blob: 5a73cb6b3ea5e88c73c7a9eadd0d2a96ae8484b9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
from import Mininet
from mininet.node import UserSwitch, DefaultController, RemoteController, Host
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info
from mininet.cli import CLI
from import OVSIntf
from opticalUtils import LINCSwitch, LINCLink
class Domain(object):
A container for switch, host, link, and controller information to be dumped
into the Mininet mid-level API.
def __init__ (self, did=0):
# each Domain has a numeric ID for sanity/convenience
self.__dId = did
# information about network elements - for calling the "mid-level" APIs
self.__ctrls = {}
self.__switches = {}
self.__hosts = {}
self.__links = {}
# maps of devices, hosts, and controller names to actual objects
self.__smap = {}
self.__hmap = {}
self.__cmap = {}
def addController(self, name, **args):
self.__ctrls[name] = args if args else {}
return name
def addSwitch(self, name, **args):
self.__switches[name] = args if args else {}
return name
def addHost(self, name, **args):
self.__hosts[name] = args if args else {}
return name
def addLink(self, src, dst, **args):
self.__links[(src, dst)] = args if args else {}
return (src, dst)
def getId( self):
return self.__dId
def getControllers(self, name=None):
return self.__cmap.values() if not name else self.__cmap.get(name)
def getSwitches(self, name=None):
return self.__smap.values() if not name else self.__smap.get(name)
def getHosts(self, name=None):
return self.__hmap.values() if not name else self.__hmap.get(name)
def injectInto(self, net):
""" Adds available topology info to a supplied Mininet object. """
# add switches, hosts, then links to mininet object
for sw, args in self.__switches.iteritems():
self.__smap[sw] = net.addSwitch(sw, **args)
for h, args in self.__hosts.iteritems():
self.__hmap[h] = net.addHost(h, **args)
for l, args in self.__links.iteritems():
src = self.__smap.get(l[0])
dst = self.__smap.get(l[1])
net.addLink(src if src else self.__hmap.get(l[0]),
dst if dst else self.__hmap.get(l[1]), **args)
# then controllers
for c, args in self.__ctrls.iteritems():
self.__cmap[c] = net.addController(c, **args)
def start(self):
""" starts the switches with the correct controller. """
map(lambda c: c.start(), self.__cmap.values())
map(lambda s: s.start(self.__cmap.values()), self.__smap.values())
def build(self, *args):
""" override for custom topology, similar to Topo """
class OpticalDomain(Domain):
""" An emulated optical metro core. It is Domain 0. """
def build(self):
for i in range (1,4):
oean = { "optical.regens": 0 }
self.addSwitch('OE%s' % i, dpid='0000ffffffffff0%s' % i, annotations=oean, cls=LINCSwitch)
an = { "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "optical.kms": 1000, "durable": "true" }
self.addLink('OE1', 'OE2', port1=50, port2=30, annotations=an, cls=LINCLink)
self.addLink('OE2', 'OE3', port1=50, port2=30, annotations=an, cls=LINCLink)
self.addLink('OE3', 'OE1', port1=50, port2=30, annotations=an, cls=LINCLink)
class FabricDomain(Domain):
An emulated CO fabric, which is basically a K(n,m) bipartite graph.
Each FabricDomain should be given a unique Domain ID (did) to ensure unique
names and addressing.
def __init__(self, did):
Domain.__init__(self, did)
def build(self, n=2, m=3, f=2):
# K(n,m) in bipartite graph
# create n spine switches
for sw in range(n):
l_nsw.append(self.addSwitch('swn%s%s' % (self.getId(), sw+1), cls=UserSwitch))
# create connection point to optical core (a leaf switch)
tsw = self.addSwitch('swm%s01' % self.getId(), cls=UserSwitch)
self.addTether(tsw, 'sw000%s' % self.getId(), '0000ffffffff000%s' % self.getId())
# attach f hosts to last m-1 leaves
for sw in range(1, m):
msw = self.addSwitch('swm%s0%s' % (self.getId(), sw+1), cls=UserSwitch)
for h in range(f):
host = self.addHost('h%s%s' % (self.getId(), sw * f+h+1), cls=IpHost,
ip='10.0.%s.%s/24' % ((self.getId()+sw+1), (f+1)),
gateway='10.0.%s.254' % (self.getId()+sw+1))
self.addLink(host, msw)
# link up spines and leaves
for nsw in l_nsw:
for msw in l_msw:
self.addLink(nsw, msw)
def addTether(self, name, tname, tdpid):
add an OVS with name 'tname' and dpid 'tdpid' for connecting fabric
domains to the core. name: the UserSwitch to connect the OVS to.
self.__tether = self.addSwitch(tname, dpid=tdpid)
self.addLink(tname, name, port1=1)
def getTether(self):
""" get connection point of this fabric to the core """
return self.__tether
class IpHost(Host):
def __init__(self, name, gateway, *args, **kwargs):
super(IpHost, self).__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
self.gateway = gateway
def config(self, **kwargs):
Host.config(self, **kwargs)
mtu = "ifconfig ""-eth0 mtu 1490"
self.cmd('ip route add default via %s' % self.gateway)
# fixed port numbers for attachment points (APs) between CORD and metro domains
def setup(argv):
domains = []
ctlsets = sys.argv[1:]
# the controllers for the optical domain
d0 = OpticalDomain()
ctls = ctlsets[0].split(',')
for i in range (len(ctls)):
d0.addController('c0%s' % i, controller=RemoteController, ip=ctls[i])
# the fabric domains - position 1 for domain 1, 2 for 2 ...
for i in range (1,len(ctlsets)):
f = FabricDomain(i)
ctls = ctlsets[i].split(',')
for j in range (len(ctls)):
f.addController('c%s%s' % (i,j), controller=RemoteController, ip=ctls[j])
# make/setup Mininet object
net = Mininet()
for d in domains:
# connect COs to core - sort of hard-wired at this moment
for i in range(1,len(domains)):
an = { "bandwidth": 100000, "optical.type": "cross-connect", "durable": "true" }
net.addLink(domains[i].getTether(), d0.getSwitches('OE%s' % i),
port1=OVS_AP, port2=OE_AP, speed=10000, annotations=an, cls=LINCLink)
# fire everything up
map(lambda x: x.start(), domains)
# create a minimal copy of the network for configuring LINC.
cfgnet = Mininet()
cfgnet.switches = net.switches
cfgnet.links = net.links
cfgnet.controllers = d0.getControllers()
LINCSwitch.bootOE(cfgnet, d0.getSwitches())
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 5:
print ("Usage: sudo -E ./ ctl-set1 ... ctl-set4\n\n",
"Where ctl-set are comma-separated controller IP's")