blob: a69a5a1a479b466eba55715960a1f244750bb33b [file] [log] [blame]
module org-open-road-m-device {
namespace "http://org/openroadm/device";
prefix org-open-road-m-device;
identity syslog-facility {
"The base identity to represent syslog facilities";
identity syslog-usability {
"The base identity to represent syslog usabilities";
identity syslog-availability {
"The base identity to represent syslog availabilities";
typedef value {
type identityref {
base syslog-availability;
typedef correct {
type union {
type union {
type identityref {
base syslog-availability;
type value;
type identityref {
base syslog-usability;
grouping device-common {
leaf facility {
type union {
type union {
type union {
type identityref {
base syslog-usability;
type correct;
type identityref {
base syslog-facility;
type value;
container network-ref {
leaf-list facility {
type union {
type union {
type union {
type identityref {
base syslog-usability;
type correct;
type identityref {
base syslog-facility;
type value;
list node {
config false;
uses device-common;