blob: a0316b779355ecf106589d362f78928c80d791c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.exceptions.DataModelException;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.Parsable;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.YangConstructType;
* Reference:RFC 6020.
* The "leaf" statement is used to define a leaf node in the schema
* tree. It takes one argument, which is an identifier, followed by a
* block of sub-statements that holds detailed leaf information.
* A leaf node has a value, but no child nodes in the data tree.
* Conceptually, the value in the data tree is always in the canonical
* form.
* A leaf node exists in zero or one instances in the data tree.
* The "leaf" statement is used to define a scalar variable of a
* particular built-in or derived type.
* The leaf's sub-statements
* +--------------+---------+-------------+------------------+
* | substatement | section | cardinality |data model mapping|
* +--------------+---------+-------------+------------------+
* | config | 7.19.1 | 0..1 | - boolean |
* | default | 7.6.4 | 0..1 | - string |
* | description | 7.19.3 | 0..1 | - string |
* | if-feature | 7.18.2 | 0..n | - YangIfFeature |
* | mandatory | 7.6.5 | 0..1 | - boolean |
* | must | 7.5.3 | 0..n | - YangMust |
* | reference | 7.19.4 | 0..1 | - string |
* | status | 7.19.2 | 0..1 | - YangStatus |
* | type | 7.6.3 | 1 | - YangType |
* | units | 7.3.3 | 0..1 | - String |
* | when | 7.19.5 | 0..1 | - YangWhen |
* +--------------+---------+-------------+------------------+
* Represents leaf data represented in YANG.
public class YangLeaf
implements YangCommonInfo, Parsable, Cloneable, Serializable,
YangMustHolder, YangIfFeatureHolder, YangWhenHolder, YangSchemaNode, YangConfig {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 806201635L;
* Name of leaf.
private String name;
* Namespace of leaf.
private YangNameSpace namespace;
* If the leaf is a config parameter.
private boolean isConfig;
* description of leaf.
private String description;
* If mandatory leaf.
private boolean isMandatory;
* The textual reference to this leaf.
private String reference;
* Status of leaf in YANG definition.
private YangStatusType status = YangStatusType.CURRENT;
* Textual units info.
private String units;
* Data type of the leaf.
private YangType<?> dataType;
* Default value in string, needs to be converted to the target object,
* based on the type.
private String defaultValueInString;
* When data of the leaf.
private YangWhen when;
* YANG Node in which the leaf is contained.
private transient YangLeavesHolder containedIn;
* List of must statement constraints.
private List<YangMust> mustConstraintList;
* List of if-feature.
private List<YangIfFeature> ifFeatureList;
* Creates a YANG leaf.
public YangLeaf() {
* Returns the name of leaf.
* @return the leaf name
public String getName() {
return name;
* Sets the name of leaf.
* @param leafName the leaf name to set
public void setLeafName(String leafName) {
name = leafName;
* Returns the config flag.
* @return if config flag
public boolean isConfig() {
return isConfig;
* Sets the config flag.
* @param isConfig the flag value to set
public void setConfig(boolean isConfig) {
this.isConfig = isConfig;
* Returns the when.
* @return the when
public YangWhen getWhen() {
return when;
* Sets the when.
* @param when the when to set
public void setWhen(YangWhen when) {
this.when = when;
* Returns the description.
* @return the description
public String getDescription() {
return description;
* Sets the description.
* @param description set the description
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
* Returns if the leaf is mandatory.
* @return if leaf is mandatory
public boolean isMandatory() {
return isMandatory;
* Sets if the leaf is mandatory.
* @param isReq if the leaf is mandatory
public void setMandatory(boolean isReq) {
isMandatory = isReq;
* Returns the textual reference.
* @return the reference
public String getReference() {
return reference;
* Sets the textual reference.
* @param reference the reference to set
public void setReference(String reference) {
this.reference = reference;
* Returns the status.
* @return the status
public YangStatusType getStatus() {
return status;
* Sets the status.
* @param status the status to set
public void setStatus(YangStatusType status) {
this.status = status;
* Returns the units.
* @return the units
public String getUnits() {
return units;
* Sets the units.
* @param units the units to set
public void setUnits(String units) {
this.units = units;
* Returns the default value.
* @return the default value
public String getDefaultValueInString() {
return defaultValueInString;
* Sets the default value.
* @param defaultValueInString the default value
public void setDefaultValueInString(String defaultValueInString) {
this.defaultValueInString = defaultValueInString;
* Returns the data type.
* @return the data type
public YangType<?> getDataType() {
return dataType;
* Sets the data type.
* @param dataType the data type to set
public void setDataType(YangType<?> dataType) {
this.dataType = dataType;
* Retrieves the YANG node in which the leaf is defined.
* @return the YANG node in which the leaf is defined
public YangLeavesHolder getContainedIn() {
return containedIn;
* Assigns the YANG node in which the leaf is defined.
* @param containedIn the YANG node in which the leaf is defined
public void setContainedIn(YangLeavesHolder containedIn) {
this.containedIn = containedIn;
public YangLeaf clone()
throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return (YangLeaf) super.clone();
* Returns the type of the parsed data.
* @return returns LEAF_DATA
public YangConstructType getYangConstructType() {
return YangConstructType.LEAF_DATA;
* Validates the data on entering the corresponding parse tree node.
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
public void validateDataOnEntry()
throws DataModelException {
// TODO auto-generated method stub, to be implemented by parser
* Validates the data on exiting the corresponding parse tree node.
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
public void validateDataOnExit()
throws DataModelException {
if (defaultValueInString != null && !defaultValueInString.isEmpty() && dataType != null) {
public List<YangMust> getListOfMust() {
return mustConstraintList;
public void setListOfMust(List<YangMust> mustConstraintList) {
this.mustConstraintList = mustConstraintList;
public void addMust(YangMust must) {
if (getListOfMust() == null) {
setListOfMust(new LinkedList<>());
public List<YangIfFeature> getIfFeatureList() {
return ifFeatureList;
public void addIfFeatureList(YangIfFeature ifFeature) {
if (getIfFeatureList() == null) {
setIfFeatureList(new LinkedList<>());
public void setIfFeatureList(List<YangIfFeature> ifFeatureList) {
this.ifFeatureList = ifFeatureList;
public YangSchemaNodeContextInfo getChildSchema(YangSchemaNodeIdentifier dataNodeIdentifier)
throws DataModelException {
throw new DataModelException("leaf cannot have any child schema nodes");
public void isValueValid(String value)
throws DataModelException {
public int getMandatoryChildCount()
throws DataModelException {
throw new DataModelException("Leaf can't have child.");
public Map<YangSchemaNodeIdentifier, YangSchemaNode> getDefaultChild(YangSchemaNodeIdentifier dataNodeIdentifier) {
// Returns null as there is no child to leaf.
return null;
public YangSchemaNodeType getYangSchemaNodeType() {
* Returns namespace of node.
* @return namespace of node
public YangNameSpace getNamespace() {
return namespace;
* Sets namespace of node.
* @param namespace namespace of node
public void setNamespace(YangNameSpace namespace) {
this.namespace = namespace;
* Sets leaf namespace and add itself to parent child schema map.
* @param nameSpace namespace
public void setLeafNameSpaceAndAddToParentSchemaMap(YangNameSpace nameSpace) {
// Process addition of leaf to schema node map.
((YangNode) getContainedIn()).processAdditionOfSchemaNodeToCurNodeMap(getName(), getNamespace().getUri(), this);