blob: d8900adbc5d57fa31ff4daecde5c4cbf477ca962 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.ver4;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.exceptions.BgpParseException;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.BgpMessageReader;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.BgpMessageWriter;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.BgpOpenMsg;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.BgpType;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.BgpVersion;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.types.BgpErrorType;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.types.BgpHeader;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.types.BgpValueType;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.types.FourOctetAsNumCapabilityTlv;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.types.MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.util.Validation;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.util.Constants;
import org.onosproject.bgpio.types.RpdCapabilityTlv;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Provides BGP open message.
public class BgpOpenMsgVer4 implements BgpOpenMsg {
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Version |
| My Autonomous System |
| Hold Time |
| BGP Identifier |
| Opt Parm Len |
| Optional Parameters (variable) |
OPEN Message Format
protected static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BgpOpenMsgVer4.class);
public static final byte PACKET_VERSION = 4;
public static final int OPEN_MSG_MINIMUM_LENGTH = 10;
public static final int MSG_HEADER_LENGTH = 19;
public static final int MARKER_LENGTH = 16;
public static final int DEFAULT_HOLD_TIME = 120;
public static final short AS_TRANS = 23456;
public static final int OPT_PARA_TYPE_CAPABILITY = 2;
public static final BgpType MSG_TYPE = BgpType.OPEN;
public static final short AFI = 16388;
public static final byte SAFI = 71;
public static final byte RES = 0;
public static final int FOUR_OCTET_AS_NUM_CAPA_TYPE = 65;
public static final byte[] MARKER = new byte[]{(byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff,
(byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff,
(byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff};
public static final BgpHeader DEFAULT_OPEN_HEADER = new BgpHeader(MARKER,
(short) OPEN_MSG_MINIMUM_LENGTH, (byte) 0X01);
private BgpHeader bgpMsgHeader;
private byte version;
private long asNumber;
private short holdTime;
private int bgpId;
private boolean isLargeAsCapabilitySet;
private LinkedList<BgpValueType> capabilityTlv;
public static final BgpOpenMsgVer4.Reader READER = new Reader();
* reset variables.
public BgpOpenMsgVer4() {
this.bgpMsgHeader = null;
this.version = 0;
this.holdTime = 0;
this.asNumber = 0;
this.bgpId = 0;
this.capabilityTlv = null;
* Constructor to initialize all variables of BGP Open message.
* @param bgpMsgHeader BGP Header in open message
* @param version BGP version in open message
* @param holdTime hold time in open message
* @param asNumber AS number in open message
* @param bgpId BGP identifier in open message
* @param capabilityTlv capabilities in open message
public BgpOpenMsgVer4(BgpHeader bgpMsgHeader, byte version, long asNumber, short holdTime,
int bgpId, LinkedList<BgpValueType> capabilityTlv) {
this.bgpMsgHeader = bgpMsgHeader;
this.version = version;
this.asNumber = asNumber;
this.holdTime = holdTime;
this.bgpId = bgpId;
this.capabilityTlv = capabilityTlv;
public BgpHeader getHeader() {
return this.bgpMsgHeader;
public BgpVersion getVersion() {
return BgpVersion.BGP_4;
public BgpType getType() {
return MSG_TYPE;
public short getHoldTime() {
return this.holdTime;
public long getAsNumber() {
return this.asNumber;
public int getBgpId() {
return this.bgpId;
public LinkedList<BgpValueType> getCapabilityTlv() {
return this.capabilityTlv;
* Reader class for reading BGP open message from channel buffer.
public static class Reader implements BgpMessageReader<BgpOpenMsg> {
public BgpOpenMsg readFrom(ChannelBuffer cb, BgpHeader bgpHeader) throws BgpParseException {
byte version;
short holdTime;
long asNumber;
int bgpId;
byte optParaLen = 0;
byte optParaType;
byte capParaLen = 0;
LinkedList<BgpValueType> capabilityTlv = new LinkedList<>();
if (cb.readableBytes() < OPEN_MSG_MINIMUM_LENGTH) {
log.error("[readFrom] Invalid length: Packet size is less than the minimum length ");
Validation.validateLen(BgpErrorType.OPEN_MESSAGE_ERROR, BgpErrorType.BAD_MESSAGE_LENGTH,
// Read version
version = cb.readByte();
if (version != PACKET_VERSION) {
log.error("[readFrom] Invalid version: " + version);
throw new BgpParseException(BgpErrorType.OPEN_MESSAGE_ERROR,
// Read AS number
asNumber = cb.getUnsignedShort(cb.readerIndex());
log.debug("AS number read");
// Read Hold timer
holdTime = cb.readShort();
log.debug("Holding time read");
// Read BGP Identifier
bgpId = cb.readInt();
log.debug("BGP identifier read");
// Read optional parameter length
optParaLen = cb.readByte();
log.debug("OPtional parameter length read");
// Read Capabilities if optional parameter length is greater than 0
if (optParaLen != 0) {
// Read optional parameter type
optParaType = cb.readByte();
// Read optional parameter length
capParaLen = cb.readByte();
if (cb.readableBytes() < capParaLen) {
throw new BgpParseException(BgpErrorType.OPEN_MESSAGE_ERROR, (byte) 0, null);
ChannelBuffer capaCb = cb.readBytes(capParaLen);
// Parse capabilities only if optional parameter type is 2
if ((optParaType == OPT_PARA_TYPE_CAPABILITY) && (capParaLen != 0)) {
capabilityTlv = parseCapabilityTlv(capaCb);
} else {
throw new BgpParseException(BgpErrorType.OPEN_MESSAGE_ERROR,
return new BgpOpenMsgVer4(bgpHeader, version, asNumber, holdTime, bgpId, capabilityTlv);
* Parsing capabilities.
* @param cb of type channel buffer
* @return capabilityTlv of open message
* @throws BgpParseException while parsing capabilities
protected static LinkedList<BgpValueType> parseCapabilityTlv(ChannelBuffer cb) throws BgpParseException {
LinkedList<BgpValueType> capabilityTlv = new LinkedList<>();
while (cb.readableBytes() > 0) {
BgpValueType tlv;
short type = cb.readByte();
short length = cb.readByte();
switch (type) {
case FourOctetAsNumCapabilityTlv.TYPE:
if (FourOctetAsNumCapabilityTlv.LENGTH != length) {
throw new BgpParseException("Invalid length received for FourOctetAsNumCapabilityTlv.");
if (length > cb.readableBytes()) {
throw new BgpParseException("Four octet as num tlv length"
+ " is more than readableBytes.");
int as4Num = cb.readInt();
tlv = new FourOctetAsNumCapabilityTlv(as4Num);
case RpdCapabilityTlv.TYPE:
if (RpdCapabilityTlv.LENGTH != length) {
throw new BgpParseException("Invalid length received for RpdCapability.");
if (length > cb.readableBytes()) {
throw new BgpParseException("Four octet as num TLV length"
+ " is more than readableBytes.");
short rpdAfi = cb.readShort();
byte rpdAsafi = cb.readByte();
byte sendReceive = cb.readByte();
tlv = new RpdCapabilityTlv(sendReceive);
case MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv.TYPE:
if (MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv.LENGTH != length) {
throw new BgpParseException("Invalid length received for MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv.");
if (length > cb.readableBytes()) {
throw new BgpParseException("BGP LS tlv length is more than readableBytes.");
short afi = cb.readShort();
byte res = cb.readByte();
byte safi = cb.readByte();
tlv = new MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv(afi, res, safi);
log.debug("Warning: Unsupported TLV: " + type);
return capabilityTlv;
* Builder class for BGP open message.
static class Builder implements BgpOpenMsg.Builder {
private boolean isHeaderSet = false;
private BgpHeader bgpMsgHeader;
private boolean isHoldTimeSet = false;
private short holdTime;
private boolean isAsNumSet = false;
private short asNumber;
private boolean isBgpIdSet = false;
private int bgpId;
private boolean isIpV4UnicastCapabilityTlvSet = true;
private boolean isLargeAsCapabilityTlvSet = false;
private boolean isLsCapabilityTlvSet = false;
private boolean isFlowSpecCapabilityTlvSet = false;
private boolean isVpnFlowSpecCapabilityTlvSet = false;
private boolean isFlowSpecRpdCapabilityTlvSet = false;
LinkedList<BgpValueType> capabilityTlv = new LinkedList<>();
public BgpOpenMsg build() throws BgpParseException {
BgpHeader bgpMsgHeader = this.isHeaderSet ? this.bgpMsgHeader : DEFAULT_OPEN_HEADER;
short holdTime = this.isHoldTimeSet ? this.holdTime : DEFAULT_HOLD_TIME;
if (!this.isAsNumSet) {
throw new BgpParseException("BGP AS number is not set (mandatory)");
if (!this.isBgpIdSet) {
throw new BgpParseException("BGPID is not set (mandatory)");
if (this.isIpV4UnicastCapabilityTlvSet) {
BgpValueType tlv;
tlv = new MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv((short) Constants.AFI_IPV4_UNICAST, RES,
(byte) Constants.SAFI_IPV4_UNICAST);
if (this.isLargeAsCapabilityTlvSet) {
BgpValueType tlv;
int value = this.asNumber;
tlv = new FourOctetAsNumCapabilityTlv(value);
if (this.isLsCapabilityTlvSet) {
BgpValueType tlv;
tlv = new MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv(AFI, RES, SAFI);
if (this.isFlowSpecCapabilityTlvSet) {
BgpValueType tlv;
tlv = new MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv(Constants.AFI_FLOWSPEC_VALUE,
if (this.isVpnFlowSpecCapabilityTlvSet) {
BgpValueType tlv;
tlv = new MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv(Constants.AFI_FLOWSPEC_VALUE,
if (this.isFlowSpecRpdCapabilityTlvSet) {
BgpValueType tlv;
tlv = new RpdCapabilityTlv(Constants.RPD_CAPABILITY_SEND_VALUE);
return new BgpOpenMsgVer4(bgpMsgHeader, PACKET_VERSION, this.asNumber, holdTime, this.bgpId,
public Builder setHeader(BgpHeader bgpMsgHeader) {
this.bgpMsgHeader = bgpMsgHeader;
return this;
public Builder setHoldTime(short holdTime) {
this.holdTime = holdTime;
this.isHoldTimeSet = true;
return this;
public Builder setAsNumber(short asNumber) {
this.asNumber = asNumber;
this.isAsNumSet = true;
return this;
public Builder setBgpId(int bgpId) {
this.bgpId = bgpId;
this.isBgpIdSet = true;
return this;
public Builder setCapabilityTlv(LinkedList<BgpValueType> capabilityTlv) {
this.capabilityTlv = capabilityTlv;
return this;
public Builder setLargeAsCapabilityTlv(boolean isLargeAsCapabilitySet) {
this.isLargeAsCapabilityTlvSet = isLargeAsCapabilitySet;
return this;
public Builder setLsCapabilityTlv(boolean isLsCapabilitySet) {
this.isLsCapabilityTlvSet = isLsCapabilitySet;
return this;
public Builder setFlowSpecCapabilityTlv(boolean isFlowSpecCapabilitySet) {
this.isFlowSpecCapabilityTlvSet = isFlowSpecCapabilitySet;
return this;
public Builder setVpnFlowSpecCapabilityTlv(boolean isVpnFlowSpecCapabilitySet) {
this.isVpnFlowSpecCapabilityTlvSet = isVpnFlowSpecCapabilitySet;
return this;
public Builder setFlowSpecRpdCapabilityTlv(boolean isFlowSpecRpdCapabilityTlvSet) {
this.isFlowSpecRpdCapabilityTlvSet = isFlowSpecRpdCapabilityTlvSet;
return this;
public void writeTo(ChannelBuffer cb) {
try {
WRITER.write(cb, this);
} catch (BgpParseException e) {
log.debug("[writeTo] Error: " + e.toString());
public static final Writer WRITER = new Writer();
* Writer class for writing BGP open message to channel buffer.
public static class Writer implements BgpMessageWriter<BgpOpenMsgVer4> {
public void write(ChannelBuffer cb, BgpOpenMsgVer4 message) throws BgpParseException {
int optParaLen = 0;
int as4num = 0;
int startIndex = cb.writerIndex();
// write common header and get msg length index
int msgLenIndex = message.bgpMsgHeader.write(cb);
if (msgLenIndex <= 0) {
throw new BgpParseException("Unable to write message header.");
// write version in 1-octet
// get as4num if LS Capability is set
if (message.isLargeAsCapabilitySet) {
LinkedList<BgpValueType> capabilityTlv = message
ListIterator<BgpValueType> listIterator = capabilityTlv
while (listIterator.hasNext()) {
BgpValueType tlv =;
if (tlv.getType() == FOUR_OCTET_AS_NUM_CAPA_TYPE) {
as4num = ((FourOctetAsNumCapabilityTlv) tlv).getInt();
if ((message.isLargeAsCapabilitySet) && (as4num > 65535)) {
// write As number as AS_TRANS
} else {
// write AS number in next 2-octet
cb.writeShort((short) message.asNumber);
// write HoldTime in next 2-octet
// write BGP Identifier in next 4-octet
// store the index of Optional parameter length
int optParaLenIndex = cb.writerIndex();
// set optional parameter length as 0
// Pack capability TLV
optParaLen = message.packCapabilityTlv(cb, message);
if (optParaLen != 0) {
// Update optional parameter length
cb.setByte(optParaLenIndex, (byte) (optParaLen + 2)); //+2 for optional parameter type.
// write OPEN Object Length
int length = cb.writerIndex() - startIndex;
cb.setShort(msgLenIndex, (short) length);
message.bgpMsgHeader.setLength((short) length);
* returns length of capability tlvs.
* @param cb of type channel buffer
* @param message of type BGPOpenMsgVer4
* @return capParaLen of open message
protected int packCapabilityTlv(ChannelBuffer cb, BgpOpenMsgVer4 message) {
int startIndex = cb.writerIndex();
int capParaLen = 0;
int capParaLenIndex = 0;
LinkedList<BgpValueType> capabilityTlv = message.capabilityTlv;
ListIterator<BgpValueType> listIterator = capabilityTlv.listIterator();
if (listIterator.hasNext()) {
// Set optional parameter type as 2
// Store the index of capability parameter length and update length at the end
capParaLenIndex = cb.writerIndex();
// Set capability parameter length as 0
// Update the startIndex to know the length of capability tlv
startIndex = cb.writerIndex();
while (listIterator.hasNext()) {
BgpValueType tlv =;
if (tlv == null) {
log.debug("Warning: TLV is null from CapabilityTlv list");
capParaLen = cb.writerIndex() - startIndex;
if (capParaLen != 0) {
// Update capability parameter length
cb.setByte(capParaLenIndex, (byte) capParaLen);
return capParaLen;
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
.add("bgpMsgHeader", bgpMsgHeader)
.add("version", version)
.add("holdTime", holdTime)
.add("asNumber", asNumber)
.add("bgpId", bgpId)
.add("capabilityTlv", capabilityTlv)