blob: 6e89d93600c6260e5c81489b5cfa43b06a6f066f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
* Unit tests for java identifier syntax.
public final class JavaIdentifierSyntaxTest {
public static final String PARENT_PACKAGE = "test5.test6.test7";
public static final String CHILD_PACKAGE = "test1:test2:test3";
public static final String DATE1 = "2000-1-5";
public static final String DATE2 = "1992-01-25";
public static final String PARENT_WITH_PERIOD = "test5.test6.test7";
public static final String CHILD_WITH_PERIOD = "test1.test2.test3";
public static final String DATE_WITH_REV1 = "rev000105";
public static final String DATE_WITH_REV2 = "rev920125";
public static final String VERSION_NUMBER = "v1";
public static final String INVALID_NAME_SPACE1 = "byte:#test2:9test3";
public static final String INVALID_NAME_SPACE2 = "const:#test2://9test3";
public static final String VALID_NAME_SPACE1 = "_byte.test2._9test3";
public static final String VALID_NAME_SPACE2 = "_const.test2._9test3";
public static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE = "test-camel-case-identifier";
public static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE = "testCamelCaseIdentifier";
public static final String WITHOUT_CAPITAL = "test_this";
public static final String WITH_CAPITAL = "Test_this";
* Unit test for private constructor.
* @throws SecurityException if any security violation is observed.
* @throws NoSuchMethodException if when the method is not found.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is illegal argument found.
* @throws InstantiationException if instantiation is provoked for the private constructor.
* @throws IllegalAccessException if instance is provoked or a method is provoked.
* @throws InvocationTargetException when an exception occurs by the method or constructor.
public void callPrivateConstructors() throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalArgumentException,
InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
Class<?>[] classesToConstruct = {JavaIdentifierSyntax.class };
for (Class<?> clazz : classesToConstruct) {
Constructor<?> constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor();
* Unit test for testing the package path generation from a parent package.
public void getPackageFromParentTest() {
String pkgFromParent = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getPackageFromParent(PARENT_PACKAGE, CHILD_PACKAGE);
assertThat(pkgFromParent.equals(PARENT_WITH_PERIOD + UtilConstants.PERIOD + CHILD_WITH_PERIOD), is(true));
* Unit test for root package generation with revision complexity.
public void getRootPackageTest() {
String rootPackage = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getRootPackage((byte) 1, CHILD_PACKAGE, DATE1);
assertThat(rootPackage.equals(UtilConstants.DEFAULT_BASE_PKG + UtilConstants.PERIOD + VERSION_NUMBER
+ UtilConstants.PERIOD + CHILD_WITH_PERIOD + UtilConstants.PERIOD + DATE_WITH_REV1), is(true));
* Unit test for root package generation with special characters presence.
public void getRootPackageWithSpecialCharactersTest() {
String rootPackage = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getRootPackage((byte) 1, INVALID_NAME_SPACE1, DATE1);
assertThat(rootPackage.equals(UtilConstants.DEFAULT_BASE_PKG + UtilConstants.PERIOD + VERSION_NUMBER
+ UtilConstants.PERIOD + VALID_NAME_SPACE1 + UtilConstants.PERIOD + DATE_WITH_REV1), is(true));
String rootPackage1 = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getRootPackage((byte) 1, INVALID_NAME_SPACE2, DATE1);
assertThat(rootPackage1.equals(UtilConstants.DEFAULT_BASE_PKG + UtilConstants.PERIOD + VERSION_NUMBER
+ UtilConstants.PERIOD + VALID_NAME_SPACE2 + UtilConstants.PERIOD + DATE_WITH_REV1), is(true));
* Unit test for root package generation without complexity in revision.
public void getRootPackageWithRevTest() {
String rootPkgWithRev = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getRootPackage((byte) 1, CHILD_PACKAGE, DATE2);
assertThat(rootPkgWithRev.equals(UtilConstants.DEFAULT_BASE_PKG + UtilConstants.PERIOD
* Unit test for capitalizing the incoming string.
public void getCapitalCaseTest() {
String capitalCase = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getCaptialCase(WITHOUT_CAPITAL);
assertThat(capitalCase.equals(WITH_CAPITAL), is(true));
* Unit test for getting the camel case for the received string.
public void getCamelCaseTest() {
String camelCase = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE);
assertThat(camelCase.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE), is(true));