blob: 4726d0c5068ccf05951751b951e4665a6ecb5519 [file] [log] [blame]
module ErrorMessage {
yang-version 1;
prefix Ant;
container interface {
leaf ifType {
type enumeration {
enum ethernet;
enum atm;
leaf ifMTU {
type uint32;
must "ifType != 'ethernet' or " +
"(ifType = 'ethernet' and ifMTU = 1500)" {
description "An ethernet MTU must be 1500";
error-message "An ethernet MTU must be 1500";
must "ifType != 'atm' or " +
"(ifType = 'atm' and ifMTU <= 17966 and ifMTU >= 64)" {
description "An atm MTU must be 64 .. 17966";