blob: 24a0daae0216db12816e3bb028f9c7deab412eb7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangNode;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangType;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.AttributesJavaDataType;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.JavaQualifiedTypeInfo.getIsQualifiedAccessOrAddToImportList;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.JavaQualifiedTypeInfo.getQualifiedTypeInfoOfCurNode;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.JavaQualifiedTypeInfo.getQualifiedTypeInfoOfLeafAttribute;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.JavaIdentifierSyntax.getCamelCase;
* Maintains the attribute info corresponding to class/interface generated.
public final class JavaAttributeInfo {
* The data type info of attribute.
private YangType<?> attrType;
* Name of the attribute.
private String name;
* If the added attribute is a list of info.
private boolean isListAttr = false;
* If the added attribute has to be accessed in a fully qualified manner.
private boolean isQualifiedName = false;
* The class info will be used to set the attribute type and package info
* will be use for qualified name.
private JavaQualifiedTypeInfo importInfo;
* Default constructor.
private JavaAttributeInfo() {
* Construct object of java attribute info.
* @param attrType YANG type
* @param name attribute name
* @param isListAttr is list attribute
* @param isQualifiedName is qualified name
public JavaAttributeInfo(YangType<?> attrType, String name, boolean isListAttr, boolean isQualifiedName) {
this.attrType = attrType; = name;
this.isListAttr = isListAttr;
this.isQualifiedName = isQualifiedName;
* Get the data type info of attribute.
* @return the data type info of attribute
public YangType<?> getAttributeType() {
if (attrType == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected java attribute type is null");
return attrType;
* Set the data type info of attribute.
* @param type the data type info of attribute
public void setAttributeType(YangType<?> type) {
attrType = type;
* Get name of the attribute.
* @return name of the attribute
public String getAttributeName() {
if (name == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected java attribute name is null");
return name;
* Set name of the attribute.
* @param attrName name of the attribute
public void setAttributeName(String attrName) {
name = attrName;
* Get if the added attribute is a list of info.
* @return the if the added attribute is a list of info
public boolean isListAttr() {
return isListAttr;
* Set if the added attribute is a list of info.
* @param isList if the added attribute is a list of info
public void setListAttr(boolean isList) {
isListAttr = isList;
* Get if the added attribute has to be accessed in a fully qualified
* manner.
* @return the if the added attribute has to be accessed in a fully
* qualified manner.
public boolean isQualifiedName() {
return isQualifiedName;
* Set if the added attribute has to be accessed in a fully qualified
* manner.
* @param isQualified if the added attribute has to be accessed in a fully
* qualified manner
public void setIsQualifiedAccess(boolean isQualified) {
isQualifiedName = isQualified;
* Get the import info for the attribute type. It will be null, of the type
* is basic built-in java type.
* @return import info
public JavaQualifiedTypeInfo getImportInfo() {
return importInfo;
* Set the import info for the attribute type.
* @param importInfo import info for the attribute type
public void setImportInfo(JavaQualifiedTypeInfo importInfo) {
this.importInfo = importInfo;
* Create an attribute info object corresponding to the passed leaf
* information and return it.
* @param curNode current data model node for which the java file is being
* generated
* @param attributeType leaf data type
* @param attributeName leaf name
* @param isListAttribute is the current added attribute needs to be a list
* @return AttributeInfo attribute details required to add in temporary
* files
public static JavaAttributeInfo getAttributeInfoOfLeaf(YangNode curNode,
YangType<?> attributeType, String attributeName,
boolean isListAttribute) {
JavaAttributeInfo newAttr = new JavaAttributeInfo();
* Get the import info corresponding to the attribute for import in
* generated java files or qualified access
JavaQualifiedTypeInfo importInfo = getQualifiedTypeInfoOfLeafAttribute(curNode,
attributeType, attributeName, isListAttribute);
curNode, importInfo));
return newAttr;
* Create an attribute info object corresponding to a data model node and
* return it.
* @param curNode current data model node for which the java code generation
* is being handled
* @param parentNode parent node in which the current node is an attribute
* @param isListNode is the current added attribute needs to be a list
* @return AttributeInfo attribute details required to add in temporary
* files
public static JavaAttributeInfo getCurNodeAsAttributeInParent(
YangNode curNode, YangNode parentNode, boolean isListNode) {
JavaAttributeInfo newAttr = new JavaAttributeInfo();
// if (curNode instanceof HasJavaFileInfo) {
// throw new RuntimeException("translator data model node does not have java info");
// }
String curNodeName = ((HasJavaFileInfo) curNode).getJavaFileInfo().getJavaName();
* Get the import info corresponding to the attribute for import in
* generated java files or qualified access
JavaQualifiedTypeInfo qualifiedTypeInfo = getQualifiedTypeInfoOfCurNode(parentNode,
curNodeName, isListNode);
return newAttr;
* Create an attribute info object corresponding to the passed type def attribute
* information and return it.
* @param curNode current data model node for which the java file is being
* generated
* @param attributeType leaf data type
* @param attributeName leaf name
* @param isListAttribute is the current added attribute needs to be a list
* @return AttributeInfo attribute details required to add in temporary
* files
public static JavaAttributeInfo getAttributeInfoOfTypeDef(YangNode curNode,
YangType<?> attributeType, String attributeName,
boolean isListAttribute) {
JavaAttributeInfo newAttr = new JavaAttributeInfo();
* Get the import info corresponding to the attribute for import in
* generated java files or qualified access
JavaQualifiedTypeInfo importInfo = getQualifiedTypeInfoOfLeafAttribute(curNode,
attributeType, attributeName, isListAttribute);
curNode, importInfo));
return newAttr;