blob: 074aad4ac64897d8b5d8c4e58ac80bf99ba04bf0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.drivers.microsemi.yang.impl;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ReferenceCardinality;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
import org.onosproject.core.CoreService;
import org.onosproject.netconf.DatastoreId;
import org.onosproject.netconf.NetconfException;
import org.onosproject.netconf.NetconfSession;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.mseacfm.rev20160229.mseacfm.mefcfm.maintenancedomain.maintenanceassociation.CcmIntervalEnum;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.mseasoampm.rev20160229.mseasoampm.mefcfm.maintenancedomain.maintenanceassociation.maintenanceassociationendpoint.augmentedmseacfmmaintenanceassociationendpoint.lossmeasurements.lossmeasurement.MessagePeriodEnum;
import org.onosproject.yang.model.ModelConverter;
import org.onosproject.yang.model.ModelObjectData;
import org.onosproject.yang.model.ResourceData;
import org.onosproject.yang.model.ResourceId;
import org.onosproject.yang.model.SchemaContext;
import org.onosproject.yang.model.SchemaContextProvider;
import org.onosproject.yang.runtime.AnnotatedNodeInfo;
import org.onosproject.yang.runtime.CompositeData;
import org.onosproject.yang.runtime.CompositeStream;
import org.onosproject.yang.runtime.DefaultCompositeData;
import org.onosproject.yang.runtime.DefaultCompositeStream;
import org.onosproject.yang.runtime.DefaultYangSerializerContext;
import org.onosproject.yang.runtime.YangModelRegistry;
import org.onosproject.yang.runtime.YangSerializer;
import org.onosproject.yang.runtime.YangSerializerContext;
import org.onosproject.yang.runtime.YangSerializerRegistry;
import org.onosproject.yang.serializers.xml.XmlSerializer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Abstract class that implements some of the core functions of a YANG model service.
@Component(immediate = true)
public abstract class AbstractYangServiceImpl {
public static final String NC_OPERATION = "nc:operation";
public static final String OP_DELETE = "delete";
protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
protected boolean alreadyLoaded = false;
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
protected CoreService coreService;
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
protected YangModelRegistry yangModelRegistry;
protected ApplicationId appId;
// xSer is not a service and is a class variable. Can be lost on deactivate.
// Must be recreated on activate
protected XmlSerializer xSer = null;
protected YangSerializerContext yCtx = null;
protected static final Pattern REGEX_XML_HEADER =
Pattern.compile("(<\\?xml).*(\\?>)", Pattern.DOTALL);
protected static final Pattern REGEX_RPC_REPLY =
Pattern.compile("(<rpc-reply)[ ]*" +
"(xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\")[ ]*" +
"(message-id=\")[0-9]*(\">)", Pattern.DOTALL);
protected static final Pattern REGEX_RPC_REPLY_DATA_NS =
Pattern.compile("(<data)[ ]*(xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\">)");
protected static final Pattern REGEX_RPC_REPLY_DATA =
protected static final Pattern REGEX_RPC_REPLY_DATA_CLOSE =
protected static final Pattern REGEX_RPC_REPLY_DATA_EMPTY =
protected static final Pattern REGEX_RPC_REPLY_CLOSE =
protected static final Pattern REGEX_RPC_OK =
public void activate() {
Set<YangSerializer> yangSer = ((YangSerializerRegistry) yangModelRegistry).getSerializers();
xSer = (XmlSerializer)
.filter(ser -> (ser instanceof XmlSerializer)).findFirst().get();
SchemaContext context = ((SchemaContextProvider) yangModelRegistry)
.getSchemaContext(ResourceId.builder().addBranchPointSchema("/", null).build());
yCtx = new DefaultYangSerializerContext(context, null);
public void deactivate() {
alreadyLoaded = false;
* Internal method to generically make a NETCONF get query from YANG objects.
* @param moFilter A YANG object model
* @param session A NETCONF session
* @return YangObjectModel
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
protected final ModelObjectData getNetconfObject(
ModelObjectData moFilter, NetconfSession session)
throws NetconfException {
return getConfigNetconfObject(moFilter, session, null);
* Internal method to generically make a NETCONF get-config query from YANG objects.
* @param moFilter A YANG object model
* @param session A NETCONF session
* @param targetDs - running,candidate or startup
* @return YangObjectModel
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
protected final ModelObjectData getConfigNetconfObject(
ModelObjectData moFilter, NetconfSession session, DatastoreId targetDs)
throws NetconfException {
if (session == null) {
throw new NetconfException("Session is null when calling getConfigNetconfObject()");
if (moFilter == null) {
throw new NetconfException("Query object cannot be null");
String xmlQueryStr = encodeMoToXmlStr(moFilter, null);
log.debug("Sending <get-(config)> query on NETCONF session " + session.getSessionId() +
":\n" + xmlQueryStr);
String xmlResult;
if (targetDs == null) {
xmlResult = session.get(xmlQueryStr, null);
} else {
xmlResult = session.getConfig(targetDs, xmlQueryStr);
xmlResult = removeRpcReplyData(xmlResult);
DefaultCompositeStream resultDcs = new DefaultCompositeStream(
null, new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlResult.getBytes()));
CompositeData compositeData = xSer.decode(resultDcs, yCtx);
return ((ModelConverter) yangModelRegistry).createModel(compositeData.resourceData());
* Internal method to generically make a NETCONF edit-config call from a set of YANG objects.
* @param moConfig A YANG object model
* @param session A NETCONF session
* @param targetDs - running,candidate or startup
* @param annotations A list of AnnotatedNodeInfos to be added to the DataNodes
* @return Boolean value indicating success or failure of command
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
protected final boolean setNetconfObject(
ModelObjectData moConfig, NetconfSession session, DatastoreId targetDs,
List<AnnotatedNodeInfo> annotations) throws NetconfException {
if (moConfig == null) {
throw new NetconfException("Query object cannot be null");
} else if (session == null) {
throw new NetconfException("Session is null when calling setNetconfObject()");
} else if (targetDs == null) {
throw new NetconfException("TargetDs is null when calling setNetconfObject()");
String xmlQueryStr = encodeMoToXmlStr(moConfig, annotations);
log.debug("Sending <edit-config> query on NETCONF session " + session.getSessionId() +
":\n" + xmlQueryStr);
//Some encoded values just have to be replaced
xmlQueryStr = xmlQueryStr.replace(MessagePeriodEnum.YANGAUTOPREFIX3MS.toString(), "3ms");
xmlQueryStr = xmlQueryStr.replace(MessagePeriodEnum.YANGAUTOPREFIX10MS.toString(), "10ms");
xmlQueryStr = xmlQueryStr.replace(MessagePeriodEnum.YANGAUTOPREFIX100MS.toString(), "100ms");
xmlQueryStr = xmlQueryStr.replace(MessagePeriodEnum.YANGAUTOPREFIX1000MS.toString(), "1000ms");
xmlQueryStr = xmlQueryStr.replace(CcmIntervalEnum.YANGAUTOPREFIX3_3MS.toString(), "3.3ms");
xmlQueryStr = xmlQueryStr.replace(CcmIntervalEnum.YANGAUTOPREFIX10MS.toString(), "10ms");
xmlQueryStr = xmlQueryStr.replace(CcmIntervalEnum.YANGAUTOPREFIX100MS.toString(), "100ms");
xmlQueryStr = xmlQueryStr.replace(CcmIntervalEnum.YANGAUTOPREFIX1S.toString(), "1s");
return session.editConfig(targetDs, null, xmlQueryStr);
* Internal method to generically call a NETCONF custom RPC from a set of YANG objects.
* @param customRpcInput A YANG object model
* @param rpcName The name of the RPC - replaces 'input' in the XML payload
* @param session A NETCONF session
* @return ModelObjectData value indicating success or failure of command
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
protected final ModelObjectData customRpcNetconf(
ModelObjectData customRpcInput, String rpcName, NetconfSession session)
throws NetconfException {
if (customRpcInput == null) {
throw new NetconfException("Input object cannot be null");
} else if (session == null) {
throw new NetconfException("Session is null when calling customRpcNetconf()");
String xmlQueryStr = encodeMoToXmlStr(customRpcInput, null);
xmlQueryStr = xmlQueryStr.replace("input", rpcName);
log.debug("Sending <edit-config> query on NETCONF session " + session.getSessionId() +
":\n" + xmlQueryStr);
String xmlResult = session.doWrappedRpc(xmlQueryStr);
xmlResult = removeRpcReplyData(xmlResult);
if (REGEX_RPC_OK.matcher(xmlResult).matches()) {
return null;
DefaultCompositeStream resultDcs = new DefaultCompositeStream(
null, new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlResult.getBytes()));
CompositeData compositeData = xSer.decode(resultDcs, yCtx);
return ((ModelConverter) yangModelRegistry).createModel(compositeData.resourceData());
protected final String encodeMoToXmlStr(ModelObjectData yangObjectOpParamFilter,
List<AnnotatedNodeInfo> annotations)
throws NetconfException {
//Convert the param to XML to use as a filter
ResourceData rd = ((ModelConverter) yangModelRegistry).createDataNode(yangObjectOpParamFilter);
DefaultCompositeData.Builder cdBuilder =
if (annotations != null) {
for (AnnotatedNodeInfo ani : annotations) {
CompositeStream cs = xSer.encode(, yCtx);
//Convert the param to XML to use as a filter
try {
ByteSource byteSource = new ByteSource() {
public InputStream openStream() throws IOException {
return cs.resourceData();
return byteSource.asCharSource(Charsets.UTF_8).read();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new NetconfException("Error decoding CompositeStream to String", e);
protected static final String removeRpcReplyData(String rpcReplyXml) throws NetconfException {
rpcReplyXml = REGEX_XML_HEADER.matcher(rpcReplyXml).replaceFirst("");
if (rpcReplyXml.contains("<rpc-error")) {
throw new NetconfException("NETCONF rpc-error: " + rpcReplyXml);
rpcReplyXml = REGEX_RPC_REPLY.matcher(rpcReplyXml).replaceFirst("");
rpcReplyXml = REGEX_RPC_REPLY_DATA_NS.matcher(rpcReplyXml).replaceFirst("");
rpcReplyXml = REGEX_RPC_REPLY_DATA.matcher(rpcReplyXml).replaceFirst("");
rpcReplyXml = REGEX_RPC_REPLY_DATA_CLOSE.matcher(rpcReplyXml).replaceFirst("");
rpcReplyXml = REGEX_RPC_REPLY_DATA_EMPTY.matcher(rpcReplyXml).replaceFirst("");
rpcReplyXml = REGEX_RPC_REPLY_CLOSE.matcher(rpcReplyXml).replaceFirst("");
rpcReplyXml = rpcReplyXml.replace("\t", "");
return rpcReplyXml;