blob: e2610c94fa45bd922064b1cddaa300b3cb7d9a55 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.yang.compiler.datamodel;
import org.onosproject.yang.compiler.datamodel.exceptions.DataModelException;
import org.onosproject.yang.compiler.datamodel.utils.Parsable;
import org.onosproject.yang.compiler.datamodel.utils.YangConstructType;
import org.onosproject.yang.model.DataNode;
import org.onosproject.yang.model.SchemaContext;
import org.onosproject.yang.model.SchemaId;
import org.onosproject.yang.model.SingleInstanceNodeContext;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import static;
import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.datamodel.utils.DataModelUtils.E_ID;
import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.datamodel.utils.DataModelUtils.FMT_NOT_EXIST;
import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.datamodel.utils.DataModelUtils.detectCollidingChildUtil;
import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.datamodel.utils.DataModelUtils.errorMsg;
import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.datamodel.utils.DataModelUtils.getNodeIdFromSchemaId;
import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.datamodel.utils.DataModelUtils.getParentSchemaContext;
* Reference RFC 6020.
* The "container" statement is used to define an interior data node in the
* schema tree. It takes one argument, which is an identifier, followed by a
* block of sub-statements that holds detailed container information.
* A container node does not have a value, but it has a list of child nodes in
* the data tree. The child nodes are defined in the container's sub-statements.
* Containers with Presence
* YANG supports two styles of containers, those that exist only for organizing
* the hierarchy of data nodes, and those whose presence in the configuration
* has an explicit meaning.
* In the first style, the container has no meaning of its own, existing only to
* contain child nodes. This is the default style.
* For example, the set of scrambling options for Synchronous Optical Network
* (SONET) interfaces may be placed inside a "scrambling" container to enhance
* the organization of the configuration hierarchy, and to keep these nodes
* together. The "scrambling" node itself has no meaning, so removing the node
* when it becomes empty relieves the user from performing this task.
* In the second style, the presence of the container itself is configuration
* data, representing a single bit of configuration data. The container acts as
* both a configuration knob and a means of organizing related configuration.
* These containers are explicitly created and deleted.
* YANG calls this style a "presence container" and it is indicated using the
* "presence" statement, which takes as its argument a text string indicating
* what the presence of the node means.
* The container's Substatements
* +--------------+---------+-------------+------------------+
* | substatement | section | cardinality |data model mapping|
* +--------------+---------+-------------+------------------+
* | anyxml | 7.10 | 0..n | -not supported |
* | choice | 7.9 | 0..n | -child nodes |
* | config | 7.19.1 | 0..1 | -boolean |
* | container | 7.5 | 0..n | -child nodes |
* | description | 7.19.3 | 0..1 | -string |
* | grouping | 7.11 | 0..n | -child nodes |
* | if-feature | 7.18.2 | 0..n | -YangIfFeature |
* | leaf | 7.6 | 0..n | -YangLeaf |
* | leaf-list | 7.7 | 0..n | -YangLeafList |
* | list | 7.8 | 0..n | -child nodes |
* | must | 7.5.3 | 0..n | -YangMust |
* | presence | 7.5.5 | 0..1 | -boolean |
* | reference | 7.19.4 | 0..1 | -string |
* | status | 7.19.2 | 0..1 | -YangStatus |
* | typedef | 7.3 | 0..n | -child nodes |
* | uses | 7.12 | 0..n | -child nodes |
* | when | 7.19.5 | 0..1 | -YangWhen |
* +--------------+---------+-------------+------------------+
* Represents data model node to maintain information defined in YANG container.
public abstract class YangContainer
extends YangNode
implements YangLeavesHolder, YangCommonInfo, Parsable, CollisionDetector,
YangAugmentableNode, YangMustHolder, YangWhenHolder, YangIfFeatureHolder, YangIsFilterContentNodes,
YangConfig, SingleInstanceNodeContext, SchemaDataNode,
DefaultDenyWriteExtension, DefaultDenyAllExtension {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4962764560362228905L;
* If container maintains config data.
private boolean isConfig;
* Description of container.
private String description;
* List of leaves contained.
private List<YangLeaf> listOfLeaf;
* List of leaf-lists contained.
private List<YangLeafList> listOfLeafList;
* If it is a presence container, then the textual documentation of presence
* usage.
private String presence;
* Reference of the module.
private String reference;
private List<YangAugment> yangAugmentedInfo = new ArrayList<>();
* Status of the node.
private YangStatusType status = YangStatusType.CURRENT;
* List of must statement constraints.
private List<YangMust> mustConstraintList;
* When data of the node.
private YangWhen when;
* List of if-feature.
private List<YangIfFeature> ifFeatureList;
* References the extension default-deny-write.
private boolean defaultDenyWrite;
* References the extension default-deny-all.
private boolean defaultDenyAll;
* Create a container node.
public YangContainer() {
super(YangNodeType.CONTAINER_NODE, new HashMap<>(),
listOfLeaf = new LinkedList<>();
listOfLeafList = new LinkedList<>();
mustConstraintList = new LinkedList<>();
ifFeatureList = new LinkedList<>();
public void addToChildSchemaMap(YangSchemaNodeIdentifier schemaNodeIdentifier,
YangSchemaNodeContextInfo yangSchemaNodeContextInfo) {
getYsnContextInfoMap().put(schemaNodeIdentifier, yangSchemaNodeContextInfo);
public void incrementMandatoryChildCount() {
public void addToDefaultChildMap(YangSchemaNodeIdentifier yangSchemaNodeIdentifier, YangSchemaNode yangSchemaNode) {
public YangSchemaNodeType getYangSchemaNodeType() {
return YangSchemaNodeType.YANG_SINGLE_INSTANCE_NODE;
* Returns the when.
* @return the when
public YangWhen getWhen() {
return when;
* Sets the when.
* @param when the when to set
public void setWhen(YangWhen when) {
this.when = when;
* Returns the config flag.
* @return the isConfig
public boolean isConfig() {
return isConfig;
* Sets the config flag.
* @param isConfig the config flag
public void setConfig(boolean isConfig) {
this.isConfig = isConfig;
* Returns the description.
* @return the description
public String getDescription() {
return description;
* Sets the description.
* @param description set the description
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
* Returns the list of leaves.
* @return the list of leaves
public List<YangLeaf> getListOfLeaf() {
return listOfLeaf;
* Sets the list of leaves.
* @param leafsList the list of leaf to set
public void setListOfLeaf(List<YangLeaf> leafsList) {
listOfLeaf = leafsList;
* Adds a leaf.
* @param leaf the leaf to be added
public void addLeaf(YangLeaf leaf) {
* Removes a leaf.
* @param leaf the leaf to be removed
public void removeLeaf(YangLeaf leaf) {
* Returns the list of leaf-list.
* @return the list of leaf-list
public List<YangLeafList> getListOfLeafList() {
return listOfLeafList;
* Sets the list of leaf-list.
* @param listOfLeafList the list of leaf-list to set
public void setListOfLeafList(List<YangLeafList> listOfLeafList) {
this.listOfLeafList = listOfLeafList;
* Adds a leaf-list.
* @param leafList the leaf-list to be added
public void addLeafList(YangLeafList leafList) {
* Removes a leaf-list.
* @param leafList the leaf-list to be removed
public void removeLeafList(YangLeafList leafList) {
* Returns the presence string if present.
* @return the presence
public String getPresence() {
return presence;
* Sets the presence string.
* @param presence the presence flag
public void setPresence(String presence) {
this.presence = presence;
* Returns the textual reference.
* @return the reference
public String getReference() {
return reference;
* Sets the textual reference.
* @param reference the reference to set
public void setReference(String reference) {
this.reference = reference;
* Returns the status.
* @return the status
public YangStatusType getStatus() {
return status;
* Sets the status.
* @param status the status to set
public void setStatus(YangStatusType status) {
this.status = status;
public boolean getDefaultDenyWrite() {
return defaultDenyWrite;
public void setDefaultDenyWrite(boolean defaultDenyWrite) {
this.defaultDenyWrite = defaultDenyWrite;
public boolean getDefaultDenyAll() {
return defaultDenyAll;
public void setDefaultDenyAll(boolean defaultDenyAll) {
this.defaultDenyAll = defaultDenyAll;
* Returns the type of the data.
* @return returns CONTAINER_DATA
public YangConstructType getYangConstructType() {
return YangConstructType.CONTAINER_DATA;
* Validates the data on entering the corresponding parse tree node.
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
public void validateDataOnEntry()
throws DataModelException {
// TODO auto-generated method stub, to be implemented by parser
* Validates the data on exiting the corresponding parse tree node.
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
public void validateDataOnExit()
throws DataModelException {
List<YangLeaf> leaves = getListOfLeaf();
List<YangLeafList> leafLists = getListOfLeafList();
validateConfig(leaves, leafLists);
* Validates config statement of container.
* @param leaves list of leaf attributes of container
* @param leafLists list of leaf-list attributes of container
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
private void validateConfig(List<YangLeaf> leaves,
List<YangLeafList> leafLists)
throws DataModelException {
* If a node has "config" set to "false", no node underneath it can have
* "config" set to "true".
if (!isConfig && leaves != null) {
for (YangLeaf leaf : leaves) {
if (leaf.isConfig()) {
throw new DataModelException(
"If a container has \"config\" set to \"false\", " +
"no node underneath it can have " +
"\"config\" set to \"true\"." + getName() +
" in " + getLineNumber() + " at " +
getCharPosition() +
" in " + getFileName() + "\"");
if (!isConfig && leafLists != null) {
for (YangLeafList leafList : leafLists) {
if (leafList.isConfig()) {
throw new DataModelException(
"If a container has \"config\" set to \"false\", " +
"no node underneath it can have " +
"\"config\" set to \"true\"." +
getName() + " in " +
getLineNumber() + " at " +
getCharPosition() +
" in " + getFileName() + "\"");
public void detectCollidingChild(String identifierName,
YangConstructType dataType)
throws DataModelException {
// Asks helper to detect colliding child.
detectCollidingChildUtil(identifierName, dataType, this);
public void detectSelfCollision(String identifierName,
YangConstructType dataType)
throws DataModelException {
if (getName().equals(identifierName)) {
throw new DataModelException(
"YANG file error: Duplicate input identifier detected," +
" same as container \"" +
getName() + " in " +
getLineNumber() + " at " +
getCharPosition() +
" in " + getFileName() + "\"");
public List<YangIfFeature> getIfFeatureList() {
return ifFeatureList;
public void addIfFeatureList(YangIfFeature ifFeature) {
if (getIfFeatureList() == null) {
setIfFeatureList(new LinkedList<>());
public void setIfFeatureList(List<YangIfFeature> ifFeatureList) {
this.ifFeatureList = ifFeatureList;
public List<YangMust> getListOfMust() {
return mustConstraintList;
public void setListOfMust(List<YangMust> mustConstraintList) {
this.mustConstraintList = mustConstraintList;
public void addMust(YangMust must) {
if (getListOfMust() == null) {
setListOfMust(new LinkedList<>());
public void addAugmentation(YangAugment augmentInfo) {
public void removeAugmentation(YangAugment augmentInfo) {
public List<YangAugment> getAugmentedInfoList() {
return yangAugmentedInfo;
public void setLeafNameSpaceAndAddToParentSchemaMap() {
// Add namespace for all leafs.
for (YangLeaf yangLeaf : getListOfLeaf()) {
// Add namespace for all leaf list.
for (YangLeafList yangLeafList : getListOfLeafList()) {
public void setLeafParentContext() {
// Add parent context for all leafs.
for (YangLeaf yangLeaf : getListOfLeaf()) {
// Add parent context for all leaf list.
for (YangLeafList yangLeafList : getListOfLeafList()) {
public void cloneAugmentInfo() {
yangAugmentedInfo = new ArrayList<>();
public SchemaContext getChildContext(SchemaId schemaId) {
checkNotNull(schemaId, E_ID);
YangSchemaNodeIdentifier id = getNodeIdFromSchemaId(
schemaId, getNameSpace().getModuleNamespace());
try {
YangSchemaNode node = getChildSchema(id).getSchemaNode();
if (node instanceof SchemaDataNode) {
return node;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMsg(FMT_NOT_EXIST,,
} catch (DataModelException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage());