blob: 1bc32ca7ac30dfc20cdbabdb899c8fb63caac04a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.drivers.microsemi.yang;
import org.onosproject.netconf.DatastoreId;
import org.onosproject.netconf.NetconfException;
import org.onosproject.netconf.NetconfSession;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.mseacfm.rev20160229.MseaCfm;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.mseacfm.rev20160229.MseaCfmOpParam;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.mseacfm.rev20160229.mseacfm.abortloopback.AbortLoopbackInput;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.mseacfm.rev20160229.mseacfm.transmitlinktrace.TransmitLinktraceInput;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.mseacfm.rev20160229.mseacfm.transmitlinktrace.TransmitLinktraceOutput;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.mseacfm.rev20160229.mseacfm.transmitloopback.TransmitLoopbackInput;
* Extension of mseaCfmService to include NETCONF sessions.
* This is manually extended and should be revised if the msea-cfm.yang,
* msea-soam-pm.yang or msea-soam-fm.yang files change
public interface MseaCfmNetconfService {
* Returns minimal set of attributes of MEP.
* @param mdId The name of the MD
* @param maId The name of the MA
* @param mepId The ID of the MEP
* @param session An active NETCONF session
* @return mseaCfm
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
MseaCfm getMepEssentials(MdId mdId, MaIdShort maId, MepId mepId,
NetconfSession session) throws NetconfException;
* Returns full set of attributes of MEP.
* This returns config and state attributes of all children of the MEP
* except for Delay Measurements and Loss Measurements - these have to be
* retrieved separately, because of their potential size
* @param mdId The name of the MD
* @param maId The name of the MA
* @param mepId The ID of the MEP
* @param session An active NETCONF session
* @return mseaCfm
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
MseaCfm getMepFull(MdId mdId, MaIdShort maId, MepId mepId,
NetconfSession session) throws NetconfException;
* Returns attributes of DM.
* @param mdId The name of the MD
* @param maId The name of the MA
* @param mepId The ID of the MEP
* @param dmId The Id of the Delay Measurement - if null then all DMs
* @param parts The parts of the DM to return
* @param session An active NETCONF session
* @return mseaCfm
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
MseaCfm getSoamDm(MdId mdId, MaIdShort maId, MepId mepId,
SoamId dmId, DmEntryParts parts, NetconfSession session)
throws NetconfException;
* Sets the value to attribute mseaCfm.
* @param mseaCfm value of mseaCfm
* @param session An active NETCONF session
* @param targetDs one of running, candidate or startup
* @return Boolean to indicate success or failure
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
boolean setMseaCfm(MseaCfmOpParam mseaCfm, NetconfSession session,
DatastoreId targetDs) throws NetconfException;
* Deletes named Meps of mseaCfm.
* Expects to see a list of Meps
* @param mseaCfm value of mseaCfm
* @param session An active NETCONF session
* @param targetDs one of running, candidate or startup
* @return Boolean to indicate success or failure
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
boolean deleteMseaMep(MseaCfmOpParam mseaCfm, NetconfSession session,
DatastoreId targetDs) throws NetconfException;
* Deletes named delay measurements of mseaCfm.
* Expects to see a list of Delay Measurements
* @param mseaCfm value of mseaCfm
* @param session An active NETCONF session
* @param targetDs one of running, candidate or startup
* @return Boolean to indicate success or failure
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
boolean deleteMseaCfmDm(MseaCfmOpParam mseaCfm, NetconfSession session,
DatastoreId targetDs) throws NetconfException;
* Service interface of transmitLoopback.
* @param inputVar input of service interface transmitLoopback
* @param session An active NETCONF session
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
void transmitLoopback(TransmitLoopbackInput inputVar,
NetconfSession session) throws NetconfException;
* Service interface of abortLoopback.
* @param inputVar input of service interface abortLoopback
* @param session An active NETCONF session
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
void abortLoopback(AbortLoopbackInput inputVar,
NetconfSession session) throws NetconfException;
* Service interface of transmitLinktrace.
* @param inputVar input of service interface transmitLinktrace
* @param session An active NETCONF session
* @return transmitLinktraceOutput output of service interface transmitLinktrace
* @throws NetconfException if the session has any error
TransmitLinktraceOutput transmitLinktrace(TransmitLinktraceInput inputVar,
NetconfSession session) throws NetconfException;
public enum DmEntryParts {