| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
| xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> |
| <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> |
| <groupId>org.onosproject</groupId> |
| <artifactId>apache-karaf-offline</artifactId> |
| <version>3.0.8</version> |
| <name>${project.artifactId}</name> |
| <description>Maven POM for Offline Karaf server</description> |
| <packaging>karaf-assembly</packaging> |
| |
| <!-- based on https://github.com/juttayaya/karaf/tree/master/karaf3/offline-karaf--> |
| <url>http://onosproject.org/</url> |
| |
| <scm> |
| <connection>scm:git:https://gerrit.onosproject.org/onos</connection> |
| <developerConnection>scm:git:https://gerrit.onosproject.org/onos |
| </developerConnection> |
| <url>http://gerrit.onosproject.org/</url> |
| </scm> |
| |
| <licenses> |
| <license> |
| <name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name> |
| <url>http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt</url> |
| </license> |
| </licenses> |
| |
| <developers> |
| <developer> |
| <organization>Open Networking Lab</organization> |
| <url>http://onlab.us</url> |
| </developer> |
| </developers> |
| |
| <properties> |
| <karaf.version>3.0.8</karaf.version> |
| <!-- maven-compiler-plugin setting. |
| Karaf 3 runs on Java 7 or later --> |
| <!-- Specific Maven Plugin Versions --> |
| <!-- Karaf Maven Plugin does not have to be same as Karaf Server version |
| For example, Karaf Maven Plugin 3.0.2 has bug uploading to password protected Nexus Repo |
| So I used Karaf Maven Plugin 3.0.3 to build a Karaf 3.0.2 Server --> |
| <karaf.plugin.version>${karaf.version}</karaf.plugin.version> |
| </properties> |
| |
| <distributionManagement> |
| <snapshotRepository> |
| <id>ossrh</id> |
| <url>https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots</url> |
| </snapshotRepository> |
| <repository> |
| <id>ossrh</id> |
| <url>https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/</url> |
| </repository> |
| </distributionManagement> |
| |
| <dependencyManagement> |
| <!-- Import Karaf POM to use the correct version of the Karaf dependencies --> |
| <dependencies> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.karaf</groupId> |
| <artifactId>karaf</artifactId> |
| <version>${karaf.version}</version> |
| <type>pom</type> |
| <scope>import</scope> |
| </dependency> |
| </dependencies> |
| </dependencyManagement> |
| <dependencies> |
| <dependency> |
| <!-- scope is compile so all features (there is only one) are installed into startup.properties and |
| the feature repo itself is not added in etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg file --> |
| <groupId>org.apache.karaf.features</groupId> |
| <artifactId>framework</artifactId> |
| <type>kar</type> |
| <scope>compile</scope> |
| </dependency> |
| |
| <dependency> |
| <!-- Scope is runtime so the feature repo is listed in etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg file, |
| and features will installed into the system directory. |
| |
| This imports the standard Karaf features described at |
| https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/karaf/features/standard/3.0.4/standard-3.0.4-features.xml |
| These features are installed in the karaf-maven-plugin configuration |
| --> |
| <groupId>org.apache.karaf.features</groupId> |
| <artifactId>standard</artifactId> |
| <classifier>features</classifier> |
| <type>xml</type> |
| <scope>runtime</scope> |
| </dependency> |
| <!-- https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/camel/karaf/apache-camel/2.15.2/apache-camel-2.15.2-features.xml --> |
| <!-- <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.camel.karaf</groupId> |
| <artifactId>apache-camel</artifactId> |
| <version>${camel.version}</version> |
| <classifier>features</classifier> |
| <type>xml</type> |
| <scope>runtime</scope> |
| </dependency> --> |
| <!-- https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/karaf/features/spring/3.0.4/spring-3.0.4-features.xml |
| Needed for Camel feature dependency |
| --> |
| <!-- <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.karaf.features</groupId> |
| <artifactId>spring</artifactId> |
| <version>${karaf.version}</version> |
| <classifier>features</classifier> |
| <type>xml</type> |
| <scope>runtime</scope> |
| </dependency> --> |
| </dependencies> |
| <build> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.karaf.tooling</groupId> |
| <artifactId>karaf-maven-plugin</artifactId> |
| <!-- Plugin requires at minimum 3.0.3 version for dependency=true bug fix |
| https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KARAF-2596 --> |
| <version>${karaf.plugin.version}</version> |
| <extensions>true</extensions> |
| <configuration> |
| <karafVersion>${karaf.version}</karafVersion> |
| <!-- ignoreDependencyFlag is true forces plugin to also |
| download feature dependent libraries --> |
| <ignoreDependencyFlag>true</ignoreDependencyFlag> |
| <!-- bootFeatures starts up these features when Karaf first boots up. |
| The feature names are obtained from the features.xml in the |
| dependencies section |
| --> |
| <bootFeatures> |
| <feature>standard</feature> |
| <feature>ssh</feature> |
| <feature>scr</feature> |
| <feature>war</feature> |
| <feature>webconsole</feature> |
| </bootFeatures> |
| <!-- installedFeatures only installs the libraries in the ${KARAF_HOME}/system directory |
| but the user will have to start it up manually via Karaf command line feature:install |
| --> |
| <installedFeatures> |
| <!-- <feature>jndi</feature> --> |
| </installedFeatures> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId> |
| <!-- <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <id>copy</id> |
| <phase>generate-resources</phase> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>copy</goal> |
| </goals> |
| <configuration> |
| <artifactItems> |
| <artifactItem> |
| <groupId>org.apache.karaf.jaas</groupId> |
| <artifactId>org.apache.karaf.jaas.boot</artifactId> |
| <version>${karaf.version}</version> |
| <outputDirectory>target/assembly/system/org/apache/karaf/jaas/org.apache.karaf.jaas.boot</outputDirectory> |
| </artifactItem> |
| </artifactItems> |
| </configuration> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> --> |
| </plugin> |
| |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.sonatype.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>nexus-staging-maven-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>1.6.8</version> |
| <extensions>true</extensions> |
| <configuration> |
| <serverId>ossrh</serverId> |
| <nexusUrl>https://oss.sonatype.org/</nexusUrl> |
| <autoReleaseAfterClose>true</autoReleaseAfterClose> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-gpg-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>1.6</version> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <id>sign-artifacts</id> |
| <phase>verify</phase> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>sign</goal> |
| </goals> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| |
| </plugins> |
| </build> |
| <repositories> |
| <!-- This is the repository location of org.eclipse.equinox:region:jar:1.0.0.v20110506 |
| for the "region" Karaf feature |
| --> |
| <!-- <repository> |
| <id>servicemix</id> |
| <name>ServiceMix Repo for Karaf</name> |
| <url>http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/servicemix/m2-repo</url> |
| </repository> --> |
| </repositories> |
| </project> |