blob: e53c799fa2f00df5a28f21f00101e3a6424c083f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.ui.impl;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import org.onlab.osgi.ServiceDirectory;
import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
import org.onlab.util.DefaultHashMap;
import org.onosproject.cluster.ClusterEvent;
import org.onosproject.cluster.ControllerNode;
import org.onosproject.cluster.NodeId;
import org.onosproject.core.CoreService;
import org.onosproject.ui.JsonUtils;
import org.onosproject.ui.UiConnection;
import org.onosproject.ui.UiMessageHandler;
import org.onosproject.ui.impl.topo.util.ServicesBundle;
import org.onosproject.ui.lion.LionBundle;
import org.onosproject.ui.topo.PropertyPanel;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import static;
import static;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.CoreButtons;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.DEVICES;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.FLOWS;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.GRID_X;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.GRID_Y;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.HOSTS;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.HW_VERSION;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.INTENTS;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.IP;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.LATITUDE;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.LINKS;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.LONGITUDE;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.MAC;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.PORTS;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.PROTOCOL;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.SERIAL_NUMBER;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.SW_VERSION;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.TOPOLOGY_SSCS;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.TUNNELS;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.URI;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.VENDOR;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.VERSION;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.VLAN;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoConstants.Properties.VLAN_NONE;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.TopoUtils.compactLinkString;
* Facility for creating messages bound for the topology viewer.
public abstract class TopologyViewMessageHandlerBase extends UiMessageHandler {
private static final String NO_GEO_VALUE = "0.0";
private static final String DASH = "-";
private static final String SLASH = " / ";
// nav paths are the view names for hot-link navigation from topo view...
private static final String DEVICE_NAV_PATH = "device";
private static final String HOST_NAV_PATH = "host";
// link panel label keys
private static final String LPL_FRIENDLY = "lp_label_friendly";
private static final String LPL_A_TYPE = "lp_label_a_type";
private static final String LPL_A_ID = "lp_label_a_id";
private static final String LPL_A_FRIENDLY = "lp_label_a_friendly";
private static final String LPL_A_PORT = "lp_label_a_port";
private static final String LPL_B_TYPE = "lp_label_b_type";
private static final String LPL_B_ID = "lp_label_b_id";
private static final String LPL_B_FRIENDLY = "lp_label_b_friendly";
private static final String LPL_B_PORT = "lp_label_b_port";
private static final String LPL_A2B = "lp_label_a2b";
private static final String LPL_B2A = "lp_label_b2a";
private static final String LPV_NO_LINK = "lp_value_no_link";
// other Lion keys
private static final String HOST = "host";
private static final String DEVICE = "device";
private static final String EXPECTED = "expected";
private static final String NOT_EXPECTED = "not_expected";
// default to an "add" event...
private static final DefaultHashMap<ClusterEvent.Type, String> CLUSTER_EVENT =
new DefaultHashMap<>("addInstance");
// default to an "update" event...
private static final DefaultHashMap<DeviceEvent.Type, String> DEVICE_EVENT =
new DefaultHashMap<>("updateDevice");
private static final DefaultHashMap<LinkEvent.Type, String> LINK_EVENT =
new DefaultHashMap<>("updateLink");
private static final DefaultHashMap<HostEvent.Type, String> HOST_EVENT =
new DefaultHashMap<>("updateHost");
// but call out specific events that we care to differentiate...
static {
CLUSTER_EVENT.put(ClusterEvent.Type.INSTANCE_REMOVED, "removeInstance");
DEVICE_EVENT.put(DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_ADDED, "addDevice");
DEVICE_EVENT.put(DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_REMOVED, "removeDevice");
LINK_EVENT.put(LinkEvent.Type.LINK_ADDED, "addLink");
LINK_EVENT.put(LinkEvent.Type.LINK_REMOVED, "removeLink");
HOST_EVENT.put(HostEvent.Type.HOST_ADDED, "addHost");
HOST_EVENT.put(HostEvent.Type.HOST_REMOVED, "removeHost");
HOST_EVENT.put(HostEvent.Type.HOST_MOVED, "moveHost");
private static final DefaultHashMap<Device.Type, String> DEVICE_GLYPHS =
new DefaultHashMap<>("m_unknown");
static {
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.SWITCH, "m_switch");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.ROUTER, "m_router");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.ROADM, "m_roadm");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.OTN, "m_otn");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.ROADM_OTN, "m_roadm_otn");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.BALANCER, "m_balancer");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.IPS, "m_ips");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.IDS, "m_ids");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.CONTROLLER, "m_controller");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.VIRTUAL, "m_virtual");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.FIBER_SWITCH, "m_fiberSwitch");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.MICROWAVE, "m_microwave");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.OLT, "m_olt");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.ONU, "m_onu");
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.OPTICAL_AMPLIFIER, "unknown"); // TODO glyph needed
DEVICE_GLYPHS.put(Device.Type.OTHER, "m_other");
private static final String DEFAULT_HOST_GLYPH = "m_endstation";
private static final String LINK_GLYPH = "m_ports";
protected static final Logger log =
private static final ProviderId PID =
new ProviderId("core", "org.onosproject.core", true);
// TODO: extract into an external & durable state; good enough for now and demo
private static Map<String, ObjectNode> metaUi = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Returns read-only view of the meta-ui information.
* @return map of id to meta-ui mementos
static Map<String, ObjectNode> getMetaUi() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(metaUi);
private static final String LION_TOPO = "core.view.Topo";
private static final Set<String> REQ_LION_BUNDLES = ImmutableSet.of(
protected ServicesBundle services;
private String version;
public void init(UiConnection connection, ServiceDirectory directory) {
super.init(connection, directory);
services = new ServicesBundle(directory);
// Creates a palatable version string to display on the summary panel
private void setVersionString(ServiceDirectory directory) {
String ver = directory.get(CoreService.class).version().toString();
version = ver.replace(".SNAPSHOT", "*").replaceFirst("~.*$", "");
public Set<String> requiredLionBundles() {
// Returns the first of the given set of IP addresses as a string.
private String ip(Set<IpAddress> ipAddresses) {
Iterator<IpAddress> it = ipAddresses.iterator();
return it.hasNext() ? : "unknown";
// Produces JSON structure from annotations.
private JsonNode props(Annotations annotations) {
ObjectNode props = objectNode();
if (annotations != null) {
for (String key : annotations.keys()) {
props.put(key, annotations.value(key));
return props;
// Produces an informational log message event bound to the client.
protected ObjectNode info(String message) {
return message("info", message);
// Produces a warning log message event bound to the client.
protected ObjectNode warning(String message) {
return message("warning", message);
// Produces an error log message event bound to the client.
protected ObjectNode error(String message) {
return message("error", message);
// Produces a log message event bound to the client.
private ObjectNode message(String severity, String message) {
ObjectNode payload = objectNode()
.put("severity", severity)
.put("message", message);
return JsonUtils.envelope("message", payload);
// Produces a cluster instance message to the client.
protected ObjectNode instanceMessage(ClusterEvent event, String msgType) {
ControllerNode node = event.subject();
int switchCount = services.mastership().getDevicesOf(;
ObjectNode payload = objectNode()
.put("ip", node.ip().toString())
.put("online", services.cluster().getState(
.put("ready", services.cluster().getState(
.put("uiAttached", node.equals(services.cluster().getLocalNode()))
.put("switches", switchCount);
ArrayNode labels = arrayNode();
// Add labels, props and stuff the payload into envelope.
payload.set("labels", labels);
addMetaUi(, payload);
String type = msgType != null ? msgType : CLUSTER_EVENT.get(event.type());
return JsonUtils.envelope(type, payload);
// Produces a device event message to the client.
protected ObjectNode deviceMessage(DeviceEvent event) {
Device device = event.subject();
String uiType = device.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.UI_TYPE);
String devType = uiType != null ? uiType :
String name = device.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.NAME);
name = isNullOrEmpty(name) ? : name;
ObjectNode payload = objectNode()
.put("type", devType)
.put("online", services.device().isAvailable(
.put("master", master(;
payload.set("labels", labels("", name,;
payload.set("props", props(device.annotations()));
addGeoLocation(device, payload);
addMetaUi(, payload);
String type = DEVICE_EVENT.get(event.type());
return JsonUtils.envelope(type, payload);
// Produces a link event message to the client.
protected ObjectNode linkMessage(LinkEvent event) {
Link link = event.subject();
ObjectNode payload = objectNode()
.put("id", compactLinkString(link))
.put("type", link.type().toString().toLowerCase())
.put("expected", link.isExpected())
.put("online", link.state() == Link.State.ACTIVE)
.put("linkWidth", 1.2)
.put("src", link.src().deviceId().toString())
.put("srcPort", link.src().port().toString())
.put("dst", link.dst().deviceId().toString())
.put("dstPort", link.dst().port().toString());
String type = LINK_EVENT.get(event.type());
return JsonUtils.envelope(type, payload);
// Produces a host event message to the client.
protected ObjectNode hostMessage(HostEvent event) {
Host host = event.subject();
Host prevHost = event.prevSubject();
String hostType = host.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.UI_TYPE);
String ip = ip(host.ipAddresses());
ObjectNode payload = objectNode()
.put("type", isNullOrEmpty(hostType) ? "endstation" : hostType);
// set most recent connect point (and previous if we know it)
payload.set("cp", hostConnect(host.location()));
if (prevHost != null && prevHost.location() != null) {
payload.set("prevCp", hostConnect(prevHost.location()));
// set ALL connect points
addAllCps(host.locations(), payload);
payload.set("labels", labels(nameForHost(host), ip, host.mac().toString(), ""));
payload.set("props", props(host.annotations()));
addGeoLocation(host, payload);
addMetaUi(, payload);
String type = HOST_EVENT.get(event.type());
return JsonUtils.envelope(type, payload);
private void addAllCps(Set<HostLocation> locations, ObjectNode payload) {
ArrayNode cps = arrayNode();
locations.forEach(loc -> cps.add(hostConnect(loc)));
payload.set("allCps", cps);
// Encodes the specified host location into a JSON object.
private ObjectNode hostConnect(HostLocation location) {
return objectNode()
.put("device", location.deviceId().toString())
.put("port", location.port().toLong());
// Encodes the specified list of labels a JSON array.
private ArrayNode labels(String... labels) {
ArrayNode json = arrayNode();
for (String label : labels) {
return json;
// Returns the name of the master node for the specified device id.
private String master(DeviceId deviceId) {
NodeId master = services.mastership().getMasterFor(deviceId);
return master != null ? master.toString() : "";
// Generates an edge link from the specified host location.
private EdgeLink edgeLink(Host host, boolean ingress) {
return new DefaultEdgeLink(PID, new ConnectPoint(, portNumber(0)),
host.location(), ingress);
// Adds meta UI information for the specified object.
private void addMetaUi(String id, ObjectNode payload) {
ObjectNode meta = metaUi.get(id);
if (meta != null) {
payload.set("metaUi", meta);
// Adds a geo location JSON to the specified payload object.
private void addGeoLocation(Annotated annotated, ObjectNode payload) {
Annotations annotations = annotated.annotations();
if (annotations == null) {
String slat = annotations.value(AnnotationKeys.LATITUDE);
String slng = annotations.value(AnnotationKeys.LONGITUDE);
boolean validLat = slat != null && !slat.equals(NO_GEO_VALUE);
boolean validLng = slng != null && !slng.equals(NO_GEO_VALUE);
if (validLat && validLng) {
try {
double lat = Double.parseDouble(slat);
double lng = Double.parseDouble(slng);
ObjectNode loc = objectNode()
.put("locType", "geo")
.put("latOrY", lat)
.put("longOrX", lng);
payload.set("location", loc);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
log.warn("Invalid geo data: latitude={}, longitude={}", slat, slng);
// Updates meta UI information for the specified object.
protected void updateMetaUi(ObjectNode payload) {
metaUi.put(JsonUtils.string(payload, "id"),
JsonUtils.node(payload, "memento"));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create models of the data to return, that overlays can adjust / augment
private String lookupGlyph(Device device) {
return DEVICE_GLYPHS.get(device.type());
// Returns property panel model for summary response.
protected PropertyPanel summmaryMessage() {
// chose NOT to add debug messages, since this is called every few seconds
Topology topology = services.topology().currentTopology();
LionBundle lion = getLionBundle(LION_TOPO);
String panelTitle = lion.getSafe("title_panel_summary");
return new PropertyPanel(panelTitle, "bird")
.addProp(VERSION, lion.getSafe(VERSION), version)
.addProp(DEVICES, lion.getSafe(DEVICES), services.device().getDeviceCount())
.addProp(LINKS, lion.getSafe(LINKS), topology.linkCount())
.addProp(HOSTS, lion.getSafe(HOSTS),
.addProp(TOPOLOGY_SSCS, lion.getSafe(TOPOLOGY_SSCS), topology.clusterCount())
.addProp(INTENTS, lion.getSafe(INTENTS), services.intent().getIntentCount())
.addProp(TUNNELS, lion.getSafe(TUNNELS), services.tunnel().tunnelCount())
.addProp(FLOWS, lion.getSafe(FLOWS), services.flow().getFlowRuleCount());
private String friendlyDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
Device device = services.device().getDevice(deviceId);
Annotations annot = device.annotations();
String name = annot.value(AnnotationKeys.NAME);
return isNullOrEmpty(name) ? deviceId.toString() : name;
// Generates a property panel model for device details response
protected PropertyPanel deviceDetails(DeviceId deviceId) {
log.debug("generate prop panel data for device {}", deviceId);
Device device = services.device().getDevice(deviceId);
Annotations annot = device.annotations();
String proto = annot.value(AnnotationKeys.PROTOCOL);
String title = friendlyDevice(deviceId);
LionBundle lion = getLionBundle(LION_TOPO);
PropertyPanel pp = new PropertyPanel(title, lookupGlyph(device))
addDeviceBasicProps(pp, deviceId, device, proto, lion);
addLocationProps(pp, annot, lion);
addDeviceCountStats(pp, deviceId, lion);
return pp;
private void addDeviceBasicProps(PropertyPanel pp, DeviceId deviceId,
Device device, String proto, LionBundle lion) {
pp.addProp(URI, lion.getSafe(URI), deviceId.toString())
.addProp(VENDOR, lion.getSafe(VENDOR), device.manufacturer())
.addProp(HW_VERSION, lion.getSafe(HW_VERSION), device.hwVersion())
.addProp(SW_VERSION, lion.getSafe(SW_VERSION), device.swVersion())
.addProp(SERIAL_NUMBER, lion.getSafe(SERIAL_NUMBER), device.serialNumber())
.addProp(PROTOCOL, lion.getSafe(PROTOCOL), proto)
// only add location properties if we have them
private void addLocationProps(PropertyPanel pp, Annotations annot,
LionBundle lion) {
String slat = annot.value(AnnotationKeys.LATITUDE);
String slng = annot.value(AnnotationKeys.LONGITUDE);
String sgrY = annot.value(AnnotationKeys.GRID_Y);
String sgrX = annot.value(AnnotationKeys.GRID_X);
boolean validLat = slat != null && !slat.equals(NO_GEO_VALUE);
boolean validLng = slng != null && !slng.equals(NO_GEO_VALUE);
if (validLat && validLng) {
pp.addProp(LATITUDE, lion.getSafe(LATITUDE), slat)
.addProp(LONGITUDE, lion.getSafe(LONGITUDE), slng)
} else if (sgrY != null && sgrX != null) {
pp.addProp(GRID_Y, lion.getSafe(GRID_Y), sgrY)
.addProp(GRID_X, lion.getSafe(GRID_X), sgrX)
// else, no location
private void addDeviceCountStats(PropertyPanel pp, DeviceId deviceId, LionBundle lion) {
int portCount = services.device().getPorts(deviceId).size();
int flowCount = getFlowCount(deviceId);
int tunnelCount = getTunnelCount(deviceId);
pp.addProp(PORTS, lion.getSafe(PORTS), portCount)
.addProp(FLOWS, lion.getSafe(FLOWS), flowCount)
.addProp(TUNNELS, lion.getSafe(TUNNELS), tunnelCount);
private void addDeviceCoreButtons(PropertyPanel pp) {
protected int getFlowCount(DeviceId deviceId) {
return services.flow().getFlowRuleCount(deviceId);
protected int getTunnelCount(DeviceId deviceId) {
int count = 0;
Collection<Tunnel> tunnels = services.tunnel().queryAllTunnels();
for (Tunnel tunnel : tunnels) {
//Only OpticalTunnelEndPoint has a device
if (!(tunnel.src() instanceof OpticalTunnelEndPoint) ||
!(tunnel.dst() instanceof OpticalTunnelEndPoint)) {
Optional<ElementId> srcElementId = ((OpticalTunnelEndPoint) tunnel.src()).elementId();
Optional<ElementId> dstElementId = ((OpticalTunnelEndPoint) tunnel.dst()).elementId();
if (!srcElementId.isPresent() || !dstElementId.isPresent()) {
DeviceId srcDeviceId = (DeviceId) srcElementId.get();
DeviceId dstDeviceId = (DeviceId) dstElementId.get();
if (srcDeviceId.equals(deviceId) || dstDeviceId.equals(deviceId)) {
return count;
private boolean useDefaultName(String annotName) {
return isNullOrEmpty(annotName) || DASH.equals(annotName);
private String nameForHost(Host host) {
String name = host.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.NAME);
return useDefaultName(name) ? ip(host.ipAddresses()) : name;
private String glyphForHost(Annotations annot) {
String uiType = annot.value(AnnotationKeys.UI_TYPE);
return isNullOrEmpty(uiType) ? DEFAULT_HOST_GLYPH : uiType;
// Generates a property panel model for a host details response
protected PropertyPanel hostDetails(HostId hostId) {
log.debug("generate prop panel data for host {}", hostId);
Host host =;
Annotations annot = host.annotations();
String glyphId = glyphForHost(annot);
LionBundle lion = getLionBundle(LION_TOPO);
PropertyPanel pp = new PropertyPanel(nameForHost(host), glyphId)
addHostBasicProps(pp, host, lion);
addLocationProps(pp, annot, lion);
return pp;
private void addHostBasicProps(PropertyPanel pp, Host host, LionBundle lion) {
pp.addProp(LPL_FRIENDLY, lion.getSafe(LPL_FRIENDLY), nameForHost(host))
.addProp(MAC, lion.getSafe(MAC), host.mac())
.addProp(IP, lion.getSafe(IP), host.ipAddresses(), "[\\[\\]]")
.addProp(VLAN, lion.getSafe(VLAN), displayVlan(host.vlan(), lion))
private String displayVlan(VlanId vlan, LionBundle lion) {
return VlanId.NONE.equals(vlan) ? lion.getSafe(VLAN_NONE) : vlan.toString();
// Generates a property panel model for a link details response (edge-link)
protected PropertyPanel edgeLinkDetails(HostId hid, ConnectPoint cp) {
log.debug("generate prop panel data for edgelink {} {}", hid, cp);
LionBundle lion = getLionBundle(LION_TOPO);
String title = lion.getSafe("title_edge_link");
PropertyPanel pp = new PropertyPanel(title, LINK_GLYPH);
addLinkHostProps(pp, hid, lion);
addLinkCpBProps(pp, cp, lion);
return pp;
// Generates a property panel model for a link details response (infra-link)
protected PropertyPanel infraLinkDetails(ConnectPoint cpA, ConnectPoint cpB) {
log.debug("generate prop panel data for infralink {} {}", cpA, cpB);
LionBundle lion = getLionBundle(LION_TOPO);
String title = lion.getSafe("title_infra_link");
PropertyPanel pp = new PropertyPanel(title, LINK_GLYPH);
addLinkCpAProps(pp, cpA, lion);
addLinkCpBProps(pp, cpB, lion);
addLinkBackingProps(pp, cpA, cpB, lion);
return pp;
private void addLinkHostProps(PropertyPanel pp, HostId hostId, LionBundle lion) {
Host host =;
pp.addProp(LPL_A_TYPE, lion.getSafe(LPL_A_TYPE), lion.getSafe(HOST))
.addProp(LPL_A_ID, lion.getSafe(LPL_A_ID), hostId.toString())
.addProp(LPL_A_FRIENDLY, lion.getSafe(LPL_A_FRIENDLY), nameForHost(host))
private void addLinkCpAProps(PropertyPanel pp, ConnectPoint cp, LionBundle lion) {
DeviceId did = cp.deviceId();
pp.addProp(LPL_A_TYPE, lion.getSafe(LPL_A_TYPE), lion.getSafe(DEVICE))
.addProp(LPL_A_ID, lion.getSafe(LPL_A_ID), did.toString())
.addProp(LPL_A_FRIENDLY, lion.getSafe(LPL_A_FRIENDLY), friendlyDevice(did))
.addProp(LPL_A_PORT, lion.getSafe(LPL_A_PORT), cp.port().toLong())
private void addLinkCpBProps(PropertyPanel pp, ConnectPoint cp, LionBundle lion) {
DeviceId did = cp.deviceId();
pp.addProp(LPL_B_TYPE, lion.getSafe(LPL_B_TYPE), lion.getSafe(DEVICE))
.addProp(LPL_B_ID, lion.getSafe(LPL_B_ID), did.toString())
.addProp(LPL_B_FRIENDLY, lion.getSafe(LPL_B_FRIENDLY), friendlyDevice(did))
.addProp(LPL_B_PORT, lion.getSafe(LPL_B_PORT), cp.port().toLong())
private void addLinkBackingProps(PropertyPanel pp, ConnectPoint cpA,
ConnectPoint cpB, LionBundle lion) {
Link a2b =, cpB);
Link b2a =, cpA);
pp.addProp(LPL_A2B, lion.getSafe(LPL_A2B), linkPropString(a2b, lion))
.addProp(LPL_B2A, lion.getSafe(LPL_B2A), linkPropString(b2a, lion));
private String linkPropString(Link link, LionBundle lion) {
if (link == null) {
return lion.getSafe(LPV_NO_LINK);
return lion.getSafe(link.type()) + SLASH +
lion.getSafe(link.state()) + SLASH +
lion.getSafe(link.isExpected() ? EXPECTED : NOT_EXPECTED);