blob: e6a5379f6b89c7840f8b14416f3a1156f5a9be95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangNode;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangType;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangTypeHolder;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.builtindatatype.YangDataTypes;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.exception.TranslatorException;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.javamodel.YangJavaTypeTranslator;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.builtindatatype.YangDataTypes.INT32;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.builtindatatype.YangDataTypes.INT64;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.builtindatatype.YangDataTypes.UINT16;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.builtindatatype.YangDataTypes.UINT32;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedJavaFileType.GENERATE_TYPEDEF_CLASS;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedJavaFileType.GENERATE_UNION_CLASS;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedTempFileType.CONSTRUCTOR_FOR_TYPE_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedTempFileType.FROM_STRING_IMPL_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.GeneratedTempFileType.OF_STRING_IMPL_MASK;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.JavaAttributeInfo.getAttributeInfoForTheData;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.JavaQualifiedTypeInfoTranslator.getQualifiedInfoOfFromString;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.JavaFileGenerator.generateTypeDefClassFile;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.JavaFileGenerator.generateUnionClassFile;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.JavaIdentifierSyntax.createPackage;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getOfMethodStringAndJavaDoc;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator.getTypeConstructorStringAndJavaDoc;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.ValidatorTypeForUnionTypes.INT_TYPE_CONFLICT;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.ValidatorTypeForUnionTypes.LONG_TYPE_CONFLICT;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.NEW_LINE;
import static;
import static;
* Represents implementation of java data type code fragments temporary implementations. Maintains the temp files
* required specific for user defined data type java snippet generation.
public class TempJavaTypeFragmentFiles
extends TempJavaFragmentFiles {
* File name for of string method.
private static final String OF_STRING_METHOD_FILE_NAME = "OfString";
* File name for construction for special type like union, typedef.
private static final String CONSTRUCTOR_FOR_TYPE_FILE_NAME = "ConstructorForType";
* File name for typedef class file name suffix.
* File name for generated class file for special type like union, typedef suffix.
* Integer index in type list.
private int intIndex = 0;
* UInt index in type list.
private int uIntIndex = 0;
* long index in type list.
private int longIndex = 0;
* ULong index in type list.
private int uLongIndex = 0;
* Temporary file handle for of string method of class.
private File ofStringImplTempFileHandle;
* Temporary file handle for constructor for type class.
private File constructorForTypeTempFileHandle;
* Java file handle for typedef class file.
private File typedefClassJavaFileHandle;
* Java file handle for type class like union, typedef file.
private File typeClassJavaFileHandle;
* Java attribute for int.
private JavaAttributeInfo intAttribute;
* Java attribute for long.
private JavaAttributeInfo longAttribute;
* Java attribute for uInt.
private JavaAttributeInfo uIntAttribute;
* Java attribute for uLong.
private JavaAttributeInfo uLongAttribute;
* Creates an instance of temporary java code fragment.
* @param javaFileInfo generated java file info
* @throws IOException when fails to create new file handle
TempJavaTypeFragmentFiles(JavaFileInfoTranslator javaFileInfo)
throws IOException {
* Initialize getterImpl, attributes, hash code, equals and to strings
* when generation file type matches to typeDef class mask.
* Returns type class constructor method's temporary file handle.
* @return type class constructor method's temporary file handle
public File getConstructorForTypeTempFileHandle() {
return constructorForTypeTempFileHandle;
* Sets type class constructor method's temporary file handle.
* @param constructorForTypeTempFileHandle type class constructor method's temporary file handle
private void setConstructorForTypeTempFileHandle(File constructorForTypeTempFileHandle) {
this.constructorForTypeTempFileHandle = constructorForTypeTempFileHandle;
* Returns java file handle for typedef class file.
* @return java file handle for typedef class file
private File getTypedefClassJavaFileHandle() {
return typedefClassJavaFileHandle;
* Sets the java file handle for typedef class file.
* @param typedefClassJavaFileHandle java file handle
private void setTypedefClassJavaFileHandle(File typedefClassJavaFileHandle) {
this.typedefClassJavaFileHandle = typedefClassJavaFileHandle;
* Returns java file handle for type class file.
* @return java file handle for type class file
private File getTypeClassJavaFileHandle() {
return typeClassJavaFileHandle;
* Sets the java file handle for type class file.
* @param typeClassJavaFileHandle type file handle
private void setTypeClassJavaFileHandle(File typeClassJavaFileHandle) {
this.typeClassJavaFileHandle = typeClassJavaFileHandle;
* Returns of string method's temporary file handle.
* @return of string method's temporary file handle
public File getOfStringImplTempFileHandle() {
return ofStringImplTempFileHandle;
* Set of string method's temporary file handle.
* @param ofStringImplTempFileHandle of string method's temporary file handle
private void setOfStringImplTempFileHandle(File ofStringImplTempFileHandle) {
this.ofStringImplTempFileHandle = ofStringImplTempFileHandle;
* Adds all the type in the current data model node as part of the generated temporary file.
* @param yangTypeHolder YANG java data model node which has type info, eg union / typedef
* @param pluginConfig plugin configurations for naming conventions
* @throws IOException IO operation fail
void addTypeInfoToTempFiles(YangTypeHolder yangTypeHolder, YangPluginConfig pluginConfig)
throws IOException {
List<YangType<?>> typeList = yangTypeHolder.getTypeList();
if (typeList != null) {
for (YangType<?> yangType : typeList) {
if (!(yangType instanceof YangJavaTypeTranslator)) {
throw new TranslatorException("Type does not have Java info");
JavaAttributeInfo javaAttributeInfo = getAttributeForType(yangType, pluginConfig);
pluginConfig, typeList);
* Returns java attribute.
* @param yangType YANG type
* @param pluginConfig plugin configurations
* @return java attribute
private JavaAttributeInfo getAttributeForType(YangType yangType, YangPluginConfig pluginConfig) {
YangJavaTypeTranslator<?> javaType = (YangJavaTypeTranslator<?>) yangType;
String typeName = javaType.getDataTypeName();
typeName = getCamelCase(typeName, pluginConfig.getConflictResolver());
return getAttributeInfoForTheData(
typeName, javaType,
* Adds the new attribute info to the target generated temporary files for union class.
* @param javaAttributeInfo the attribute info that needs to be added to temporary files
* @param pluginConfig plugin configurations
* @param typeList type list
* @throws IOException IO operation fail
private void addJavaSnippetInfoToApplicableTempFiles(JavaAttributeInfo javaAttributeInfo,
YangPluginConfig pluginConfig, List<YangType<?>> typeList)
throws IOException {
YangDataTypes attrType = javaAttributeInfo.getAttributeType().getDataType();
if (attrType == INT32 || attrType == UINT16) {
boolean isIntConflict = validateForConflictingIntTypes(typeList);
if (!isIntConflict) {
addMethodsWhenNoConflictingTypes(javaAttributeInfo, pluginConfig);
} else if (attrType == INT64 || attrType == UINT32) {
boolean isLongConflict = validateForConflictingLongTypes(typeList);
if (!isLongConflict) {
addMethodsWhenNoConflictingTypes(javaAttributeInfo, pluginConfig);
} else {
addMethodsWhenNoConflictingTypes(javaAttributeInfo, pluginConfig);
super.addJavaSnippetInfoToApplicableTempFiles(javaAttributeInfo, pluginConfig);
* Adds of method and constructor when there is no conflicting types.
* @param javaAttributeInfo java attribute info
* @param pluginConfig plugin configurations
* @throws IOException when fails to do IO operations
private void addMethodsWhenNoConflictingTypes(JavaAttributeInfo javaAttributeInfo,
YangPluginConfig pluginConfig) throws IOException {
if ((getGeneratedTempFiles() & OF_STRING_IMPL_MASK) != 0) {
addOfStringMethod(javaAttributeInfo, pluginConfig);
if ((getGeneratedTempFiles() & CONSTRUCTOR_FOR_TYPE_MASK) != 0) {
addTypeConstructor(javaAttributeInfo, pluginConfig);
* Adds of, getter and from string method in conflict cases.
* @param pluginConfig plugin configurations
* @throws IOException when fails to do IO operations
private void addMethodsInConflictCase(YangPluginConfig pluginConfig) throws IOException {
JavaAttributeInfo attr = getIntAttribute();
if (attr != null) {
attr = getUIntAttribute();
if (attr != null) {
if (attr.isIntConflict()) {
if (getIntIndex() < getUIntIndex()) {
appendToFile(getOfStringImplTempFileHandle(), getOfMethodStringAndJavaDoc(getIntAttribute(),
getGeneratedJavaClassName(), pluginConfig)
addGetterImpl(getIntAttribute(), pluginConfig);
addFromStringMethod(getIntAttribute(), pluginConfig);
} else {
appendToFile(getOfStringImplTempFileHandle(), getOfMethodStringAndJavaDoc(getUIntAttribute(),
getGeneratedJavaClassName(), pluginConfig)
addGetterImpl(getUIntAttribute(), pluginConfig);
addFromStringMethod(getUIntAttribute(), pluginConfig);
attr = getLongAttribute();
if (attr != null) {
attr = getULongAttribute();
if (attr != null) {
if (attr.isLongConflict()) {
if (getLongIndex() < getULongIndex()) {
appendToFile(getOfStringImplTempFileHandle(), getOfMethodStringAndJavaDoc(getLongAttribute(),
getGeneratedJavaClassName(), pluginConfig)
addGetterImpl(getLongAttribute(), pluginConfig);
addFromStringMethod(getLongAttribute(), pluginConfig);
} else {
appendToFile(getOfStringImplTempFileHandle(), getOfMethodStringAndJavaDoc(getULongAttribute(),
getGeneratedJavaClassName(), pluginConfig)
addGetterImpl(getULongAttribute(), pluginConfig);
addFromStringMethod(getULongAttribute(), pluginConfig);
* Adds from string method for conflict case.
* @param newAttrInfo new attribute
* @param pluginConfig plugin configurations
* @throws IOException when fails to do IO operations
private void addFromStringMethod(JavaAttributeInfo newAttrInfo, YangPluginConfig pluginConfig) throws IOException {
JavaQualifiedTypeInfoTranslator qualifiedInfoOfFromString = getQualifiedInfoOfFromString(newAttrInfo,
* Create a new java attribute info with qualified information of
* wrapper classes.
JavaAttributeInfo fromStringAttributeInfo = getAttributeInfoForTheData(qualifiedInfoOfFromString,
getIsQualifiedAccessOrAddToImportList(qualifiedInfoOfFromString), false);
addFromStringMethod(newAttrInfo, fromStringAttributeInfo);
* Adds type constructor.
* @param attr attribute info
* @param pluginConfig plugin configurations
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
private void addTypeConstructor(JavaAttributeInfo attr, YangPluginConfig pluginConfig)
throws IOException {
appendToFile(getConstructorForTypeTempFileHandle(), getTypeConstructorStringAndJavaDoc(attr,
getGeneratedJavaClassName(), pluginConfig) + NEW_LINE);
* Adds type constructor.
* @param pluginConfig plugin configurations
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
private void addTypeConstructor(YangPluginConfig pluginConfig)
throws IOException {
JavaAttributeInfo attr = getIntAttribute();
if (attr != null) {
attr = getUIntAttribute();
if (attr != null) {
if (attr.isIntConflict()) {
appendToFile(getConstructorForTypeTempFileHandle(), getTypeConstructorStringAndJavaDoc(
getUIntAttribute(), getGeneratedJavaClassName(), pluginConfig, INT_TYPE_CONFLICT,
< getUIntIndex()) + NEW_LINE);
attr = getLongAttribute();
if (attr != null) {
attr = getULongAttribute();
if (attr != null) {
if (attr.isLongConflict()) {
appendToFile(getConstructorForTypeTempFileHandle(), getTypeConstructorStringAndJavaDoc(
getULongAttribute(), getGeneratedJavaClassName(), pluginConfig, LONG_TYPE_CONFLICT,
< getULongIndex()) + NEW_LINE);
* Adds of string for type.
* @param attr attribute info
* @param pluginConfig plugin configurations
* @throws IOException when fails to append to temporary file
private void addOfStringMethod(JavaAttributeInfo attr, YangPluginConfig pluginConfig)
throws IOException {
appendToFile(getOfStringImplTempFileHandle(), getOfMethodStringAndJavaDoc(attr,
getGeneratedJavaClassName(), pluginConfig)
* Removes all temporary file handles.
* @param isErrorOccurred flag to tell translator that error has occurred while file generation
* @throws IOException when failed to delete the temporary files
public void freeTemporaryResources(boolean isErrorOccurred)
throws IOException {
if ((getGeneratedJavaFiles() & GENERATE_TYPEDEF_CLASS) != 0) {
closeFile(getTypedefClassJavaFileHandle(), isErrorOccurred);
if ((getGeneratedJavaFiles() & GENERATE_UNION_CLASS) != 0) {
closeFile(getTypeClassJavaFileHandle(), isErrorOccurred);
if ((getGeneratedTempFiles() & CONSTRUCTOR_FOR_TYPE_MASK) != 0) {
closeFile(getConstructorForTypeTempFileHandle(), true);
if ((getGeneratedTempFiles() & OF_STRING_IMPL_MASK) != 0) {
closeFile(getOfStringImplTempFileHandle(), true);
if ((getGeneratedTempFiles() & FROM_STRING_IMPL_MASK) != 0) {
closeFile(getFromStringImplTempFileHandle(), true);
* Constructs java code exit.
* @param fileType generated file type
* @param curNode current YANG node
* @throws IOException when fails to generate java files
public void generateJavaFile(int fileType, YangNode curNode)
throws IOException {
List<String> imports = new ArrayList<>();
if (isAttributePresent()) {
imports = getJavaImportData().getImports();
* Creates type def class file.
if ((fileType & GENERATE_TYPEDEF_CLASS) != 0) {
addImportsToStringAndHasCodeMethods(imports, true);
// In case if data type is binary, MoreObjects is not required and should be removed.
if (curNode instanceof YangTypeHolder) {
YangType yangType = ((YangTypeHolder) curNode).getTypeList().get(0);
if (yangType.getDataType() == YangDataTypes.BINARY) {
generateTypeDefClassFile(getTypedefClassJavaFileHandle(), curNode, imports);
* Creates type class file.
if ((fileType & GENERATE_UNION_CLASS) != 0) {
addImportsToStringAndHasCodeMethods(imports, true);
generateUnionClassFile(getTypeClassJavaFileHandle(), curNode, imports);
* Close all the file handles.
* Returns int type index from type list.
* @return int type index from type list
public int getIntIndex() {
return intIndex;
* Sets int type index from type list.
* @param intIndex int type index from type list.
private void setIntIndex(int intIndex) {
this.intIndex = intIndex;
* Returns uInt type index from type list.
* @return uInt type index from type list
public int getUIntIndex() {
return uIntIndex;
* Sets uInt type index from type list.
* @param uIntIndex uInt type index from type list.
private void setUIntIndex(int uIntIndex) {
this.uIntIndex = uIntIndex;
* Returns long type index from type list.
* @return long type index from type list
public int getLongIndex() {
return longIndex;
* Sets long type index from type list.
* @param longIndex long type index from type list.
private void setLongIndex(int longIndex) {
this.longIndex = longIndex;
* Returns uLong type index from type list.
* @return uLong type index from type list
public int getULongIndex() {
return uLongIndex;
* Sets uLong type index from type list.
* @param uLongIndex uLong type index from type list.
private void setULongIndex(int uLongIndex) {
this.uLongIndex = uLongIndex;
* Validates conflict for int and uInt.
* @param typeList type list
* @return true if conflict is there
private boolean validateForConflictingIntTypes(List<YangType<?>> typeList) {
boolean isIntPresent = false;
boolean isUIntPresent = false;
for (YangType type : typeList) {
if (type.getDataType().equals(INT32)) {
isIntPresent = true;
if (type.getDataType().equals(UINT16)) {
isUIntPresent = true;
return isIntPresent && isUIntPresent;
* Validates conflict for long and uLong.
* @param typeList type list
* @return true if conflict is there
private boolean validateForConflictingLongTypes(List<YangType<?>> typeList) {
boolean isLongPresent = false;
boolean isULongPresent = false;
for (YangType type : typeList) {
if (type.getDataType().equals(INT64)) {
isLongPresent = true;
if (type.getDataType().equals(UINT32)) {
isULongPresent = true;
return isLongPresent && isULongPresent;
* Updates attribute info in case of conflicts.
* @param javaAttributeInfo java attribute info
private void updateAttributeCondition(JavaAttributeInfo javaAttributeInfo) {
if (javaAttributeInfo.isIntConflict()) {
if (javaAttributeInfo.getAttributeType().getDataType() == UINT16) {
} else if (javaAttributeInfo.getAttributeType().getDataType() == INT32) {
if (javaAttributeInfo.isLongConflict()) {
if (javaAttributeInfo.getAttributeType().getDataType() == UINT32) {
} else if (javaAttributeInfo.getAttributeType().getDataType() == INT64) {
* Returns attribute for int.
* @return attribute for int
public JavaAttributeInfo getIntAttribute() {
return intAttribute;
* Sets attribute for int.
* @param intAttribute attribute for int
private void setIntAttribute(JavaAttributeInfo intAttribute) {
this.intAttribute = intAttribute;
* Returns attribute for long.
* @return attribute for long
public JavaAttributeInfo getLongAttribute() {
return longAttribute;
* Sets attribute for long.
* @param longAttribute attribute for long
private void setLongAttribute(JavaAttributeInfo longAttribute) {
this.longAttribute = longAttribute;
* Returns attribute for uInt.
* @return attribute for uInt
public JavaAttributeInfo getUIntAttribute() {
return uIntAttribute;
* Sets attribute for uInt.
* @param uIntAttribute attribute for uInt
private void setUIntAttribute(JavaAttributeInfo uIntAttribute) {
this.uIntAttribute = uIntAttribute;
* Returns attribute for uLong.
* @return attribute for uLong
public JavaAttributeInfo getULongAttribute() {
return uLongAttribute;
* Sets attribute for uLong.
* @param uLongAttribute attribute for uLong
private void setULongAttribute(JavaAttributeInfo uLongAttribute) {
this.uLongAttribute = uLongAttribute;