blob: 3872b976c30a489b9208d8d18417ff946ff8147e [file] [log] [blame]
package org.onosproject.core.impl;
import org.onosproject.core.IdBlock;
public class DummyIdBlockAllocator implements IdBlockAllocator {
private long blockTop;
private static final long BLOCK_SIZE = 0x1000000L;
* Returns a block of IDs which are unique and unused.
* Range of IDs is fixed size and is assigned incrementally as this method
* called.
* @return an IdBlock containing a set of unique IDs
public IdBlock allocateUniqueIdBlock() {
synchronized (this) {
long blockHead = blockTop;
long blockTail = blockTop + BLOCK_SIZE;
IdBlock block = new IdBlock(blockHead, BLOCK_SIZE);
blockTop = blockTail;
return block;
public IdBlock allocateUniqueIdBlock(long range) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet");