blob: 97cdce6f1e1468f7ff6f20d204d9af88c170a056 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.provider.pcep.tunnel.impl;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Entity to provide tunnel DB and mapping for request/response between CORE to PCEP
* and PCEP to PCC.
public class PcepTunnelApiMapper {
protected static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PcepTunnelApiMapper.class);
static final String PROVIDER_ID = "org.onosproject.provider.tunnel.pcep";
// Map to store all the tunnel requests.
private Map<Integer, PcepTunnelData> tunnelRequestQueue;
//Map to store all core related tunnel requests.
private Map<TunnelId, PcepTunnelData> coreTunnelRequestQueue;
//Map to store all the created tunnels.
private Map<Integer, PcepTunnelData> tunnelDB;
// Map to store the tunnel ids, given by core and given by pcc.
private Map<TunnelId, Integer> tunnelIdMap;
TunnelProviderService tunnelApiMapperservice;
* Default constructor.
public PcepTunnelApiMapper() {
//TODO check if the map need to initialize
tunnelRequestQueue = new HashMap<Integer, PcepTunnelData>();
coreTunnelRequestQueue = new HashMap<TunnelId, PcepTunnelData>();
tunnelDB = new HashMap<Integer, PcepTunnelData>();
tunnelIdMap = new HashMap<TunnelId, Integer>();
* Add tunnels to tunnel Request queues.
* @param srpId srp id
* @param pcepTunnelData pcep tunnel data
public void addToTunnelRequestQueue(int srpId, PcepTunnelData pcepTunnelData) {
tunnelRequestQueue.put(new Integer(srpId), pcepTunnelData);
log.debug("Tunnel Added to TunnelRequestQueue");
* Map between Tunnel ID and pcc provided Tunnel ID.
* @param pcepTunnelData pcep tunnel data
public void addToTunnelIdMap(PcepTunnelData pcepTunnelData) {
int value = pcepTunnelData.statefulIpv4IndentifierTlv().getTunnelId() & 0xFFFF;
tunnelIdMap.put(pcepTunnelData.tunnel().tunnelId(), (new Integer(value)));
log.debug("Tunnel ID Added to tunnelIdMap");
* Add tunnels to core tunnel request queue.
* @param pcepTunnelData pcep tunnel data
public void addToCoreTunnelRequestQueue(PcepTunnelData pcepTunnelData) {
coreTunnelRequestQueue.put(pcepTunnelData.tunnel().tunnelId(), pcepTunnelData);
log.debug("Tunnel Added to CoreTunnelRequestQueue");
* Removes tunnels from the core tunnel request queue.
* @param tunnelId tunnel id
public void removeFromCoreTunnelRequestQueue(TunnelId tunnelId) {
log.debug("Tunnnel create response sent to core and removed from CoreTunnelRequestQueue");
* Handle the report which comes after initiate message.
* @param srpId srp id
* @param pcepTunnelData pcep tunnel data
public void handleCreateTunnelRequestQueue(int srpId, PcepTunnelData pcepTunnelData) {
int value = tunnelIdMap.get(pcepTunnelData.tunnel().tunnelId());
tunnelDB.put(new Integer(value), pcepTunnelData);
tunnelRequestQueue.remove(new Integer(srpId), pcepTunnelData);
log.debug("Tunnel Added to TunnelDBQueue and removed from TunnelRequestQueue. tunnel id {}"
+ (new Integer(value)).toString());
* Handle report which comes for update message.
* @param srpId srp id
* @param pcepTunnelData pcep tunnel data
public void handleUpdateTunnelRequestQueue(int srpId, PcepTunnelData pcepTunnelData) {
if (pcepTunnelData.rptFlag()) {
int value = tunnelIdMap.get(pcepTunnelData.tunnel().tunnelId());
tunnelDB.put(new Integer(value), pcepTunnelData);
tunnelRequestQueue.remove(new Integer(srpId), pcepTunnelData);
log.debug("Tunnel Added to TunnelDBQueue and removed from TunnelRequestQueue. tunnel id {}",
(new Integer(value)).toString());
} else {
tunnelRequestQueue.put(new Integer(srpId), pcepTunnelData);
log.debug("Tunnel updated in TunnelRequestQueue");
* Handle report for tunnel Release request.
* @param srpId srp id
* @param pcepTunnelData pcep tunnel data
public void handleRemoveFromTunnelRequestQueue(int srpId, PcepTunnelData pcepTunnelData) {
int value = tunnelIdMap.get(pcepTunnelData.tunnel().tunnelId());
tunnelDB.remove(new Integer(value));
log.debug("Tunnel removed from TunnelDBQueue and TunnelRequestQueue");
* Returns PcepTunnelData from the tunnel request queue.
* @param srpId srp id
* @return PcepTunnelData pcep tunnel data
public PcepTunnelData getDataFromTunnelRequestQueue(int srpId) {
return tunnelRequestQueue.get(new Integer(srpId));
* Returns PcepTunnelData from the tunnel DB.
* @param tunnelId tunnel id
* @return PcepTunnelData pcep tunnel data
public PcepTunnelData getDataFromTunnelDBQueue(TunnelId tunnelId) {
int value = tunnelIdMap.get(tunnelId);
return tunnelDB.get((new Integer(value)));
* Checks whether the tunnel exist in tunnel request queue.
* @param srpId srp id
* @return true if tunnel exist in reuest queue, false otherwise
public boolean checkFromTunnelRequestQueue(int srpId) {
boolean retValue = tunnelRequestQueue.containsKey(srpId);
return retValue;
* Returns whether tunnel exist in tunnel db.
* @param tunnelId tunnel id
* @return true/false if the tunnel exists in the tunnel db
public boolean checkFromTunnelDBQueue(TunnelId tunnelId) {
int value = tunnelIdMap.get(tunnelId);
boolean retValue = tunnelDB.containsKey((new Integer(value)));
return retValue;