blob: 4ba33663b25f6732ef3577d90e9544e4d0a00cfd [file] [log] [blame]
import org.onlab.onos.event.AbstractEvent;
* Describes flow rule batch event.
public final class FlowRuleBatchEvent extends AbstractEvent<FlowRuleBatchEvent.Type, FlowRuleBatchRequest> {
* Type of flow rule events.
public enum Type {
* Signifies that a batch operation has been initiated.
* Signifies that a batch operation has completed.
private final CompletedBatchOperation result;
* Constructs a new FlowRuleBatchEvent.
* @param request batch operation request.
* @return event.
public static FlowRuleBatchEvent create(FlowRuleBatchRequest request) {
FlowRuleBatchEvent event = new FlowRuleBatchEvent(Type.BATCH_OPERATION_REQUESTED, request, null);
return event;
* Constructs a new FlowRuleBatchEvent.
* @param request batch operation request.
* @param result completed batch operation result.
* @return event.
public static FlowRuleBatchEvent create(FlowRuleBatchRequest request, CompletedBatchOperation result) {
FlowRuleBatchEvent event = new FlowRuleBatchEvent(Type.BATCH_OPERATION_COMPLETED, request, result);
return event;
* Returns the result of this batch operation.
* @return batch operation result.
public CompletedBatchOperation result() {
return result;
* Creates an event of a given type and for the specified flow rule batch.
* @param type flow rule batch event type
* @param batch event flow rule batch subject
private FlowRuleBatchEvent(Type type, FlowRuleBatchRequest request, CompletedBatchOperation result) {
super(type, request);
this.result = result;