blob: 21c05a6646fd95afddb0da2517e19d807e6bbe39 [file] [log] [blame]
module msea-soam-pm {
namespace "";
prefix "msea-soam-pm"; //MicroSemi EdgeAssure (msea)
import ietf-yang-types {
prefix yang;
revision-date 2013-07-15;
import msea-cfm {
prefix msea-cfm;
import msea-types {
prefix msea;
"Microsemi Inc., FTD Division";
"Web URL:
Postal: Microsemi Corporation Corporate Headquarters
One Enterprise Aliso Viejo,
CA 92656
Phone: +1 949 380 6100
Fax: +1 949 215-4996";
"This YANG module is a fork of the original mef-soam-pm YANG Module defined in MEF 39
for the management of Ethernet Services Operations, Administration and
Maintenance for Performance Monitoring and extends the Connectivity Fault
Management (CFM) YANG modules.
This fork is done specifically to suit the EdgeAssure which has some extra
constraints that are not handled by the original YANG.
Copyright 2016 Microsemi Inc.
All rights reserved.";
revision "2016-02-29" {
"Initial EdgeAssure version forked from mef-soam-pm@2012-04-16 - Sean Condon, Microsemi";
"Service OAM Fault Management YANG Modules (MEF 39), April 2012";
// Type definitions related to MEF SOAM PM
typedef suspect-status-type {
type boolean;
"This boolean data type indicates whether the measurement interval
has been marked as suspect.
The object is set to false at the start of a measurement
interval. It is set to true when there is a discontinuity in the
performance measurements during the measurement interval.
Conditions for a discontinuity include, but are not limited to
the following:
1 - The local time-of-day clock is adjusted by at least 10
2 - The conducting of a performance measurement is halted before
the current measurement interval is completed
3 - A local test, failure, or reconfiguration that disrupts
"[MEF SOAM PM IA] R39, R40, 41 and R42";
typedef performance-monitoring-interval-type {
type uint32 {
range "3..3600000";
units ms;
"This integer data type indicates the transmission time between the
SOAM PM frames for session, in ms.";
typedef session-status-type {
type enumeration {
enum active {
"Indicates the measurement instance is active.";
enum not-active {
"Indicates the measurement instance is not active.";
"This enumeration data type defines the status of PM session of a MEP.";
typedef measurement-bin-type {
type enumeration {
enum two-way-frame-delay {
"Indicates a measurement bin for two-way Frame Delay.";
enum two-way-inter-frame-delay-variation {
"Indicates a measurement bin for two-way Inter-frame Delay
"This enumeration data type indicates whether the bin number is for Frame
Delay and Inter-Frame Delay Variation.";
// Groupings related to MEF SOAM PM
grouping remote-mep-group {
"This grouping includes objects which identify a remote MEP.";
choice remote-mep {
mandatory true;
"The remote MEP can be identified by either a MAC address or a MEP ID";
case mac-address {
leaf mac-address {
type yang:mac-address;
// msea:not-changeable;
"The Target MAC Address Field to be transmitted: A unicast
destination MAC address.
This object is only valid for the entity transmitting the
SOAM Loss and Delay Measurement frames and is ignored by
the entity receiving SOAM Loss and Delay Measurement
case mep-id {
leaf mep-id {
type leafref {
path "/msea-cfm:mef-cfm/msea-cfm:maintenance-domain/msea-cfm:maintenance-association/msea-cfm:remote-meps";
// msea:not-changeable;
"The Maintenance Association End Point Identifier of another MEP in
the same Maintenance Association to which the SOAM Loss or Delay
Measurement frame is to be sent.
This object is only valid for the entity transmitting the
SOAM Loss Measurement or Delay Measurement frames and is
ignored by the entity receiving SOAM Loss Measurement or
Delay Measurement frames.";
grouping measurement-timing-group {
"This grouping includes objects used for proactive and on-demand
scheduling of PM measurement sessions.";
container start-time {
"This container defines the session start time";
choice start-time {
default immediate;
"Measurement session start time can be immediate, relative or
container immediate {
presence "Start the measurement session immediately.";
"This object specifies the start time to be immediately at the time
of session creation.";
container stop-time {
"This container defines the session stop time";
choice stop-time {
default none;
"Measurement session stop time can be none, relative or
container none {
presence "Never end the measurement session.";
"This object specifies the measurement session to never end.";
grouping loss-measurement-stats-group {
"This grouping includes statistics objects for a SOAM Loss Measurement
leaf suspect-status {
type suspect-status-type;
"Whether the Measurement Interval has been marked as suspect.
The object is set to false at the start of a measurement
interval. It is set to true when there is a discontinuity in
the performance measurements during the Measurement Interval.
Conditions for a discontinuity include, but are not limited to
the following:
1 - The local time-of-day clock is adjusted by at least 10 seconds
2 - The conducting of a performance measurement is halted before the
current Measurement Interval is completed
3 - A local test, failure, or reconfiguration that disrupts service";
leaf forward-transmitted-frames {
type yang:gauge32;
mandatory true;
"This object contains the number of frames transmitted in the forward
direction by this MEP.
For a PM Session of types lmm or ccm this includes Ethernet
Service Frames and SOAM PDUs that are in a higher MEG level
For a PM Session of type slm this includes the count of SOAM
ETH-SLM frames only.";
leaf forward-received-frames {
type yang:gauge32;
mandatory true;
"This object contains the number of frames received in the forward
direction by this MEP.
For a PM Session of types lmm or ccm this includes Ethernet
Service Frames and SOAM PDUs that are in a higher MEG level only.
For a PM Session of type slm this includes the count of SOAM
ETH-SLM frames only.";
leaf forward-average-frame-loss-ratio {
type uint32 {
range "0..100000";
units milli-percent;
"This object contains the average one-way frame loss ratio in the
forward direction calculated by this MEP for this Measurement
Interval. The FLR value is a ratio that is expressed as a
percent with a value of 0 (ratio 0.00) through 100000 (ratio
Units are in milli-percent, where 1 indicates 0.001 percent.";
leaf backward-transmitted-frames {
type yang:gauge32;
mandatory true;
"This object contains the number of frames transmitted in the backward
direction by this MEP.
For a PM Session of type lmm or ccm this includes Ethernet
Service Frames and SOAM PDUs that are in a higher MEG level
For a PM Session of type slm this includes the count of SOAM
ETH-SLM frames only.";
leaf backward-received-frames {
type yang:gauge32;
mandatory true;
"This object contains the number of frames received in the backward
direction by this MEP.
For a PM Session of type lmm this includes Ethernet Service
Frames and SOAM PDUs that are in a higher MEG level only.
For a PM Session of type slm this includes the count of SOAM
ETH-SLM frames only.";
leaf backward-average-frame-loss-ratio {
type uint32 {
range "0..100000";
units milli-percent;
"This object contains the average one-way frame loss ratio in the
backward direction calculated by this MEP for this Measurement
Interval. The FLR value is a ratio that is expressed as a
percent with a value of 0 (ratio 0.00) through 100000 (ratio
Units are in milli-percent, where 1 indicates 0.001 percent.";
leaf soam-pdus-sent {
type yang:gauge32;
"This object contains the count of the number of SOAM PDUs sent during
this Measurement Interval.
This object applies when type is lmm, slm or ccm. It indicates
the number of LMM, CCM, or SLM SOAM frames transmitted.";
leaf soam-pdus-received {
type yang:gauge32;
"This object contains the count of the number of SOAM PDUs PDUs received
in this Measurement Interval.
This object applies when type is lmm, slm, or ccm. This object
indicates the number of LMR, CCM, or SLR SOAM frames received.";
grouping delay-measurement-stats-group {
"This grouping includes statistics objects for a SOAM Delay Measurement
leaf suspect-status {
type suspect-status-type;
"Whether the Measurement Interval has been marked as suspect.
The object is to be set to false at the start of a measurement
interval. It is set to true when there is a discontinuity in
the performance measurements during the Measurement Interval.
Conditions for a discontinuity include, but are not limited to
the following:
1 - The local time-of-day clock is adjusted by at least 10 seconds
2 - The conducting of a performance measurement is halted before the
current Measurement Interval is completed
3 - A local test, failure, or reconfiguration that disrupts service";
leaf frame-delay-two-way-min {
type yang:gauge32;
units "μs";
"This object contains the minimum two-way frame delay calculated by this
MEP for this Measurement Interval.
This object is undefined if measurement-type is dm1-transmitted
or dm1-received.";
leaf frame-delay-two-way-max {
type yang:gauge32;
units "μs";
"This object contains the maximum two-way frame delay calculated by this
MEP for this Measurement Interval.
This object is undefined if measurement-type is dm1DmTx or
leaf frame-delay-two-way-average {
type yang:gauge32;
units "μs";
"This object contains the average two-way frame delay calculated by this
MEP for this Measurement Interval.
This object is undefined if measurement-type is dm1-transmitted or
leaf inter-frame-delay-variation-two-way-min {
type yang:gauge32;
units "μs";
"This object contains the minimum two-way inter-frame delay interval
calculated by this MEP for this Measurement Interval.
The value of this object is undefined when measurement-type is
dm1-transmitted or dm1-received.";
leaf inter-frame-delay-variation-two-way-max {
type yang:gauge32;
units "μs";
"This object contains the maximum two-way inter-frame delay interval
calculated by this MEP for this Measurement Interval.
The value of this object is undefined when measurement-type is
dm1-transmitted or dm1-received.";
leaf inter-frame-delay-variation-two-way-average {
type yang:gauge32;
units "μs";
"This object contains the average two-way inter-frame delay interval
calculated by this MEP for this Measurement Interval.
The value of this object is undefined when measurement-type is
dm1-transmitted or dm1-received.";
leaf soam-pdus-received {
type yang:gauge32;
"This object contains the count of the number of SOAM PDUs received in
this Measurement Interval.
This object indicates the number of DMR and 1DM SOAM frames
received. This object applies when measurement-type is dmm or
dm1-received and is undefined if measurement-type is
grouping delay-measurement-bins-content-group {
"This grouping contains result measurement bin objects for a SOAM Delay
Measurement session.";
leaf type {
type measurement-bin-type;
"This object specifies whether the bin number is for Frame Delay and
Inter-Frame Delay Variation.";
leaf number {
type uint8 {
range "1..4";
"This object specifies the bin number for the configured boundary. The
first bin has bin number 1.";
leaf lower-bound {
type yang:gauge32;
units "μs";
"This object specifies the lower boundary for a measurement bin. The
upper boundary is defined by the next bin value or infinite for
the last bin defined. The measurement boundary for each
measurement bin is to be larger than the measurement boundary
of the preceding measurement bin. By default, the next bin is
set to 5000us larger than the lower bin boundary.
The values in a bin boundary object represents the time range
used to segregate delay data into the appropriate statistical
data bin. For five bins with default values, each bin has the
following time range:
bin 1 = 0, range is 0us
bin 2 = 5000, range is 5,000us
bin 3 = 10000, range is 10,000us
bin 4 = 15000, range is 15,000us
bin 5 = 20000, range is 20,000us
The first bin boundary (number set to 1) always contains the
value of 0. Attempting to write a non-zero value to this bin
will result in an error.";
leaf counter {
type yang:gauge32;
config false;
"This object contains the count of the number of completed measurements
initiated in this Measurement Interval whose value falls within
the range specified for this bin (that is, greater than or
equal to the measurement boundary for the bin, and (unless the
bin is the last bin) less than the measurement boundary for the
following bin.";
grouping delay-measurement-bins-group {
"This grouping contains the top-level structure for the three types of
measurements (frame delay and inter frame delay variation)";
container bins {
"This container defines the bins content for FD, IFDR, and FDR
list frame-delay {
key "type number";
uses delay-measurement-bins-content-group;
"Data definitions related to frame delay bins content.";
list inter-frame-delay-variation {
key "type number";
uses delay-measurement-bins-content-group;
"Data definitions related to inter frame delay bins content.";
grouping bin-lower-limit-override-attribs {
"Bin 1 of each type will always be 0.
The upper limit of each bin will be defined by the lower
limit of the next bin. The upper limit of the last bin
is unbounded.";
leaf bin2-lower-limit {
type uint32 {
range "10..max";
units "μs";
must "current() < ../bin3-lower-limit" {
error-message "Bin 2 must be between 0 and bin 3 lower limit";
error-app-tag "msea-soampm-must-01";
description "The lower limit of the bin 2 in microseconds";
leaf bin3-lower-limit {
type uint32 {
range "10..max";
units "μs";
must "current() > ../bin2-lower-limit and current() < ../bin4-lower-limit" {
error-message "Bin 3 must be between bin 2 and bin 4 lower limits";
error-app-tag "msea-soampm-must-02";
description "The lower limit of the bin 3 in microseconds";
leaf bin4-lower-limit {
type uint32 {
range "10..max";
units "μs";
must "current() > ../bin3-lower-limit" {
error-message "Bin 4 must be greater than 3 lower limit";
error-app-tag "msea-soampm-must-03";
description "The lower limit of the bin 4 in microseconds";
// Augments into CFM related to MEF SOAM PM
augment "/msea-cfm:mef-cfm/msea-cfm:pm-global" {
description "High level attributes that apply to the whole device generally
or that apply equally across all instances of a child entity.
Delay measurement services should be stopped before changing
these values, including the limit overrides";
leaf dm-bins-per-fd-interval {
type uint16 {
range "4";
default 4;
"This object specifies the number of measurement bins per Measurement
Interval for Frame Delay measurements.
Fixed at 4.";
leaf dm-bins-per-ifdv-interval {
type uint16 {
range "4";
default 4;
"This object specifies the number of measurement bins per Measurement
Interval for Inter-Frame Delay Variation measurements.
Fixed at 4.";
container bin-lower-limit-override-two-way-frame-delay {
uses bin-lower-limit-override-attribs {
refine bin2-lower-limit {
default 10000;
refine bin3-lower-limit {
default 20000;
refine bin4-lower-limit {
default 37000;
description "Override of the default Measurement Bin default
lower limits for Two Way Frame Delay.";
container bin-lower-limit-override-two-way-ifdv {
uses bin-lower-limit-override-attribs {
refine bin2-lower-limit {
default 3000;
refine bin3-lower-limit {
default 8000;
refine bin4-lower-limit {
default 100000;
description "Override of the default Measurement Bin default
lower limits for Two Way Interframe Delay Variation.";
augment "/msea-cfm:mef-cfm/msea-cfm:maintenance-domain/msea-cfm:maintenance-association" +
"/msea-cfm:maintenance-association-end-point" {
"This set of data definitions extends the MEG End Point (as described
Y.1731) or Maintenance End Point (as described in 802.1q) defined
in the MEF CFM module (MEF-CFM), specifically with regards to
Loss Measurement and Delay Measurement.";
container loss-measurements {
"This container contains a collection of data definitions related to
Loss Measurements.";
list loss-measurement {
key lm-id;
max-elements 16;
"A list of Loss Measurement PM Sessions where each instance is uniquely
identified by an id attribute.
This grouping includes configuration objects for the Frame Loss
Measurement function defined in [Y.1731] and [MEF SOAM PM IA].";
"MEF-SOAM-PM-MIB.mefSoamLmCfgTable, [Y.1731] and [MEF SOAM PM IA]";
leaf lm-id {
type uint8 {
range 1..16;
"This object uniquely identifies a scheduled loss measurement.";
must "count(/msea-cfm:mef-cfm/msea-cfm:maintenance-domain/msea-cfm:maintenance-association/msea-cfm:maintenance-association-end-point/msea-soam-pm:loss-measurement) <= 128" {
error-message "The maximum number of LMs on the whole device must not exceed 128";
error-app-tag "msea-soampm-must-04";
uses remote-mep-group;
uses measurement-timing-group;
leaf administrative-state {
type boolean;
default false;
"The administrative state of the MEP. Setting to true starts this Loss Measurement";
leaf measurement-type {
type enumeration {
enum slm {
"SLM SOAM PDU generated and received SLR responses tracked.";
default slm;
"This object specifies what type of Loss Measurement will be
leaf version {
type enumeration {
enum Y.1731-2008 {
"Indicates the PDU formats defined in Y.1731-2008";
default Y.1731-2008;
"This object indicates the version of the PDUs used to perform Loss
The exact PDUs to use are specified by this object in
combination with measurement-type.";
leaf enabled-counters {
type bits {
bit forward-transmitted-frames {description "Count the number of frames transmitted in the forward direction by this MEP";}
bit forward-received-frames {description "Count the number of frames received in the forward direction by this MEP";}
bit forward-average-flr {description "Calculate the average one-way frame loss ratio in the forward direction calculated by this MEP";}
bit backward-transmitted-frames {description "Count the number of frames transmitted in the backward direction by this MEP";}
bit backward-received-frames {description "Count the number of frames received in the backward direction by this MEP";}
bit backward-average-flr {description "Calculate the average one-way frame loss ratio in the backward direction calculated by this MEP";}
bit soam-pdus-sent {description "Count of the number of SOAM PDUs sent during this Measurement Interval";}
bit soam-pdus-received {description "Count of the number of SOAM PDUs received during this Measurement Interval";}
bit measured-stats-forward-measured-flr {description "Measure the Frame Loss Ratio in the forward direction calculated by this MEP from the last received SOAM PDU";}
bit measured-stats-backward-measured-flr {description "Measure the Frame Loss Ratio in the backward direction calculated by this MEP from the last received SOAM PDU";}
default "";
// msea:not-changeable;
"A vector of bits that indicates the type of SOAM LM counters found in
the current-stats and history-stats that are enabled.
A present bit enables the specific SOAM LM counter. A not present
bit disables the SOAM LM counter.
If a particular SOAM LM counter is not supported the BIT value
is not present.
Not all SOAM LM counters are supported for all SOAM LM types. ";
leaf message-period {
type enumeration {
enum 1000ms {
description "The default 1000ms message period for LM";
enum 100ms {
description "100ms message period for LM";
enum 10ms {
description "10ms message period for LM";
enum 3ms {
description "3ms message period for LM";
default 1000ms;
// msea:not-changeable;
"This object specifies the interval between Loss Measurement OAM message
transmission. For Loss Measurement monitoring applications the
default value is 1 sec.
This object is not applicable if measurement-type is set to
'ccm' and is ignored for that Loss Measurement Type.";
leaf priority {
type msea:priority-type;
mandatory true;
// msea:not-changeable;
must "count(/msea-cfm:mef-cfm/msea-cfm:maintenance-domain[msea-cfm:id = current()/../../../../../msea-cfm:id]/msea-cfm:maintenance-association[msea-cfm:id = current()/../../../../msea-cfm:id]/msea-cfm:maintenance-association-end-point[msea-cfm:mep-identifier=current()/../../../msea-cfm:mep-identifier]/msea-soam-pm:loss-measurements/msea-soam-pm:loss-measurement[msea-soam-pm:priority=current()]) <= 1" {
error-message "The priority of a Loss Measurement must be unique within its MEP";
error-app-tag "msea-soampm-must-05";
"This object specifies the priority of frames with Performance
Monitoring OAM message information.";
leaf frame-size {
type uint32 {
range "64 .. 9600";
units bytes;
default 64;
// msea:not-changeable;
"This object specifies the Loss Measurement frame size between 64 bytes
and the maximum transmission unit of the EVC.
The range of frame sizes from 64 through 2000 octets need to be
supported, and the range of frame sizes from 2001 through 9600
octets is suggested be supported.
The adjustment to the frame size of the standard frame size is
accomplished by the addition of a Data or Test TLV. A Data or
Test TLV is only added to the frame if the frame size is greater
than 64 bytes.";
leaf measurement-interval {
type uint32 {
range "1..525600";
units minutes;
default 15;
// msea:not-changeable;
"This object specifies the Measurement Interval for FLR statistics, in
A Measurement Interval of 15 minutes needs to be supported,
other intervals may be supported.";
leaf number-intervals-stored {
type uint32 {
range "32";
default 32;
"This object specifies the number of completed measurement intervals to
store in the history statistic table.
At least 32 completed measurement intervals are to be
leaf number-intervals-returned {
type uint32 {
range "2..32";
default 32;
"This object specifies the number of completed measurement intervals to
return from the history statistic table.
The number stored on the device is fixed at 32";
leaf session-status {
type session-status-type;
config false;
"This object indicates the current status of the LM session. A value
of 'active' indicates the current LM session is active,
i.e. the current time lies between the start time and the
stop time, and enabled is true. A value of 'not-active'
indicates the current LM session is not active, i.e. it has
not started yet, has stopped upon reaching the stop time,
or is disabled.";
leaf measured-forward-flr {
type yang:gauge32 {
range "0..100000";
units milli-percent;
config false;
"This object contains the Frame Loss Ratio in the forward direction
calculated by this MEP from the last received SOAM PDU. The
FLR value is a ratio that is expressed as a percent with a
value of 0 (ratio 0.00) through 100000 (ratio 1.00).
Units are in milli-percent, where 1 indicates 0.001
leaf measured-backward-flr {
type yang:gauge32 {
range "0..100000";
units milli-percent;
config false;
"This object contains the Frame Loss Ratio in the backward direction
calculated by this MEP from the last received SOAM PDU. The
FLR value is a ratio that is expressed as a percent with a
value of 0 (ratio 0.00) through 100000 (ratio 1.00).
Units are in milli-percent, where 1 indicates 0.001
container current-measurement-stats {
config false;
"This container contains the results for the current Measurement
Interval in a SOAM Loss Measurement session gathered during
the interval indicated by measurement-interval.";
leaf id {
type uint32;
"The index for the current Measurement Interval for this PM
session. This value will become the value for id of the
history-measurement-stats list once the Measurement
Interval is completed.";
leaf start-time {
type yang:date-and-time;
mandatory true;
"The time that the current Measurement Interval started.";
leaf elapsed-time {
type uint32 {
range "0..2147483647";
units "0.01s";
mandatory true;
"The time that the current Measurement Interval has been running,
in 0.01 seconds.";
uses loss-measurement-stats-group;
list history-measurement-stats {
key id;
config false;
"This list contains the results for history Measurement
Intervals in a SOAM Loss Measurement session.";
leaf id {
type uint32;
"The index for the Measurement Interval within this
PM session.";
leaf end-time {
type yang:date-and-time;
mandatory true;
"The time that the Measurement Interval ended.";
leaf elapsed-time {
type uint32 {
range "0..2147483647";
mandatory true;
"The length of time that the Measurement Interval ran for,
in 0.01 seconds.";
uses loss-measurement-stats-group;
container delay-measurements {
"This container contains a collection of data definitions related to
Delay Measurements. The measurements are persisted as config data
with results being retrieved from the device as needed";
list delay-measurement {
key dm-id;
max-elements 16;
"A list of Delay Measurements where each instance is
uniquely identified by an id attribute.
This includes configuration objects for the Delay Measurement
function defined in [Y.1731] and [MEF SOAM PM IA].";
"MEF-SOAM-PM-MIB.mefSoamDmCfgTable, [Y.1731], and [MEF SOAM PM IA].";
leaf dm-id {
type uint8 {
range 1..16;
"This object uniquely identifies a scheduled delay measurement.";
must "count(/msea-cfm:mef-cfm/msea-cfm:maintenance-domain/msea-cfm:maintenance-association/msea-cfm:maintenance-association-end-point/msea-soam-pm:delay-measurement) <= 128" {
error-message "The maximum number of DMs on the whole device must not exceed 128";
error-app-tag "msea-soampm-must-06";
uses remote-mep-group;
uses measurement-timing-group;
leaf administrative-state {
type boolean;
default false;
"The administrative state of the MEP. Setting to true starts this Delay Measurement";
leaf measurement-type {
type enumeration {
enum dmm {
"DMM SOAM PDU generated, DMR responses received (one-way or two-way
default dmm;
"This object indicates what type of Delay Measurement is to be
The exact PDUs to use are specified by this object in
combination with version.";
leaf version {
type enumeration {
enum Y.1731-2011 {
"Indicates the PDU formats defined in Y.1731-2011.";
default Y.1731-2011;
"This object indicates the version of the PDUs used to perform Delay
The exact PDUs to use are specified by this object in
combination with measurement-type.";
leaf measurement-enable {
type bits {
bit soam-pdus-received {description "Count of the number of SOAM PDUs received";}
bit frame-delay-two-way-bins {description "Capture the two-way frame delay in bins";}
bit frame-delay-two-way-min {description "Capture the minimum two-way frame delay";}
bit frame-delay-two-way-max {description "Capture the maximum two-way frame delay";}
bit frame-delay-two-way-average {description "Calculate the average two-way frame delay";}
bit inter-frame-delay-variation-two-way-bins {description "Capture the two-way inter-frame-delay-variation in bins";}
bit inter-frame-delay-variation-two-way-min {description "Capture the minimum inter-frame-delay-variation frame delay";}
bit inter-frame-delay-variation-two-way-max {description "Capture the maximum inter-frame-delay-variation frame delay";}
bit inter-frame-delay-variation-two-way-average {description "Calculate the average inter-frame-delay-variation frame delay";}
default "";
// msea:not-changeable;
"A vector of bits that indicates the type of SOAM DM counters that
are enabled.
A present bit enables the specific SOAM DM counter.
A not present bit disables the SOAM DM counter.
If a particular SOAM DM counter is not supported the BIT value
is not present.
Not all SOAM DM counters are supported for all SOAM DM types.";
leaf message-period {
type enumeration {
enum 1000ms {
description "1000ms message period for DM";
enum 100ms {
description "100ms message period for DM";
enum 10ms {
description "10ms message period for DM";
enum 3ms {
description "3ms message period for DM";
default 100ms;
// msea:not-changeable;
"This object specifies the interval between Delay Measurement OAM
message transmission. For Delay Measurement monitoring applications,
the default value is 100ms.";
leaf priority {
type msea:priority-type;
mandatory true;
// msea:not-changeable;
"This object specifies the priority of frames with Performance
Monitoring OAM message information.";
leaf frame-size {
type uint32 {
range "64 .. 9600";
default 64;
// msea:not-changeable;
"This object specifies the Delay Measurement frame size between 64 bytes
and the maximum transmission unit of the EVC.
The range of frame sizes from 64 through 2000 octets need to be
supported, and the range of frame sizes from 2001 through 9600
octets is suggested to be supported.
The adjustment to the frame size of the standard frame size is
accomplished by the addition of a Data or Test TLV. A Data or
Test TLV is only added to the frame if the frame size is
greater than 64 bytes.";
leaf measurement-interval {
type uint32 {
range "1..1440";
units minutes;
default 15;
// msea:not-changeable;
"This object specifies a Measurement Interval in minutes.
A Measurement Interval 15 minutes needs to be supported, other
intervals may be supported.";
leaf number-intervals-stored {
type uint32 {
range "32";
default 32;
"This object specifies the number of completed measurement intervals to
store in the history statistic table.
At least 32 completed measurement intervals are to be
leaf number-intervals-returned {
type uint32 {
range "2..32";
default 32;
"This object specifies the number of completed measurement intervals to
return from the history statistic table.
The number of intervals stored is fixed at 32 on the device";
leaf session-status {
type session-status-type;
config false;
"This object indicates the current status of the DM session. A value
of 'active' indicates the current DM session is active,
i.e. the current time lies between the start time and the
stop time, and enabled is true. A value of 'not-active'
indicates the current DM session is not active, i.e. it has
not started yet, has stopped upon reaching the stop time,
or is disabled.";
leaf frame-delay-two-way {
type yang:gauge32;
units microseconds;
config false;
"This object contains the two-way frame delay calculated by this MEP
from the last received SOAM PDU.
This object is undefined is measurement-type is
dm1-transmitted or dm1-received.";
leaf inter-frame-delay-variation-two-way {
type yang:gauge32;
units microseconds;
config false;
"This object contains the last two-way inter-frame delay interval
calculated by this MEP.
The value of this object is undefined when measurement-type
is dm1-transmitted or dm1-received.";
container current-stats {
config false;
"This container contains the results for the current Measurement
Interval in a SOAM Delay Measurement session gathered
during the interval indicated by measurement-interval.";
leaf id {
type uint32;
"The index for the current Measurement Interval for this PM
session. This value will become the value for id of the
history-measurement-stats list once the Measurement
Interval is completed.";
leaf start-time {
type yang:date-and-time;
mandatory true;
"The time that the current Measurement Interval started.";
leaf elapsed-time {
type uint32 {
range "0..2147483647";
mandatory true;
"The time that the current Measurement Interval has been running,
in 0.01 seconds.";
uses delay-measurement-stats-group;
uses delay-measurement-bins-group;
list history-stats {
key id;
config false;
"This list contains the results for history Measurement Intervals in
a SOAM Delay Measurement session.";
leaf id {
type uint32;
"The identifier for the Measurement Interval within this
PM session.";
leaf end-time {
type yang:date-and-time;
mandatory true;
"The time that the Measurement Interval ended.";
leaf elapsed-time {
type uint32 {
range "0..2147483647";
mandatory true;
"The length of time that the Measurement Interval ran for, in 0.01
uses delay-measurement-stats-group;
uses delay-measurement-bins-group;
// RPCs related to MEF SOAM PM
rpc clear-loss-history-stats {
"Clear the Loss Measurement history list (history-availability-stats and
history-measurement-stats) for a specific session. All instance
data is deleted.";
input {
uses msea-cfm:maintenance-association-end-point-reference {
refine maintenance-domain {
mandatory true;
refine maintenance-association {
mandatory true;
refine maintenance-association-end-point {
mandatory true;
leaf lm-id {
type leafref {
path "/msea-cfm:mef-cfm/msea-cfm:maintenance-domain/msea-cfm:maintenance-association/msea-cfm:maintenance-association-end-point/msea-soam-pm:loss-measurements/msea-soam-pm:loss-measurement/msea-soam-pm:lm-id";
mandatory true;
"The LM ID of the loss measurement session of which the loss
measurement history should be cleared";
rpc clear-delay-history-stats {
"Clear the Delay Measurement history list (history-stats) for a specific
session. All instance data is deleted.";
input {
uses msea-cfm:maintenance-association-end-point-reference { //Added to specify the MEP SC 10-Dec-15
refine maintenance-domain {
mandatory true;
refine maintenance-association {
mandatory true;
refine maintenance-association-end-point {
mandatory true;
leaf dm-id {
type leafref {
path "/msea-cfm:mef-cfm/msea-cfm:maintenance-domain/msea-cfm:maintenance-association/msea-cfm:maintenance-association-end-point/msea-soam-pm:delay-measurements/msea-soam-pm:delay-measurement/msea-soam-pm:dm-id";
mandatory true;
"The DM ID of the loss measurement session of which the loss
measurement history should be cleared";
// Notifications related to MEF SOAM PM