blob: 716580ebe53e9bff20a039c08f068088c9176ff4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.JavaAttributeInfo;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants;
* Generated methods for generated files based on the file type.
public final class MethodsGenerator {
* Default constructor.
private MethodsGenerator() {
* Returns the methods strings for builder interface.
* @param name attribute name
* @return method string for builder interface
public static String parseBuilderInterfaceBuildMethodString(String name) {
return JavaDocGen.getJavaDoc(JavaDocGen.JavaDocType.BUILD, name, false) + getBuildForInterface(name);
* Returns getter string.
* @param attr attribute info
* @return getter string
public static String getGetterString(JavaAttributeInfo attr) {
String returnType = getReturnType(attr);
String attributeName = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getLowerCase(attr.getAttributeName());
return JavaDocGen.getJavaDoc(JavaDocGen.JavaDocType.GETTER, attributeName, attr.isListAttr()) +
getGetterForInterface(attributeName, returnType, attr.isListAttr());
* Returns setter string.
* @param attr attribute info
* @param className java class name
* @return setter string
public static String getSetterString(JavaAttributeInfo attr, String className) {
String attrType = getReturnType(attr);
String attributeName = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getLowerCase(attr.getAttributeName());
return JavaDocGen.getJavaDoc(JavaDocGen.JavaDocType.SETTER, attributeName, attr.isListAttr())
+ getSetterForInterface(attributeName, attrType, className, attr.isListAttr());
* Returns constructor method string.
* @param name class name
* @return constructor string
public static String getConstructorString(String name) {
return JavaDocGen.getJavaDoc(JavaDocGen.JavaDocType.CONSTRUCTOR, name, false);
* Returns default constructor method string.
* @param name class name
* @param modifierType modifier type
* @return default constructor string
public static String getDefaultConstructorString(String name, String modifierType) {
return JavaDocGen.getJavaDoc(JavaDocGen.JavaDocType.DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR, name, false)
+ getDefaultConstructor(name, modifierType);
* Returns default constructor method string.
* @param attr attribute info
* @param className class name
* @return default constructor string
public static String getTypeDefConstructor(JavaAttributeInfo attr, String className) {
String attrQuaifiedType = getReturnType(attr);
String attributeName = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getLowerCase(attr.getAttributeName());
if (!attr.isListAttr()) {
return getTypeDefConstructorString(attrQuaifiedType, attributeName, className);
String listAttr = getListString() + attrQuaifiedType + UtilConstants.DIAMOND_CLOSE_BRACKET;
return getTypeDefConstructorString(listAttr, attributeName, className);
* Returns type def's constructor for attribute.
* @param type data type
* @param name attribute name
* @param className class name
* @return setter for type def's attribute
private static String getTypeDefConstructorString(String type, String name, String className) {
return UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.PUBLIC + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ className + UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + type + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.VALUE
+ UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.THIS
+ UtilConstants.PERIOD + name + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.EQUAL + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.VALUE + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
* Returns check not null string.
* @param name attribute name
* @return check not null string
public static String getCheckNotNull(String name) {
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + name + UtilConstants.COMMA + UtilConstants.SPACE + name
+ UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
* Returns build method string.
* @param name class name
* @return build string
public static String getBuildString(String name) {
return UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.OVERRIDE + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
+ getBuild(name);
* Returns the getter method strings for class file.
* @param attr attribute info
* @return getter method for class
public static String getGetterForClass(JavaAttributeInfo attr) {
String attrQuaifiedType = getReturnType(attr);
String attributeName = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getLowerCase(attr.getAttributeName());
if (!attr.isListAttr()) {
return getGetter(attrQuaifiedType, attributeName);
String listAttr = getListString() + attrQuaifiedType + UtilConstants.DIAMOND_CLOSE_BRACKET;
return getGetter(listAttr, attributeName + UtilConstants.SUFIX_S);
* Returns getter for attribute.
* @param type return type
* @param name attribute name
* @return getter for attribute
private static String getGetter(String type, String name) {
return UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.PUBLIC + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ type + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.GET_METHOD_PREFIX
+ JavaIdentifierSyntax.getCaptialCase(name) + UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS
+ UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.RETURN
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + name + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
* Returns the setter method strings for class file.
* @param attr attribute info
* @param className name of the class
* @return setter method for class
public static String getSetterForClass(JavaAttributeInfo attr, String className) {
String attrQuaifiedType = getReturnType(attr);
String attributeName = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getLowerCase(attr.getAttributeName());
if (!attr.isListAttr()) {
return getSetter(className, attributeName, attrQuaifiedType);
String listAttr = getListString() + attrQuaifiedType + UtilConstants.DIAMOND_CLOSE_BRACKET;
return getSetter(className, attributeName + UtilConstants.SUFIX_S, listAttr);
* Returns setter for attribute.
* @param className class name
* @param name attribute name
* @param type return type
* @return setter for attribute
private static String getSetter(String className, String name, String type) {
return UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.PUBLIC + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ className + UtilConstants.BUILDER + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.SET_METHOD_PREFIX
+ JavaIdentifierSyntax.getCaptialCase(name) + UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS
+ type + UtilConstants.SPACE + name + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
+ UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.THIS + UtilConstants.PERIOD
+ name + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.EQUAL + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ name + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION
+ UtilConstants.RETURN + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.THIS + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET;
* Returns the setter method strings for class file.
* @param attr attribute info
* @return setter method for class
public static String getSetterForTypeDefClass(JavaAttributeInfo attr) {
String attrQuaifiedType = getReturnType(attr);
String attributeName = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getLowerCase(attr.getAttributeName());
if (!attr.isListAttr()) {
return getTypeDefSetter(attrQuaifiedType, attributeName);
String listAttr = getListString() + attrQuaifiedType + UtilConstants.DIAMOND_CLOSE_BRACKET;
return getTypeDefSetter(listAttr, attributeName + UtilConstants.SUFIX_S);
* Returns type def's setter for attribute.
* @param type data type
* @param name attribute name
* @return setter for type def's attribute
private static String getTypeDefSetter(String type, String name) {
return UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.PUBLIC + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.VOID + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.SET_METHOD_PREFIX
+ JavaIdentifierSyntax.getCaptialCase(name) + UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS
+ type + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.VALUE + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
+ UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.THIS + UtilConstants.PERIOD
+ name + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.EQUAL + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.VALUE + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
* Returns override string.
* @return override string
public static String getOverRideString() {
return UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION
+ UtilConstants.OVERRIDE + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
* Returns the getter method strings for interface file.
* @param yangName name of the attribute
* @param returnType return type of attribute
* @param isList is list attribute
* @return getter method for interface
public static String getGetterForInterface(String yangName, String returnType, boolean isList) {
if (!isList) {
return getGetterInterfaceString(returnType, yangName);
String listAttr = getListString() + returnType + UtilConstants.DIAMOND_CLOSE_BRACKET;
return getGetterInterfaceString(listAttr, yangName + UtilConstants.SUFIX_S);
* Returns getter for attribute in interface.
* @param returnType return type
* @param yangName attribute name
* @return getter for interface
private static String getGetterInterfaceString(String returnType, String yangName) {
return UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + returnType
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.GET_METHOD_PREFIX
+ JavaIdentifierSyntax.getCaptialCase(yangName)
+ UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN;
* Returns the setter method strings for interface file.
* @param attrName name of the attribute
* @param attrType return type of attribute
* @param className name of the java class being generated
* @param isList is list attribute
* @return setter method for interface
public static String getSetterForInterface(String attrName, String attrType, String className, boolean isList) {
if (!isList) {
return getSetterInterfaceString(className, attrName, attrType);
String listAttr = getListString() + attrType + UtilConstants.DIAMOND_CLOSE_BRACKET;
return getSetterInterfaceString(className, attrName + UtilConstants.SUFIX_S, listAttr);
* Returns setter string for interface.
* @param className class name
* @param attrName attribute name
* @param attrType attribute type
* @return setter string
private static String getSetterInterfaceString(String className, String attrName, String attrType) {
return UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + className + UtilConstants.BUILDER
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.SET_METHOD_PREFIX
+ JavaIdentifierSyntax.getCaptialCase(attrName) + UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS
+ attrType + UtilConstants.SPACE + attrName + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS
+ UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN;
* Returns list string.
* @return list string
private static String getListString() {
return UtilConstants.LIST + UtilConstants.DIAMOND_OPEN_BRACKET;
* Returns return type for attribute.
* @param attr attribute info
* @return return type
private static String getReturnType(JavaAttributeInfo attr) {
String returnType = UtilConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
if (attr.isQualifiedName() && (attr.getImportInfo().getPkgInfo() != null)) {
returnType = attr.getImportInfo().getPkgInfo() + UtilConstants.PERIOD;
returnType = returnType + attr.getImportInfo().getClassInfo();
return returnType;
* Returns the build method strings for interface file.
* @param yangName name of the interface
* @return build method for interface
public static String getBuildForInterface(String yangName) {
return UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + yangName + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.BUILD
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
* Returns constructor string for impl class.
* @param yangName class name
* @return constructor string
public static String getConstructorStart(String yangName) {
String javadoc = MethodsGenerator.getConstructorString(yangName);
String constructor = UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.PUBLIC + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ yangName + UtilConstants.IMPL + UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + yangName + UtilConstants.BUILDER
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.BUILDER.toLowerCase() + UtilConstants.OBJECT
+ UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
return javadoc + constructor;
* Returns the constructor strings for class file.
* @param yangName name of the class
* @param attr attribute info
* @return constructor for class
public static String getConstructor(String yangName, JavaAttributeInfo attr) {
String attributeName = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getLowerCase(attr.getAttributeName());
if (attr.isListAttr()) {
attributeName = attributeName + UtilConstants.SUFIX_S;
String constructor = UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.THIS
+ UtilConstants.PERIOD + JavaIdentifierSyntax.getCamelCase(attributeName)
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.EQUAL + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.BUILDER.toLowerCase()
+ UtilConstants.OBJECT + UtilConstants.PERIOD + UtilConstants.GET_METHOD_PREFIX
+ JavaIdentifierSyntax.getCaptialCase(JavaIdentifierSyntax.getCamelCase(attributeName))
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
return constructor;
* Returns the build method strings for class file.
* @param yangName class name
* @return build method string for class
public static String getBuild(String yangName) {
return UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.PUBLIC + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ yangName + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.BUILD + UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS
+ UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.RETURN
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.NEW + UtilConstants.SPACE + yangName + UtilConstants.IMPL
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.THIS + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS
+ UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION
* Returns the Default constructor strings for class file.
* @param name name of the class
* @param modifierType modifier type for default constructor
* @return Default constructor for class
private static String getDefaultConstructor(String name, String modifierType) {
return UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + modifierType + UtilConstants.SPACE + name
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION
* Returns to string method open strings.
* @return to string method open string
public static String getToStringMethodOpen() {
return getOverRideString() + UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.PUBLIC + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.STRING + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.TO + UtilConstants.STRING
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.RETURN + UtilConstants.GOOGLE_MORE_OBJECT_METHOD_STRING + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
* Returns to string methods close string.
* @return to string method close string
public static String getToStringMethodClose() {
return UtilConstants.TWELVE_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.PERIOD + UtilConstants.TO + UtilConstants.STRING
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION
+ UtilConstants.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
* To string method for class.
* @param attr attribute info
* @return to string method
public static String getToStringMethod(JavaAttributeInfo attr) {
String attributeName = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getLowerCase(attr.getAttributeName());
if (attr.isListAttr()) {
attributeName = attributeName + UtilConstants.SUFIX_S;
return UtilConstants.TWELVE_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.PERIOD + UtilConstants.ADD_STRING
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.QUOTES
+ attributeName + UtilConstants.QUOTES + UtilConstants.COMMA + UtilConstants.SPACE + attributeName
* Returns to hash code method open strings.
* @return to hash code method open string
public static String getHashCodeMethodOpen() {
return getOverRideString() + UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.PUBLIC + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.INT + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.HASH_CODE_STRING
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.RETURN + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OBJECT_STRING + UtilConstants.SUFIX_S
+ UtilConstants.PERIOD + UtilConstants.HASH + UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS;
* Returns to hash code methods close string.
* @param hashcodeString hash code string
* @return to hash code method close string
public static String getHashCodeMethodClose(String hashcodeString) {
hashcodeString = YangIoUtils.trimAtLast(hashcodeString, UtilConstants.COMMA);
hashcodeString = YangIoUtils.trimAtLast(hashcodeString, UtilConstants.SPACE);
return hashcodeString + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
+ UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
* Hash code method for class.
* @param attr attribute info
* @return hash code method
public static String getHashCodeMethod(JavaAttributeInfo attr) {
String attributeName = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getLowerCase(attr.getAttributeName());
if (attr.isListAttr()) {
attributeName = attributeName + UtilConstants.SUFIX_S;
return attributeName
+ UtilConstants.COMMA + UtilConstants.SPACE;
* Returns to equals method open strings.
* @param className class name
* @return to equals method open string
public static String getEqualsMethodOpen(String className) {
return getOverRideString() + UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.PUBLIC + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.BOOLEAN + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.EQUALS_STRING
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.OBJECT_STRING + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OBJ
+ UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + getEqualsMethodsCommonIfCondition()
+ getEqualsMethodsSpecificIfCondition(className);
* Returns equal methods if condition string.
* @return if condition string
private static String getEqualsMethodsCommonIfCondition() {
return UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.IF + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.THIS + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.EQUAL
+ UtilConstants.EQUAL + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OBJ + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
+ UtilConstants.TWELVE_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.RETURN + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.TRUE + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
* Returns if condition for specific class object in equals method.
* @param className class name
* @return if condition string
private static String getEqualsMethodsSpecificIfCondition(String className) {
return UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.IF + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.OBJ + UtilConstants.INSTANCE_OF + className
+ UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.TWELVE_SPACE_INDENTATION + className + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.OTHER + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.EQUAL + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + className + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.OBJ + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
+ UtilConstants.TWELVE_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.RETURN + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
* Returns to equals methods close string.
* @param equalMethodString equal method string
* @return to equals method close string
public static String getEqualsMethodClose(String equalMethodString) {
equalMethodString = YangIoUtils.trimAtLast(equalMethodString, UtilConstants.AND);
equalMethodString = YangIoUtils.trimAtLast(equalMethodString, UtilConstants.AND);
equalMethodString = YangIoUtils.trimAtLast(equalMethodString, UtilConstants.SPACE);
equalMethodString = YangIoUtils.trimAtLast(equalMethodString, UtilConstants.NEW_LINE) + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
return equalMethodString + UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION
+ UtilConstants.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
+ UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.RETURN + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.FALSE + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION
+ UtilConstants.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
* Equals method for class.
* @param attr attribute info
* @return equals method
public static String getEqualsMethod(JavaAttributeInfo attr) {
String attributeName = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getLowerCase(attr.getAttributeName());
if (attr.isListAttr()) {
attributeName = attributeName + UtilConstants.SUFIX_S;
return UtilConstants.SIXTEEN_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OBJECT_STRING
+ UtilConstants.SUFIX_S + UtilConstants.PERIOD + UtilConstants.EQUALS_STRING
+ UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + attributeName + UtilConstants.COMMA + UtilConstants.SPACE
+ UtilConstants.OTHER + UtilConstants.PERIOD + attributeName + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.AND + UtilConstants.AND;
* Returns of method string for class.
* @param name class name
* @param attr attribute info
* @return of method string
public static String getOfMethod(String name, JavaAttributeInfo attr) {
String attrQuaifiedType = getReturnType(attr);
return UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.PUBLIC + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.STATIC
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + name + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OF + UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS
+ attrQuaifiedType + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.VALUE + UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
+ UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.RETURN + UtilConstants.SPACE + UtilConstants.NEW
+ UtilConstants.SPACE + name + UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.VALUE
+ UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE
+ UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;