blob: 3c07f5b58c53d4b930099c2d27fd6b1c46b86dd7 [file] [log] [blame]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a hierarchical access spine-leaf fabric with large number of hosts
# using null providers.
# Default setup as follows:
# 2 primary spines (or more if needed, but this is typically not the case)
# 2 aggregating spines per access headend
# ~3 access leaves per headend
#   2 leaf pairs for connecting gateways and compute (services/caching/etc.)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function usage {
echo "usage: $(basename $0) [options] [onos-ip]"
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo " -s spines"
echo " -l spineLinks"
echo " -S serviceHosts"
echo " -G gateways"
echo " -f fieldOffices"
echo " -a accessLeaves"
echo " -A accessHosts"
exit 1
serviceLeafGroups="A B"
# Scan arguments for user/password or other options...
while getopts s:l:a:f:A:S:G:?h o; do
case "$o" in
s) spines=$OPTARG;;
l) spineLinks=$OPTARG;;
a) accessLeaves=$OPTARG;;
f) fieldOffices=$OPTARG;;
A) accessHosts=$OPTARG;;
S) serviceHosts=$OPTARG;;
G) gateways=$OPTARG;;
*) usage $0;;
let leafPorts=serviceHosts+8 # derive service ports from service hosts
let accessPorts=accessHosts+8 # derive access ports from access hosts
let hagPorts=accessLeaves+8 # derive hag ports from access leaves
let totalHags=fieldOffices*spines
let totalAccess=fieldOffices*accessLeaves
shift $OPC
# Optional ONOS node IP
# Create the script of ONOS commands first and then execute it all at once.
export CMDS="/tmp/access-onos.cmds"
rm -f $CMDS 2>/dev/null
function sim {
echo "$@" >> $CMDS
function y {
let p="${3:-400} * ($1 - 1) - (${3:-400} * ($2 - 1)) / 2 + ${4:-0}"
echo $p
# Create central office spines
for spine in $(seq 1 $spines); do
sim "null-create-device switch Spine-${spine} ${spinePorts} 0 $(y $spine $spines) grid"
# Create 2 leaf pairs with dual links to the spines and a link between the pair
for pair in $serviceLeafGroups; do
[ $pair = A ] && l1=1 || l1=3
[ $pair = A ] && l2=2 || l2=4
sim "null-create-device switch Leaf-${pair}1 ${leafPorts} -200 $(y $l1 4) grid"
sim "null-create-device switch Leaf-${pair}2 ${leafPorts} -200 $(y $l2 4) grid"
sim "null-create-link direct Leaf-${pair}1 Leaf-${pair}2"
for spine in $(seq 1 $spines); do
for link in $(seq 1 $spineLinks); do
sim "null-create-link direct Spine-${spine} Leaf-${pair}1"
sim "null-create-link direct Spine-${spine} Leaf-${pair}2"
# Create gateways attached to each leaf group; multi-homed to each leaf in the pair
[ $pair = A ] && pn=1 || pn=2
[ $pair = A ] && gwy=-800 || gwy=800
for gw in $(seq 1 $gateways); do
sim "null-create-host Leaf-${pair}1,Leaf-${pair}2 10.${pn}.0.${gw} $(y $gw $gateways 200 -200) ${gwy} grid"
# Create hosts for each leaf group; multi-homed to each leaf in the pair
[ $pair = A ] && offset=-400 || offset=400
for host in $(seq 1 $serviceHosts); do
sim "null-create-host Leaf-${pair}1,Leaf-${pair}2 10.${pn}.1.${host} -400 $(y $host $serviceHosts 60 $offset) grid"
# Indexes for HAG and access leaves across all field offices
let iagg=1
let iacc=1
# Create field offices
for field in $(seq $fieldOffices); do
# Create HAG spines for each office and connect it to central office spines
for spine in $(seq $spines); do
sim "null-create-device switch Spine-${field}-${spine} ${hagPorts} 200 $(y $iagg $totalHags) grid"
sim "null-create-link direct Spine-${spine} Spine-${field}-${spine}"
let iagg=iagg+1
# Create single access leafs with links to the spines
for access in $(seq $accessLeaves); do
sim "null-create-device switch Access-${field}-${access} ${accessPorts} 400 $(y $iacc $totalAccess) grid"
for spine in $(seq 1 $spines); do
sim "null-create-link direct Spine-${field}-${spine} Access-${field}-${access}"
# Create hosts for each access single leaf
sim "null-create-hosts Access-${field}-${access} 10.${field}${access}.1.*" $accessHosts 700 $(y $iacc $totalAccess) 6
let iacc=iacc+1
# make sure null providers are activated and any running simulation is stopped
onos ${node} app activate org.onosproject.null
sleep 2
onos ${node} null-simulation stop
# wait until the masterships clear-out across the cluster
while onos ${node} masters | grep -qv " 0 devices"; do sleep 1; done
# clean-up
onos ${node} wipe-out please
sleep 1
# start custom simulation..
onos ${node} null-simulation start custom
sleep 2
# Add devices, links, and hosts
cat $CMDS | onos ${node}