blob: 5ff4e79e17a1f8e2171bd87bf1e484f7fe3700c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava;
import java.util.List;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangLeaf;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangLeafList;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangLeavesHolder;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangNode;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.JavaFileGenerator;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.JavaIdentifierSyntax;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedJavaFileType.BUILDER_CLASS_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedJavaFileType.BUILDER_INTERFACE_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedJavaFileType.IMPL_CLASS_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedJavaFileType.INTERFACE_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedTempFileType.ATTRIBUTES_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedTempFileType.CONSTRUCTOR_IMPL_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedTempFileType.EQUALS_IMPL_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedTempFileType.GETTER_FOR_CLASS_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedTempFileType.GETTER_FOR_INTERFACE_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedTempFileType.HASH_CODE_IMPL_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedTempFileType.SETTER_FOR_CLASS_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedTempFileType.SETTER_FOR_INTERFACE_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedTempFileType.TO_STRING_IMPL_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.JavaAttributeInfo.getAttributeInfoOfLeaf;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.JavaAttributeInfo.getCurNodeAsAttributeInParent;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.JavaCodeSnippetGen.getJavaAttributeDefination;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.JavaIdentifierSyntax.getParentNodeInGenCode;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getBuildString;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getConstructor;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getDefaultConstructorString;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getEqualsMethod;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getGetterForClass;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getGetterString;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getHashCodeMethod;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getOverRideString;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getSetterForClass;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getSetterString;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getToStringMethod;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.parseBuilderInterfaceBuildMethodString;
* Provides implementation of java code fragments temporary implementations.
public class TempJavaCodeFragmentFiles {
* The variable which guides the types of temporary files generated using
* the temporary generated file types mask.
private int generatedTempFiles;
* Absolute path where the target java file needs to be generated.
private String absoluteDirPath;
* Name of java file that needs to be generated.
private String generatedJavaClassName;
* File type extension for temporary classes.
private static final String TEMP_FILE_EXTENSION = ".tmp";
* Folder suffix for temporary files folder.
private static final String TEMP_FOLDER_NAME_SUFIX = "-Temp";
* File name for getter method.
private static final String GETTER_METHOD_FILE_NAME = "GetterMethod";
* File name for getter method implementation.
private static final String GETTER_METHOD_IMPL_FILE_NAME = "GetterMethodImpl";
* File name for setter method.
private static final String SETTER_METHOD_FILE_NAME = "SetterMethod";
* File name for setter method implementation.
private static final String SETTER_METHOD_IMPL_FILE_NAME = "SetterMethodImpl";
* File name for constructor.
private static final String CONSTRUCTOR_FILE_NAME = "Constructor";
* File name for attributes.
private static final String ATTRIBUTE_FILE_NAME = "Attributes";
* File name for to string method.
private static final String TO_STRING_METHOD_FILE_NAME = "ToString";
* File name for hash code method.
private static final String HASH_CODE_METHOD_FILE_NAME = "HashCode";
* File name for equals method.
private static final String EQUALS_METHOD_FILE_NAME = "Equals";
* Temporary file handle for attribute.
private File attributesTempFileHandle;
* Temporary file handle for getter of interface.
private File getterInterfaceTempFileHandle;
* Temporary file handle for getter of class.
private File getterImplTempFileHandle;
* Temporary file handle for setter of interface.
private File setterInterfaceTempFileHandle;
* Temporary file handle for setter of class.
private File setterImplTempFileHandle;
* Temporary file handle for constructor of class.
private File constructorImplTempFileHandle;
* Temporary file handle for hash code method of class.
private File hashCodeImplTempFileHandle;
* Temporary file handle for equals method of class.
private File equalsImplTempFileHandle;
* Temporary file handle for to string method of class.
private File toStringImplTempFileHandle;
* Construct an object of temporary java code fragment.
* @param genFileType file generation type
* @param genDir file generation directory
* @param className class name
* @throws IOException when fails to create new file handle
public TempJavaCodeFragmentFiles(int genFileType, String genDir, String className) throws IOException {
generatedTempFiles = 0;
absoluteDirPath = genDir;
generatedJavaClassName = className;
* Initialize getter when generation file type matches to interface
* mask.
if ((genFileType & INTERFACE_MASK) != 0) {
generatedTempFiles |= GETTER_FOR_INTERFACE_MASK;
* Initialize getter and setter when generation file type matches to
* builder interface mask.
if ((genFileType & BUILDER_INTERFACE_MASK) != 0) {
generatedTempFiles |= GETTER_FOR_INTERFACE_MASK;
generatedTempFiles |= SETTER_FOR_INTERFACE_MASK;
* Initialize getterImpl, setterImpl and attributes when generation file
* type matches to builder class mask.
if ((genFileType & BUILDER_CLASS_MASK) != 0) {
generatedTempFiles |= ATTRIBUTES_MASK;
generatedTempFiles |= GETTER_FOR_CLASS_MASK;
generatedTempFiles |= SETTER_FOR_CLASS_MASK;
* Initialize getterImpl, attributes, constructor, hash code, equals and
* to strings when generation file type matches to impl class mask.
if ((genFileType & IMPL_CLASS_MASK) != 0) {
generatedTempFiles |= ATTRIBUTES_MASK;
generatedTempFiles |= GETTER_FOR_CLASS_MASK;
generatedTempFiles |= CONSTRUCTOR_IMPL_MASK;
generatedTempFiles |= HASH_CODE_IMPL_MASK;
generatedTempFiles |= EQUALS_IMPL_MASK;
generatedTempFiles |= TO_STRING_IMPL_MASK;
if ((generatedTempFiles & ATTRIBUTES_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & GETTER_FOR_INTERFACE_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & SETTER_FOR_INTERFACE_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & GETTER_FOR_CLASS_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & SETTER_FOR_CLASS_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & CONSTRUCTOR_IMPL_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & HASH_CODE_IMPL_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & EQUALS_IMPL_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & TO_STRING_IMPL_MASK) != 0) {
* Returns attribute's temporary file handle.
* @return temporary file handle
public File getAttributesTempFileHandle() {
return attributesTempFileHandle;
* Sets attribute's temporary file handle.
* @param attributeForClass file handle for attribute
public void setAttributesTempFileHandle(File attributeForClass) {
attributesTempFileHandle = attributeForClass;
* Returns getter methods's temporary file handle.
* @return temporary file handle
public File getGetterInterfaceTempFileHandle() {
return getterInterfaceTempFileHandle;
* Sets to getter method's temporary file handle.
* @param getterForInterface file handle for to getter method
public void setGetterInterfaceTempFileHandle(File getterForInterface) {
getterInterfaceTempFileHandle = getterForInterface;
* Returns getter method's impl's temporary file handle.
* @return temporary file handle
public File getGetterImplTempFileHandle() {
return getterImplTempFileHandle;
* Sets to getter method's impl's temporary file handle.
* @param getterImpl file handle for to getter method's impl
public void setGetterImplTempFileHandle(File getterImpl) {
getterImplTempFileHandle = getterImpl;
* Returns setter method's temporary file handle.
* @return temporary file handle
public File getSetterInterfaceTempFileHandle() {
return setterInterfaceTempFileHandle;
* Sets to setter method's temporary file handle.
* @param setterForInterface file handle for to setter method
public void setSetterInterfaceTempFileHandle(File setterForInterface) {
setterInterfaceTempFileHandle = setterForInterface;
* Returns setter method's impl's temporary file handle.
* @return temporary file handle
public File getSetterImplTempFileHandle() {
return setterImplTempFileHandle;
* Sets to setter method's impl's temporary file handle.
* @param setterImpl file handle for to setter method's implementation class
public void setSetterImplTempFileHandle(File setterImpl) {
setterImplTempFileHandle = setterImpl;
* Returns constructor's temporary file handle.
* @return temporary file handle
public File getConstructorImplTempFileHandle() {
return constructorImplTempFileHandle;
* Sets to constructor's temporary file handle.
* @param constructor file handle for to constructor
public void setConstructorImplTempFileHandle(File constructor) {
constructorImplTempFileHandle = constructor;
* Returns hash code method's temporary file handle.
* @return temporary file handle
public File getHashCodeImplTempFileHandle() {
return hashCodeImplTempFileHandle;
* Sets hash code method's temporary file handle.
* @param hashCodeMethod file handle for hash code method
public void setHashCodeImplTempFileHandle(File hashCodeMethod) {
hashCodeImplTempFileHandle = hashCodeMethod;
* Returns equals mehtod's temporary file handle.
* @return temporary file handle
public File getEqualsImplTempFileHandle() {
return equalsImplTempFileHandle;
* Sets equals method's temporary file handle.
* @param equalsMethod file handle for to equals method
public void setEqualsImplTempFileHandle(File equalsMethod) {
equalsImplTempFileHandle = equalsMethod;
* Returns to string method's temporary file handle.
* @return temporary file handle
public File getToStringImplTempFileHandle() {
return toStringImplTempFileHandle;
* Sets to string method's temporary file handle.
* @param toStringMethod file handle for to string method
public void setToStringImplTempFileHandle(File toStringMethod) {
toStringImplTempFileHandle = toStringMethod;
* Adds attribute for class.
* @param attr attribute info
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
public void addAttribute(JavaAttributeInfo attr) throws IOException {
appendToFile(getAttributesTempFileHandle(), parseAttribute(attr) + UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION);
* Adds getter for interface.
* @param attr attribute info
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
public void addGetterForInterface(JavaAttributeInfo attr) throws IOException {
getGetterString(attr) + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
* Adds getter method's impl for class.
* @param attr attribute info
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
public void addGetterImpl(JavaAttributeInfo attr) throws IOException {
getOverRideString() + getGetterForClass(attr) + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
* Adds setter for interface.
* @param attr attribute info
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
public void addSetterForInterface(JavaAttributeInfo attr) throws IOException {
getSetterString(attr, generatedJavaClassName) + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
* Adds setter's implementation for class.
* @param attr attribute info
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
public void addSetterImpl(JavaAttributeInfo attr) throws IOException {
getOverRideString() + getSetterForClass(attr, generatedJavaClassName) + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
* Adds build method for interface.
* @return build method for interface
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
public String addBuildMethodForInterface() throws IOException {
return parseBuilderInterfaceBuildMethodString(generatedJavaClassName);
* Adds build method's implementation for class.
* @return build method implementation for class
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
public String addBuildMethodImpl() throws IOException {
return getBuildString(generatedJavaClassName) + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
* Adds constructor for class.
* @param attr attribute info
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
public void addConstructor(JavaAttributeInfo attr) throws IOException {
appendToFile(getConstructorImplTempFileHandle(), getConstructor(generatedJavaClassName, attr));
* Adds default constructor for class.
* @return default constructor for class
* @throws IOException when fails to append to file
public String addDefaultConstructor() throws IOException {
return UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + getDefaultConstructorString(generatedJavaClassName + UtilConstants.BUILDER,
* Adds hash code method for class.
* @param attr attribute info
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
public void addHashCodeMethod(JavaAttributeInfo attr) throws IOException {
appendToFile(getHashCodeImplTempFileHandle(), getHashCodeMethod(attr) + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
* Adds equals method for class.
* @param attr attribute info
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
public void addEqualsMethod(JavaAttributeInfo attr) throws IOException {
appendToFile(getEqualsImplTempFileHandle(), getEqualsMethod(attr) + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
* Adds ToString method for class.
* @param attr attribute info
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
public void addToStringMethod(JavaAttributeInfo attr) throws IOException {
appendToFile(getToStringImplTempFileHandle(), getToStringMethod(attr) + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
* Returns a temporary file handle for the specific file type.
* @param fileName file name
* @return temporary file handle
* @throws IOException when fails to create new file handle
private File getTemporaryFileHandle(String fileName) throws IOException {
String path = getTempDirPath();
File dir = new File(path);
if (!dir.exists()) {
File file = new File(path + fileName + TEMP_FILE_EXTENSION);
if (!file.exists()) {
} else {
return file;
* Returns data from the temporary files.
* @param file temporary file handle
* @return stored data from temporary files
* @throws IOException when failed to get data from the given file
public String getTemporaryDataFromFileHandle(File file) throws IOException {
String path = getTempDirPath();
if (new File(path + file.getName()).exists()) {
return FileSystemUtil.readAppendFile(path + file.getName(), UtilConstants.EMPTY_STRING);
} else {
throw new IOException("Unable to get data from the given "
+ file.getName() + " file for "
+ generatedJavaClassName + UtilConstants.PERIOD);
* Returns temporary directory path.
* @return directory path
private String getTempDirPath() {
return absoluteDirPath.replace(UtilConstants.PERIOD, UtilConstants.SLASH)
+ File.separator + generatedJavaClassName + TEMP_FOLDER_NAME_SUFIX + File.separator;
* Parse attribute to get the attribute string.
* @param attr attribute info
* @return attribute string
private String parseAttribute(JavaAttributeInfo attr) {
* TODO: check if this utility needs to be called or move to the caller
String attributeName = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getLowerCase(attr.getAttributeName());
if (attr.isQualifiedName()) {
return getJavaAttributeDefination(attr.getImportInfo().getPkgInfo(), attr.getImportInfo().getClassInfo(),
attributeName, attr.isListAttr());
} else {
return getJavaAttributeDefination(null, attr.getImportInfo().getClassInfo(), attributeName,
* Append content to temporary file.
* @param file temporary file
* @param data data to be appended
* @throws IOException when fails to append to file
private void appendToFile(File file, String data) throws IOException {
try {
JavaFileGenerator.insert(file, data);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new IOException("failed to write in temp file.");
* Adds current node info as and attribute to the parent generated file.
* @param curNode current node which needs to be added as an attribute in
* the parent generated code
* @param isList is list construct
* @throws IOException IO operation exception
public void addCurNodeInfoInParentTempFile(YangNode curNode,
boolean isList) throws IOException {
YangNode parent = getParentNodeInGenCode(curNode);
if (!(parent instanceof JavaCodeGenerator)) {
throw new RuntimeException("missing parent node to contain current node info in generated file");
JavaAttributeInfo javaAttributeInfo = getCurNodeAsAttributeInParent(curNode,
parent, isList);
if (!(parent instanceof HasTempJavaCodeFragmentFiles)) {
throw new RuntimeException("missing parent temp file handle");
((HasTempJavaCodeFragmentFiles) parent)
* Adds leaf attributes in generated files.
* @param listOfLeaves list of YANG leaf
* @param curNode current data model node
* @throws IOException IO operation fail
private void addLeavesInfoToTempFiles(List<YangLeaf> listOfLeaves,
YangNode curNode) throws IOException {
if (listOfLeaves != null) {
for (YangLeaf leaf : listOfLeaves) {
JavaAttributeInfo javaAttributeInfo = getAttributeInfoOfLeaf(curNode,
leaf.getLeafName(), false);
* Adds leaf list's attributes in generated files.
* @param listOfLeafList list of YANG leaves
* @param curNode cached file handle
* @throws IOException IO operation fail
private void addLeafListInfoToTempFiles(List<YangLeafList> listOfLeafList,
YangNode curNode) throws IOException {
if (listOfLeafList != null) {
* Check if the attribute is of type list, then the java.lang.list
* needs to be imported.
if (listOfLeafList.size() != 0) {
if (!(curNode instanceof HasJavaImportData)) {
throw new RuntimeException("missing import info in current data model node");
((HasJavaImportData) curNode).getJavaImportData()
for (YangLeafList leafList : listOfLeafList) {
JavaAttributeInfo javaAttributeInfo = getAttributeInfoOfLeaf(
curNode, leafList.getDataType(), leafList.getLeafName(),
* Add all the leaves in the current data model node as part of the
* generated temporary file.
* @param curNode java file info of the generated file
* @throws IOException IO operation fail
public void addCurNodeLeavesInfoToTempFiles(YangNode curNode) throws IOException {
if (curNode instanceof YangLeavesHolder) {
YangLeavesHolder leavesHolder = (YangLeavesHolder) curNode;
addLeavesInfoToTempFiles(leavesHolder.getListOfLeaf(), curNode);
addLeafListInfoToTempFiles(leavesHolder.getListOfLeafList(), curNode);
* Add the new attribute info to the target generated temporary files.
* @param newAttrInfo the attribute info that needs to be added to temporary
* files
* @throws IOException IO operation fail
void addJavaSnippetInfoToApplicableTempFiles(JavaAttributeInfo newAttrInfo)
throws IOException {
if ((generatedTempFiles & ATTRIBUTES_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & GETTER_FOR_INTERFACE_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & SETTER_FOR_INTERFACE_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & GETTER_FOR_CLASS_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & SETTER_FOR_CLASS_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & CONSTRUCTOR_IMPL_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & HASH_CODE_IMPL_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & EQUALS_IMPL_MASK) != 0) {
if ((generatedTempFiles & TO_STRING_IMPL_MASK) != 0) {
* Removes all temporary file handles.
* @throws IOException when failed to delete the temporary files
public void close() throws IOException {
* Closes the file handle for temporary file.
* @param fileName temporary file's name
* @throws IOException when failed to close the file handle
private void closeFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
FileSystemUtil.updateFileHandle(new File(fileName), null, true);