blob: f69afa292903cafa074bc14cbff5df89fe014cda [file] [log] [blame]
sonugupta-huawei99c0a012017-12-23 00:44:15 +05301module yrt-ietf-otn-tunnel {
3 yang-version 1.1;
5 namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yrt-ietf-otn-tunnel";
6 prefix "otn-tunnel";
8 import actn-ietf-te { prefix "te"; }
9 import yrt-ietf-transport-types { prefix "tran-types"; }
10 //import yang-ext { prefix ext; revision-date 2013-07-09; }
11 import actn-ietf-te-types {
12 prefix te-types;
13 }
15 import yrt-ietf-inet-types {
16 prefix inet;
17 }
19 organization
20 "IETF CCAMP Working Group";
22 contact
23 "WG Web: <>
24 WG List: <>
26 Editor: Anurag Sharma
27 <>
29 Editor: Rajan Rao
30 <>
32 Editor: Xian Zhang
33 <>
35 Editor: Kun Xiang
36 <>";
38 description
39 "This module defines a model for OTN Tunnel Services.";
41 revision "2017-03-11" {
42 description
43 "Revision 0.3";
44 reference "TBD";
45 }
47 grouping otn-tunnel-endpoint {
48 description "Parameters for OTN tunnel.";
50 leaf payload-treatment {
51 type enumeration {
52 enum switching;
53 enum transport;
54 }
55 default switching;
56 description
57 "Treatment of the incoming payload. Payload can
58 either be switched, or transported as is.";
59 }
61 leaf src-client-signal {
62 type identityref {
63 base tran-types:client-signal;
64 }
65 description
66 "Client signal at the source endpoint of
67 the tunnel.";
68 }
70 leaf src-tpn {
71 type uint16 {
72 range "0..4095";
73 }
74 description
75 "Tributary Port Number. Applicable in case of mux
76 services.";
77 reference
78 "RFC7139: GMPLS Signaling Extensions for Control of
79 Evolving G.709 Optical Transport Networks.";
80 }
82 leaf src-tsg {
83 type identityref {
84 base tran-types:tributary-slot-granularity;
85 }
86 description
87 "Tributary slot granularity. Applicable in case of mux
88 services.";
89 reference
90 "G.709/Y.1331, February 2016: Interfaces for the
91 Optical Transport Network (OTN)";
92 }
94 leaf src-tributary-slot-count {
95 type uint16;
96 description
97 "Number of tributary slots used at the source.";
98 }
100 container src-tributary-slots {
101 description
102 "A list of tributary slots used by the client
103 service. Applicable in case of mux services.";
104 leaf-list values {
105 type uint8;
106 description
107 "Tributary tributary slot value.";
108 reference
109 "G.709/Y.1331, February 2016: Interfaces for the
110 Optical Transport Network (OTN)";
111 }
112 }
114 leaf dst-client-signal {
115 type identityref {
116 base tran-types:client-signal;
117 }
118 description
119 "Client signal at the destination endpoint of
120 the tunnel.";
121 }
123 leaf dst-tpn {
124 type uint16 {
125 range "0..4095";
126 }
127 description
128 "Tributary Port Number. Applicable in case of mux
129 services.";
130 reference
131 "RFC7139: GMPLS Signaling Extensions for Control of
132 Evolving G.709 Optical Transport Networks.";
133 }
135 leaf dst-tsg {
136 type identityref {
137 base tran-types:tributary-slot-granularity;
138 }
139 description
140 "Tributary slot granularity. Applicable in case of mux
141 services.";
142 reference
143 "G.709/Y.1331, February 2016: Interfaces for the
144 Optical Transport Network (OTN)";
145 }
147 leaf dst-tributary-slot-count {
148 type uint16;
149 description
150 "Number of tributary slots used at the destination.";
151 }
153 container dst-tributary-slots {
154 description
155 "A list of tributary slots used by the client
156 service. Applicable in case of mux services.";
157 leaf-list values {
158 type uint8;
159 description
160 "Tributary slot value.";
161 reference
162 "G.709/Y.1331, February 2016: Interfaces for the
163 Optical Transport Network (OTN)";
164 }
165 }
166 }
168 /*
169 Note: Comment has been given to authors of TE Tunnel model to add
170 tunnel-types to the model in order to identify the technology
171 type of the service.
173 grouping otn-service-type {
174 description
175 "Identifies the OTN Service type.";
176 container otn-service {
177 presence "Indicates OTN Service.";
178 description
179 "Its presence identifies the OTN Service type.";
180 }
181 } // otn-service-type
183 augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:tunnel-types" {
184 description
185 "Introduce OTN service type for tunnel.";
186 ext:augment-identifier otn-service-type-augment;
187 uses otn-service-type;
188 }
189 */
191 /*
192 Note: Comment has been given to authors of TE Tunnel model to add
193 list of endpoints under config to support P2MP tunnel.
194 */
195 augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:config" {
196 description
197 "Augment with additional parameters required for OTN
198 service.";
199 //ext:augment-identifier otn-tunnel-endpoint-config-augment;
200 uses otn-tunnel-endpoint;
201 }
203 augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:state" {
204 description
205 "Augment with additional parameters required for OTN
206 service.";
207 //ext:augment-identifier otn-tunnel-endpoint-state-augment;
208 uses otn-tunnel-endpoint;
209 }
211 /*
212 Note: Comment has been given to authors of TE Tunnel model to add
213 tunnel-lifecycle-event to the model. This notification is reported
214 for all lifecycle changes (create, delete, and update) to the
215 tunnel or lsp.
216 augment "/te:tunnel-lifecycle-event" {
217 description
218 "OTN service event";
219 uses otn-service-type;
220 uses otn-tunnel-params;
222 list endpoint {
223 key
224 "endpoint-address tp-id";
225 description
226 "List of Tunnel Endpoints.";
227 uses te:tunnel-endpoint;
228 uses otn-tunnel-params;
229 }
230 }
231 */
234 grouping p2p-path-ero {
235 description
236 "TE tunnel ERO configuration grouping";
238 leaf te-default-metric {
239 type uint32;
240 description
241 "Traffic engineering metric.";
242 }
243 leaf te-delay-metric {
244 type uint32;
245 description
246 "Traffic engineering delay metric.";
247 }
248 leaf te-hop-metric {
249 type uint32;
250 description
251 "Traffic engineering hop metric.";
252 }
253 container explicit-route-objects {
254 description "Explicit route objects container";
255 leaf explicit-route-usage {
256 type identityref {
257 base te-types:route-usage-type;
258 }
259 description "An explicit-route hop action.";
260 }
261 list explicit-route-object {
262 key "index";
263 description
264 "List of explicit route objects";
265 leaf index {
266 type uint32;
267 description "Index of this explicit route object";
268 }
269 uses te-types:explicit-route-hop;
270 }
271 }
272 }
275 rpc otn-te-tunnel-path-compute {
276 description "OTN TE tunnel path computation";
277 input {
278 list request {
279 key "id";
280 description "A list of path computation requests.";
282 leaf id {
283 type uint8;
284 description
285 "Request ID.";
286 }
287 leaf type {
288 type identityref {
289 base te-types:tunnel-type;
290 }
291 description "TE tunnel type.";
292 }
293 leaf source {
294 type inet:ip-address;
295 description
296 "TE tunnel source address.";
297 }
298 leaf destination {
299 /* Add when check */
300 type inet:ip-address;
301 description
302 "TE tunnel destination address";
303 }
304 leaf src-tp-id {
305 type binary;
306 description
307 "TE tunnel source termination point identifier.";
308 }
309 leaf dst-tp-id {
310 type binary;
311 description
312 "TE tunnel destination termination point identifier.";
313 }
314 leaf switching-layer {
315 type identityref {
316 base te-types:switching-capabilities;
317 }
318 description
319 "Switching layer where the requests are computed.";
320 }
321 leaf encoding {
322 type identityref {
323 base te-types:lsp-encoding-types;
324 }
325 description "LSP encoding type";
326 }
327 leaf protection-type {
328 type identityref {
329 base te-types:lsp-prot-type;
330 }
331 description "LSP protection type.";
332 }
333 leaf provider-id {
334 type te-types:te-global-id;
335 description
336 "An identifier to uniquely identify a provider.";
337 }
338 leaf client-id {
339 type te-types:te-global-id;
340 description
341 "An identifier to uniquely identify a client.";
342 }
343 leaf te-topology-id {
344 type te-types:te-topology-id;
345 description
346 "It is presumed that a datastore will contain many
347 topologies. To distinguish between topologies it is
348 vital to have UNIQUE topology identifiers.";
349 }
350 leaf setup-priority {
351 type uint8 {
352 range "0..7";
353 }
354 description
355 "TE LSP setup priority";
356 }
357 leaf hold-priority {
358 type uint8 {
359 range "0..7";
360 }
361 description
362 "TE LSP hold priority";
363 }
364 leaf te-path-metric-type {
365 type identityref {
366 base te-types:path-metric-type;
367 }
368 default te-types:path-metric-te;
369 description
370 "The tunnel path metric type.";
371 }
373 leaf odu-type {
374 type identityref{
375 base tran-types:tributary-protocol-type;
376 }
377 description "Type of ODU";
378 }
379 container p2p-primary-paths {
380 description "Set of P2P primary paths container";
381 list p2p-primary-path {
382 key "name";
383 description
384 "List of primary paths for this tunnel.";
385 leaf name {
386 type string;
387 description "TE path name";
388 }
389 uses p2p-path-ero;
390 }
391 }
392 container p2p-secondary-paths {
393 description "Set of P2P secondary paths container";
394 list p2p-secondary-path {
395 key "name";
396 description
397 "List of secondary paths for this tunnel.";
398 leaf name {
399 type string;
400 description "TE path name";
401 }
402 uses p2p-path-ero;
403 }
404 }
405 uses otn-tunnel-endpoint;
406 }
407 }
408 output {
409 leaf return-code {
410 type enumeration {
411 enum success {
412 description "success";
413 }
414 enum aborted {
415 description "";
416 }
417 enum destination-not-found {
418 description "";
419 }
420 enum invalid-argument {
421 description "";
422 }
423 enum no-memory {
424 description "";
425 }
426 enum no-path-found{
427 description "";
428 }
429 enum other-error {
430 description "";
431 }
432 enum some-path-not-found{
433 description "";
434 }
435 enum source-not-found {
436 description "";
437 }
438 enum topology-error {
439 description "";
440 }
441 }
442 description
443 "Return code.";
444 }
445 list result {
446 key "id";
447 description
448 "A list of results for all requests.";
450 leaf id {
451 type uint8;
452 description
453 "Request ID.";
454 }
455 container p2p-primary-paths {
456 description "Set of P2P primary paths container";
457 list p2p-primary-path {
458 key "name";
459 description
460 "List of resultant primary paths for this tunnel.";
461 leaf name {
462 type string;
463 description "TE path name";
464 }
465 uses p2p-path-ero;
466 }
467 }
468 container p2p-secondary-paths {
469 description "Set of P2P secondary paths container";
470 list p2p-secondary-path {
471 key "name";
472 description
473 "List of resultant secondary paths for this tunnel.";
474 leaf name {
475 type string;
476 description "TE path name";
477 }
478 uses p2p-path-ero;
479 }
480 }
481 }
482 }
483 }