Learn target ip from IPv6 neighbor advertisement message

Change-Id: I3d27f4cd937548e9880bb242033358e57559656c
diff --git a/providers/host/src/main/java/org/onosproject/provider/host/impl/HostLocationProvider.java b/providers/host/src/main/java/org/onosproject/provider/host/impl/HostLocationProvider.java
index 227415e..16a8f24 100644
--- a/providers/host/src/main/java/org/onosproject/provider/host/impl/HostLocationProvider.java
+++ b/providers/host/src/main/java/org/onosproject/provider/host/impl/HostLocationProvider.java
@@ -585,20 +585,27 @@
                 if (pkt != null && pkt instanceof ICMP6) {
                     // Neighbor Discovery Protocol
                     pkt = pkt.getPayload();
-                    // RouterSolicitation, RouterAdvertisement
-                    if (pkt != null && (pkt instanceof RouterAdvertisement ||
-                            pkt instanceof RouterSolicitation)) {
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    if (pkt != null && (pkt instanceof NeighborSolicitation ||
-                            pkt instanceof NeighborAdvertisement)) {
-                        // Duplicate Address Detection
-                        if (ip.isZero()) {
+                    if (pkt != null) {
+                        // RouterSolicitation, RouterAdvertisement
+                        if (pkt instanceof RouterAdvertisement || pkt instanceof RouterSolicitation) {
-                        // NeighborSolicitation, NeighborAdvertisement
-                        createOrUpdateHost(hid, srcMac, vlan, hloc, ip);
-                        return;
+                        if (pkt instanceof NeighborSolicitation || pkt instanceof NeighborAdvertisement) {
+                            // Duplicate Address Detection
+                            if (ip.isZero()) {
+                                return;
+                            }
+                            // NeighborSolicitation, NeighborAdvertisement
+                            createOrUpdateHost(hid, srcMac, vlan, hloc, ip);
+                            // Also learn from the target address of NeighborAdvertisement
+                            if (pkt instanceof NeighborAdvertisement) {
+                                NeighborAdvertisement na = (NeighborAdvertisement) pkt;
+                                Ip6Address targetAddr = Ip6Address.valueOf(na.getTargetAddress());
+                                createOrUpdateHost(hid, srcMac, vlan, hloc, targetAddr);
+                            }
+                            return;
+                        }
diff --git a/providers/host/src/test/java/org/onosproject/provider/host/impl/HostLocationProviderTest.java b/providers/host/src/test/java/org/onosproject/provider/host/impl/HostLocationProviderTest.java
index 77e2caa..a1d3d4d 100644
--- a/providers/host/src/test/java/org/onosproject/provider/host/impl/HostLocationProviderTest.java
+++ b/providers/host/src/test/java/org/onosproject/provider/host/impl/HostLocationProviderTest.java
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
 import static org.onlab.packet.VlanId.vlanId;
 import static org.onosproject.net.Device.Type.SWITCH;
 import static org.onosproject.net.DeviceId.deviceId;
@@ -143,8 +144,11 @@
     private static final MacAddress MAC2 = MacAddress.valueOf("00:00:22:00:00:02");
     private static final MacAddress BCMAC2 = MacAddress.valueOf("33:33:00:00:00:01");
     private static final byte[] IP2 = Ip6Address.valueOf("1000::1").toOctets();
+    private static final byte[] LLIP2 = IPv6.getLinkLocalAddress(MAC2.toBytes());
     private static final IpAddress IP_ADDRESS2 =
             IpAddress.valueOf(IpAddress.Version.INET6, IP2);
+    private static final IpAddress LLIP_ADDRESS2 =
+            IpAddress.valueOf(IpAddress.Version.INET6, LLIP2);
     private static final HostLocation LOCATION2 =
             new HostLocation(deviceId(DEV4), portNumber(INPORT), 0L);
     private static final DefaultHost HOST2 =
@@ -258,21 +262,25 @@
-        // New host. Expect one additional host description.
+        // New host. Expect two additional host descriptions. One for target IP. One for dest IP.
         testProcessor.process(new TestNaPacketContext(DEV4));
-        assertThat("New host expected", providerService.descriptions.size(), is(1));
+        assertThat("New host expected", providerService.descriptions.size(), is(2));
-        // The host moved to new switch. Expect one additional host description.
-        // The second host description should have a different location.
+        // The host moved to new switch. Expect two additional host descriptions.
+        // The 3rd and 4th host description should have a different location.
         testProcessor.process(new TestNaPacketContext(DEV5));
-        assertThat("Host motion expected", providerService.descriptions.size(), is(2));
+        assertThat("Host motion expected", providerService.descriptions.size(), is(4));
         loc1 = providerService.descriptions.get(0).location();
         loc2 = providerService.descriptions.get(1).location();
-        assertNotEquals("Host location should be different", loc1, loc2);
+        HostLocation loc3 = providerService.descriptions.get(2).location();
+        HostLocation loc4 = providerService.descriptions.get(3).location();
+        assertEquals("1st and 2nd location should be equal", loc1, loc2);
+        assertEquals("3rd and 4th location should be equal", loc3, loc4);
+        assertNotEquals("1st and 3rd location should be different", loc1, loc3);
         // The host was misheard on a spine. Expect no additional host description.
         testProcessor.process(new TestNaPacketContext(DEV6));
-        assertThat("Host misheard on spine switch", providerService.descriptions.size(), is(2));
+        assertThat("Host misheard on spine switch", providerService.descriptions.size(), is(4));
@@ -440,16 +448,23 @@
      * When receiving NeighborAdvertisement, updates location and IP.
+     * We should also expect that target IP is learnt.
     public void receiveNa() {
         testProcessor.process(new TestNaPacketContext(DEV4));
         assertThat("receiveNa. One host description expected",
-                providerService.descriptions.size(), is(1));
+                providerService.descriptions.size(), is(2));
         HostDescription descr = providerService.descriptions.get(0);
         assertThat(descr.location(), is(LOCATION2));
         assertThat(descr.hwAddress(), is(MAC2));
-        assertThat(descr.ipAddress().toArray()[0], is(IP_ADDRESS2));
+        assertTrue(descr.ipAddress().contains(LLIP_ADDRESS2));
+        assertThat(descr.vlan(), is(VLAN));
+        descr = providerService.descriptions.get(1);
+        assertThat(descr.location(), is(LOCATION2));
+        assertThat(descr.hwAddress(), is(MAC2));
+        assertTrue(descr.ipAddress().contains(IP_ADDRESS2));
         assertThat(descr.vlan(), is(VLAN));
@@ -892,12 +907,13 @@
         public InboundPacket inPacket() {
             NeighborAdvertisement na = new NeighborAdvertisement();
+            na.setTargetAddress(IP2);
             ICMP6 icmp6 = new ICMP6();
             IPv6 ipv6 = new IPv6();
-            ipv6.setSourceAddress(IP2);
+            ipv6.setSourceAddress(LLIP2);
             Ethernet eth = new Ethernet();