blob: febf74f1cc9a6e62304407d9ee1e2eac34e67639 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.pcep.controller;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* PCEP error message details.
public class PcepErrorDetail {
private Map<Integer, String> sessionEstablishmentFailureMap = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<Integer, String> unknownObjectMap = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<Integer, String> notSupportedObjectMap = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<Integer, String> policyViolationMap = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<Integer, String> mandatoryObjectMissingMap = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<Integer, String> receptionOfInvalidObjectMap = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<Integer, String> invalidOperationMap = new TreeMap<>();
public Map sessionEstablishmentFailure() {
sessionEstablishmentFailureMap.put(1, "Reception of an invalid Open message or a non Open message.");
sessionEstablishmentFailureMap.put(2, "no Open message received before the expiration of the OpenWait timer");
sessionEstablishmentFailureMap.put(3, "unacceptable and non-negotiable session characteristics");
sessionEstablishmentFailureMap.put(4, "unacceptable but negotiable session characteristics");
sessionEstablishmentFailureMap.put(5, "reception of a second Open message with still " +
"unacceptable session characteristics");
sessionEstablishmentFailureMap.put(6, "reception of a PCErr message proposing unacceptable " +
"session characteristics");
sessionEstablishmentFailureMap.put(7, "No Keepalive or PCErr message received before the " +
"expiration of the KeepWait timer");
sessionEstablishmentFailureMap.put(8, "PCEP version not supported");
return sessionEstablishmentFailureMap;
public Map unknownObject() {
unknownObjectMap.put(1, "Unrecognized object class");
unknownObjectMap.put(2, "Unrecognized object type");
return unknownObjectMap;
public Map notSupportedObject() {
notSupportedObjectMap.put(1, "Not Supported object class");
notSupportedObjectMap.put(2, "Not Supported object type");
return notSupportedObjectMap;
public Map policyViolation() {
policyViolationMap.put(1, "C bit of the METRIC object set (request rejected)");
policyViolationMap.put(2, "O bit of the RP object cleared (request rejected)");
return policyViolationMap;
public Map mandatoryObjectMissing() {
mandatoryObjectMissingMap.put(1, "RP object missing");
mandatoryObjectMissingMap.put(2, "RRO missing for a re-optimization request (R bit of the RP object set)");
mandatoryObjectMissingMap.put(2, "END-POINTS object missing");
return mandatoryObjectMissingMap;
public Map receptionOfInvalidObject() {
receptionOfInvalidObjectMap.put(1, "reception of an object with P flag not set although the P flag must be" +
"set according to this specification.");
return receptionOfInvalidObjectMap;
public Map invalidOperation() {
invalidOperationMap.put(1, "Attempted LSP Update Request for a non-delegated LSP. The PCEP-ERROR Object" +
" is followed by the LSP Object that identifies the LSP.");
invalidOperationMap.put(2, "Attempted LSP Update Request if the" +
" stateful PCE capability was not" +
" advertised.");
invalidOperationMap.put(3, "Attempted LSP Update Request for an LSP" +
"identified by an unknown PLSP-ID.");
invalidOperationMap.put(4, "A PCE indicates to a PCC that it has" +
" exceeded the resource limit allocated" +
" for its state, and thus it cannot" +
" accept and process its LSP State Report" +
" message.");
invalidOperationMap.put(5, "Attempted LSP State Report if active" +
" stateful PCE capability was not" +
" advertised.");
return invalidOperationMap;