelector, null, 1, install, 40001));