blob: df1dcad7734002109e7145554107a5cab80f5694 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.yangutils.parser.impl.parserutils;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangAtomicPath;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangImport;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangLeaf;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangLeafRef;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangLeavesHolder;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangList;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangModule;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangNode;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangNodeIdentifier;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangPathPredicate;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangReferenceResolver;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangRelativePath;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangSubModule;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.YangConstructType;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.parser.antlrgencode.GeneratedYangParser;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.parser.exceptions.ParserException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangPathArgType.ABSOLUTE_PATH;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangPathArgType.RELATIVE_PATH;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangPathOperator.EQUALTO;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.YangConstructType.getYangConstructType;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.ADD;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.ANCESTOR_ACCESSOR;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.ANCESTOR_ACCESSOR_IN_PATH;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.CARET;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.CHAR_OF_CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.CHAR_OF_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.CHAR_OF_SLASH;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.COLON;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.CURRENT;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.FALSE;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.QUOTES;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.SLASH;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.SLASH_FOR_STRING;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.TRUE;
import static org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants.YANG_FILE_ERROR;
* Represents an utility for listener.
public final class ListenerUtil {
private static final Pattern IDENTIFIER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*");
private static final String DATE_PATTERN = "[0-9]{4}-([0-9]{2}|[0-9])-([0-9]{2}|[0-9])";
private static final String NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER_PATTERN = "[0-9]+";
private static final Pattern INTEGER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[-][0-9]+|[0-9]+");
private static final Pattern PATH_PREDICATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[(.*?)\\]");
private static final String XML = "xml";
private static final String ONE = "1";
private static final int IDENTIFIER_LENGTH = 64;
private static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd";
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ListenerUtil.class);
* Creates a new listener util.
private ListenerUtil() {
* Removes doubles quotes and concatenates if string has plus symbol.
* @param yangStringData string from yang file
* @return concatenated string after removing double quotes
public static String removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(String yangStringData) {
yangStringData = yangStringData.replace("\"", EMPTY_STRING);
String[] tmpData = yangStringData.split(Pattern.quote(ADD));
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (String yangString : tmpData) {
return builder.toString();
* Validates identifier and returns concatenated string if string contains plus symbol.
* @param identifier string from yang file
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @return concatenated string after removing double quotes
public static String getValidIdentifier(String identifier, YangConstructType yangConstruct, ParserRuleContext ctx) {
String identifierString = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(identifier);
ParserException parserException;
if (identifierString.length() > IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " name " + identifierString + " is " +
"greater than 64 characters.");
} else if (!IDENTIFIER_PATTERN.matcher(identifierString).matches()) {
parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " name " + identifierString + " is not " +
} else if (identifierString.toLowerCase().startsWith(XML)) {
parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " identifier " + identifierString +
" must not start with (('X'|'x') ('M'|'m') ('L'|'l')).");
} else {
return identifierString;
throw parserException;
* Validates identifier and returns concatenated string if string contains plus symbol.
* @param identifier string from yang file
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @param yangLeafRef instance of leafref where the path argument has to be set
* @return concatenated string after removing double quotes
public static String getValidIdentifierForLeafref(String identifier, YangConstructType yangConstruct,
ParserRuleContext ctx, YangLeafRef yangLeafRef) {
String identifierString = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(identifier);
ParserException parserException;
if (identifierString.length() > IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " + " identifier " + identifierString + " in " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " " + yangLeafRef.getPath() + " is " +
"greater than 64 characters.");
} else if (!IDENTIFIER_PATTERN.matcher(identifierString).matches()) {
parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " + " identifier " + identifierString + " in " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " " + yangLeafRef.getPath() + " is not " +
} else if (identifierString.toLowerCase().startsWith(XML)) {
parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " + " identifier " + identifierString + " in " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " " + yangLeafRef.getPath() +
" must not start with (('X'|'x') ('M'|'m') ('L'|'l')).");
} else {
return identifierString;
throw parserException;
* Validates the revision date.
* @param dateToValidate input revision date
* @return validation result, true for success, false for failure
public static boolean isDateValid(String dateToValidate) {
if (dateToValidate == null || !dateToValidate.matches(DATE_PATTERN)) {
return false;
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
try {
//if not valid, it will throw ParseException
} catch (ParseException e) {
return false;
return true;
* Validates YANG version.
* @param ctx version context object of the grammar rule
* @return valid version
public static byte getValidVersion(GeneratedYangParser.YangVersionStatementContext ctx) {
String value = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(ctx.version().getText());
if (!value.equals(ONE)) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: Input version not supported");
throw parserException;
return Byte.valueOf(value);
* Validates non negative integer value.
* @param integerValue integer to be validated
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx context object of the grammar rule
* @return valid non negative integer value
public static int getValidNonNegativeIntegerValue(String integerValue, YangConstructType yangConstruct,
ParserRuleContext ctx) {
String value = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(integerValue);
if (!value.matches(NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER_PATTERN)) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " value " + value + " is not " +
throw parserException;
int valueInInteger;
try {
valueInInteger = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " value " + value + " is not " +
throw parserException;
return valueInInteger;
* Validates integer value.
* @param integerValue integer to be validated
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx context object of the grammar rule
* @return valid integer value
public static int getValidIntegerValue(String integerValue, YangConstructType yangConstruct,
ParserRuleContext ctx) {
String value = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(integerValue);
if (!INTEGER_PATTERN.matcher(value).matches()) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " value " + value + " is not " +
throw parserException;
int valueInInteger;
try {
valueInInteger = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " value " + value + " is not " +
throw parserException;
return valueInInteger;
* Validates boolean value.
* @param booleanValue value to be validated
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx context object of the grammar rule
* @return boolean value either true or false
public static boolean getValidBooleanValue(String booleanValue, YangConstructType yangConstruct,
ParserRuleContext ctx) {
String value = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(booleanValue);
if (value.equals(TRUE)) {
return true;
} else if (value.equals(FALSE)) {
return false;
} else {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " value " + value + " is not " +
throw parserException;
* Returns current date and makes it in usable format for revision.
* @return usable current date format for revision
public static Date getCurrentDateForRevision() {
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
Date date = new Date();
String dateInString = dateFormat.format(date);
try {
//if not valid, it will throw ParseException
Date now = dateFormat.parse(dateInString);
return date;
} catch (ParseException e) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: Input date is not correct");
throw parserException;
* Checks and return valid node identifier.
* @param nodeIdentifierString string from yang file
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @return valid node identifier
public static YangNodeIdentifier getValidNodeIdentifier(String nodeIdentifierString,
YangConstructType yangConstruct, ParserRuleContext ctx) {
String tmpIdentifierString = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(nodeIdentifierString);
String[] tmpData = tmpIdentifierString.split(Pattern.quote(COLON));
if (tmpData.length == 1) {
YangNodeIdentifier nodeIdentifier = new YangNodeIdentifier();
nodeIdentifier.setName(getValidIdentifier(tmpData[0], yangConstruct, ctx));
return nodeIdentifier;
} else if (tmpData.length == 2) {
YangNodeIdentifier nodeIdentifier = new YangNodeIdentifier();
nodeIdentifier.setPrefix(getValidIdentifier(tmpData[0], yangConstruct, ctx));
nodeIdentifier.setName(getValidIdentifier(tmpData[1], yangConstruct, ctx));
return nodeIdentifier;
} else {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " name " + nodeIdentifierString +
" is not valid.");
throw parserException;
* Checks and return valid node identifier specific to nodes in leafref path.
* @param nodeIdentifierString string from yang file
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @param yangLeafRef instance of leafref where the path argument has to be set
* @return valid node identifier
public static YangNodeIdentifier getValidNodeIdentifierForLeafref(String nodeIdentifierString,
YangConstructType yangConstruct,
ParserRuleContext ctx, YangLeafRef yangLeafRef) {
String tmpIdentifierString = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(nodeIdentifierString);
String[] tmpData = tmpIdentifierString.split(Pattern.quote(COLON));
if (tmpData.length == 1) {
YangNodeIdentifier nodeIdentifier = new YangNodeIdentifier();
nodeIdentifier.setName(getValidIdentifierForLeafref(tmpData[0], yangConstruct, ctx, yangLeafRef));
return nodeIdentifier;
} else if (tmpData.length == 2) {
YangNodeIdentifier nodeIdentifier = new YangNodeIdentifier();
nodeIdentifier.setPrefix(getValidIdentifierForLeafref(tmpData[0], yangConstruct, ctx, yangLeafRef));
nodeIdentifier.setName(getValidIdentifierForLeafref(tmpData[1], yangConstruct, ctx, yangLeafRef));
return nodeIdentifier;
} else {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + yangLeafRef.getPath() +
" is not valid.");
throw parserException;
* Validates the path argument. It can be either absolute or relative path.
* @param pathString the path string from the path type
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @param yangLeafRef instance of leafref where the path argument has to be set
public static void validatePathArgument(String pathString, YangConstructType yangConstruct,
ParserRuleContext ctx, YangLeafRef yangLeafRef) {
String completePathString = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(pathString);
if (completePathString.startsWith(SLASH)) {
List<YangAtomicPath> yangAtomicPathListList = validateAbsolutePath(completePathString, yangConstruct, ctx,
validatePrefixAndYangNode(yangAtomicPathListList, yangLeafRef);
} else if (completePathString.startsWith(ANCESTOR_ACCESSOR)) {
validateRelativePath(completePathString, yangConstruct, ctx, yangLeafRef);
} else {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + yangLeafRef.getPath() +
" does not follow valid path syntax");
throw parserException;
* Validates the prefixes in the leafref and assigns them to the respective imported name in map.
* @param yangAtomicPathList list of atomic poth
* @param yangLeafRef instance YANG leafref
private static void validatePrefixAndYangNode(List<YangAtomicPath> yangAtomicPathList, YangLeafRef yangLeafRef) {
Iterator<YangAtomicPath> yangAtomicPathIterator = yangAtomicPathList.listIterator();
while (yangAtomicPathIterator.hasNext()) {
YangAtomicPath atomicPath =;
String prefix = atomicPath.getNodeIdentifier().getPrefix();
YangNode parentNodeOfLeafref = yangLeafRef.getParentNodeOfLeafref();
YangNode moduleOrSubModule = getModuleOrSubmoduleInFileOfTheCurrentNode(parentNodeOfLeafref);
YangModule moduleNode = null;
if (moduleOrSubModule instanceof YangModule) {
moduleNode = (YangModule) moduleOrSubModule;
if (moduleNode != null) {
updatePrefixWithTheImportedList(moduleNode, prefix, yangLeafRef);
* Updates the prefix with the imported list in the module.
* @param moduleNode root node of the leafref
* @param prefixInPath prefix in the path
* @param yangLeafRef instance YANG leafref
private static void updatePrefixWithTheImportedList(YangModule moduleNode, String prefixInPath, YangLeafRef
yangLeafRef) {
if (prefixInPath != null && prefixInPath != EMPTY_STRING && !prefixInPath.equals(moduleNode.getPrefix())) {
List<YangImport> moduleImportList = moduleNode.getImportList();
if (moduleImportList != null && !moduleImportList.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<YangImport> yangImportIterator = moduleImportList.listIterator();
while (yangImportIterator.hasNext()) {
YangImport yangImport =;
if (yangImport.getPrefixId().equals(prefixInPath)) {
HashMap prefixMap = new HashMap();
prefixMap.put(prefixInPath, yangImport.getModuleName());
} else {
HashMap prefixMap = new HashMap();
prefixMap.put(prefixInPath, moduleNode.getName());
* Returns module or submodule node from the current node.
* @param node current node
* @return root node
private static YangNode getModuleOrSubmoduleInFileOfTheCurrentNode(YangNode node) {
while (!(node instanceof YangModule) && !(node instanceof YangSubModule)) {
if (node == null) {
throw new ParserException("Internal datamodel error: Datamodel tree is not correct");
node = node.getParent();
return node;
* Validates the unique syntax from the reference path.
* @param uniquePath path of unique
* @param prefixOfFile current file's prefix
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @return list of absolute path
private static List<YangAtomicPath> validateUniqueValues(String uniquePath, String prefixOfFile,
ParserRuleContext ctx) {
List<YangAtomicPath> atomicPath = new LinkedList<>();
String[] pathInUnique = uniquePath.split(SLASH_FOR_STRING);
for (String uniqueValue : pathInUnique) {
YangAtomicPath yangAtomicPathPath = new YangAtomicPath();
YangNodeIdentifier nodeIdentifier = getValidNodeIdentifier(uniqueValue, YangConstructType.UNIQUE_DATA, ctx);
if (nodeIdentifier.getPrefix() != null && nodeIdentifier.getPrefix() != prefixOfFile) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : A leaf reference, in unique," +
" must refer to a leaf in the list");
throw parserException;
return atomicPath;
* Validates unique field from the list.
* @param yangList instance of YANG list
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
public static void validateUniqueInList(YangList yangList, ParserRuleContext ctx) {
YangLeaf leaf;
// Returns the prefix for the file where unique is present.
String prefixOfTheFile = getPrefixInFileOfTheCurrentNode(yangList);
List<String> uniques = yangList.getUniqueList();
if (uniques != null && !uniques.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<String> uniqueList = uniques.listIterator();
while (uniqueList.hasNext()) {
String pathInUnique =;
List<YangAtomicPath> atomicPathInUnique = validateUniqueValues(pathInUnique, prefixOfTheFile, ctx);
YangAtomicPath leafInPath = atomicPathInUnique.get(atomicPathInUnique.size() - 1);
if (atomicPathInUnique.size() == 1) {
leaf = getReferenceLeafFromUnique(yangList, leafInPath);
} else {
atomicPathInUnique.remove(atomicPathInUnique.size() - 1);
YangNode holderOfLeaf = getNodeUnderListFromPath(atomicPathInUnique, yangList, ctx);
leaf = getReferenceLeafFromUnique(holderOfLeaf, leafInPath);
if (leaf == null) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : A leaf reference, in " +
"unique," +
" must refer to a leaf under the list");
throw parserException;
* Returns the last node under the unique path.
* @param uniquePath atomic path list
* @param node root node from where it starts searching
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @return last node in the list
private static YangNode getNodeUnderListFromPath(List<YangAtomicPath> uniquePath, YangNode node,
ParserRuleContext ctx) {
Iterator<YangAtomicPath> nodesInReference = uniquePath.listIterator();
YangNode potentialReferredNode = node.getChild();
while (nodesInReference.hasNext()) {
YangAtomicPath nodeInUnique =;
YangNode referredNode = getReferredNodeFromTheUniqueNodes(nodeInUnique.getNodeIdentifier(),
if (referredNode == null) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : The target node in unique " +
"reference path is invalid");
throw parserException;
} else {
potentialReferredNode = referredNode.getChild();
return potentialReferredNode;
* Returns the node that matches with the name of the node in path.
* @param nodeInUnique node name in path
* @param potentialReferredNode node under which it has to match
* @return referred node
private static YangNode getReferredNodeFromTheUniqueNodes(YangNodeIdentifier nodeInUnique, YangNode
potentialReferredNode) {
while (potentialReferredNode != null) {
// Check if the potential referred node is the actual referred node
if (potentialReferredNode.getName().equals(nodeInUnique.getName())) {
return potentialReferredNode;
potentialReferredNode = potentialReferredNode.getNextSibling();
return null;
* Returns the leaf which unique refers.
* @param nodeForLeaf last node where leaf is referred
* @param leafInUnique leaf in unique path
* @return YANG leaf
private static YangLeaf getReferenceLeafFromUnique(YangNode nodeForLeaf, YangAtomicPath leafInUnique) {
YangLeavesHolder leavesHolder = (YangLeavesHolder) nodeForLeaf;
List<YangLeaf> leaves = leavesHolder.getListOfLeaf();
if (leaves != null && !leaves.isEmpty()) {
for (YangLeaf leaf : leaves) {
if (leafInUnique.getNodeIdentifier().getName().equals(leaf.getName())) {
return leaf;
return null;
* Returns the prefix of the current file.
* @param node node where it needs to find the root node
* @return prefix of root node
public static String getPrefixInFileOfTheCurrentNode(YangNode node) {
String prefixInFile;
while (!(node instanceof YangReferenceResolver)) {
node = node.getParent();
if (node == null) {
throw new ParserException("Internal datamodel error: Datamodel tree is not correct");
if (node instanceof YangModule) {
YangModule yangModule = (YangModule) node;
prefixInFile = yangModule.getPrefix();
} else {
YangSubModule yangSubModule = (YangSubModule) node;
prefixInFile = yangSubModule.getPrefix();
return prefixInFile;
* Validates the relative path.
* @param completePathString the path string of relative path
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @param yangLeafRef instance of leafref where the path argument has to be set
private static void validateRelativePath(String completePathString, YangConstructType yangConstruct,
ParserRuleContext ctx, YangLeafRef yangLeafRef) {
YangRelativePath relativePath = new YangRelativePath();
int numberOfAncestors = 0;
while (completePathString.startsWith(ANCESTOR_ACCESSOR_IN_PATH)) {
completePathString = completePathString.replaceFirst(ANCESTOR_ACCESSOR_IN_PATH, EMPTY_STRING);
numberOfAncestors = numberOfAncestors + 1;
if (completePathString == null || completePathString.length() == 0) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : "
+ getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + yangLeafRef.getPath() +
" does not follow valid path syntax");
throw parserException;
List<YangAtomicPath> atomicPath = validateAbsolutePath(SLASH_FOR_STRING + completePathString,
ctx, yangLeafRef);
validatePrefixAndYangNode(atomicPath, yangLeafRef);
* Validates the absolute path.
* @param completePathString the path string of absolute path
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @param yangLeafRef instance of leafref where the path argument has to be set
* @return list of object of node in absolute path
private static List<YangAtomicPath> validateAbsolutePath(String completePathString,
YangConstructType yangConstruct, ParserRuleContext
ctx, YangLeafRef yangLeafRef) {
List<YangAtomicPath> absolutePathList = new LinkedList<>();
YangPathPredicate yangPathPredicate = new YangPathPredicate();
YangNodeIdentifier yangNodeIdentifier;
while (completePathString != null) {
String path = completePathString.replaceFirst(SLASH_FOR_STRING, EMPTY_STRING);
if (path == null || path.length() == 0) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : "
+ getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " " + yangLeafRef.getPath() +
" does not follow valid path syntax");
throw parserException;
String matchedPathPredicate;
String nodeIdentifier;
String[] differentiate = new String[2];
int forNodeIdentifier = path.indexOf(CHAR_OF_SLASH);
int forPathPredicate = path.indexOf(CHAR_OF_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET);
// Checks if path predicate is present for the node.
if ((forPathPredicate < forNodeIdentifier) && (forPathPredicate != -1)) {
List<String> pathPredicate = new ArrayList<>();
matchedPathPredicate = matchForPathPredicate(path);
if (matchedPathPredicate == null || matchedPathPredicate.length() == 0) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : "
+ getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " " + yangLeafRef.getPath() +
" does not follow valid path syntax");
throw parserException;
int indexOfMatchedFirstOpenBrace = path.indexOf(CHAR_OF_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET);
differentiate[0] = path.substring(0, indexOfMatchedFirstOpenBrace);
differentiate[1] = path.substring(indexOfMatchedFirstOpenBrace);
nodeIdentifier = differentiate[0];
// Starts adding all path predicates of a node into the list.
if (!differentiate[1].isEmpty()) {
while (differentiate[1].startsWith(OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET)) {
matchedPathPredicate = matchForPathPredicate(differentiate[1]);
if (matchedPathPredicate == null || matchedPathPredicate.length() == 0) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException(
"YANG file error : " + getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " "
+ yangLeafRef.getPath() +
" does not follow valid path syntax");
throw parserException;
differentiate[1] = differentiate[1].substring(matchedPathPredicate.length());
List<YangPathPredicate> pathPredicateList = validatePathPredicate(pathPredicate, yangConstruct, ctx,
yangPathPredicate, yangLeafRef);
YangAtomicPath atomicPath = new YangAtomicPath();
yangNodeIdentifier = getValidNodeIdentifierForLeafref(nodeIdentifier, yangConstruct, ctx, yangLeafRef);
} else {
if (path.contains(SLASH_FOR_STRING)) {
nodeIdentifier = path.substring(0, path.indexOf(CHAR_OF_SLASH));
differentiate[1] = path.substring(path.indexOf(CHAR_OF_SLASH));
} else {
nodeIdentifier = path;
differentiate[1] = null;
yangNodeIdentifier = getValidNodeIdentifierForLeafref(nodeIdentifier, yangConstruct, ctx, yangLeafRef);
YangAtomicPath atomicPath = new YangAtomicPath();
if (differentiate[1] == null || differentiate[1].length() == 0) {
completePathString = null;
} else {
completePathString = differentiate[1];
return absolutePathList;
* Validates path predicate in the absolute path's node.
* @param pathPredicate list of path predicates in the node of absolute path
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @param yangPathPredicate instance of path predicate where it has to be set
* @param yangLeafRef instance of leafref where the path argument has to be set
* @return list of object of path predicates in absolute path's node
private static List<YangPathPredicate> validatePathPredicate(List<String> pathPredicate,
YangConstructType yangConstruct, ParserRuleContext
ctx, YangPathPredicate yangPathPredicate,
YangLeafRef yangLeafRef) {
Iterator<String> pathPredicateString = pathPredicate.iterator();
List<String> pathEqualityExpression = new ArrayList<>();
while (pathPredicateString.hasNext()) {
String pathPredicateForNode =;
pathPredicateForNode = (pathPredicateForNode.substring(1)).trim();
pathPredicateForNode = pathPredicateForNode.substring(0,
List<YangPathPredicate> validatedPathPredicateList = validatePathEqualityExpression(pathEqualityExpression,
yangConstruct, ctx, yangPathPredicate, yangLeafRef);
return validatedPathPredicateList;
* Validates the path equality expression.
* @param pathEqualityExpression list of path equality expression in the path predicates of the node
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @param yangPathPredicate instance of path predicate where it has to be set
* @param yangLeafRef instance of leafref where the path argument has to be set
* @return list of object of path predicates in absolute path's node
private static List<YangPathPredicate> validatePathEqualityExpression(List<String> pathEqualityExpression,
YangConstructType yangConstruct,
ParserRuleContext ctx, YangPathPredicate
YangLeafRef yangLeafRef) {
Iterator<String> pathEqualityExpressionString = pathEqualityExpression.iterator();
List<YangPathPredicate> yangPathPredicateList = new ArrayList<>();
while (pathEqualityExpressionString.hasNext()) {
String pathEqualityExpressionForNode =;
String[] pathEqualityExpressionArray = pathEqualityExpressionForNode.split("[=]");
YangNodeIdentifier yangNodeIdentifierForPredicate;
YangRelativePath yangRelativePath;
yangNodeIdentifierForPredicate = getValidNodeIdentifierForLeafref(pathEqualityExpressionArray[0].trim(),
yangConstruct, ctx, yangLeafRef);
yangRelativePath = validatePathKeyExpression(pathEqualityExpressionArray[1].trim(), yangConstruct, ctx,
return yangPathPredicateList;
* Validate the path key expression.
* @param rightRelativePath relative path in the path predicate
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @param yangLeafRef instance of leafref where the path argument has to be set
* @return object of right relative path in path predicate
private static YangRelativePath validatePathKeyExpression(String rightRelativePath,
YangConstructType yangConstruct, ParserRuleContext ctx,
YangLeafRef yangLeafRef) {
YangRelativePath yangRelativePath = new YangRelativePath();
String[] relativePath = rightRelativePath.split(SLASH_FOR_STRING);
List<String> rightAbsolutePath = new ArrayList<>();
int accessAncestor = 0;
for (String path : relativePath) {
if (path.trim().equals(ANCESTOR_ACCESSOR)) {
accessAncestor = accessAncestor + 1;
} else {
List<YangAtomicPath> atomicPathInRelativePath = validateRelativePathKeyExpression(rightAbsolutePath,
yangConstruct, ctx, yangLeafRef);
return yangRelativePath;
* Validates the relative path key expression.
* @param rightAbsolutePath absolute path nodes present in the relative path
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @param yangLeafRef instance of leafref where the path argument has to be set
* @return list of object of absolute path nodes present in the relative path
private static List<YangAtomicPath> validateRelativePathKeyExpression(List<String> rightAbsolutePath,
YangConstructType yangConstruct,
ParserRuleContext ctx, YangLeafRef
yangLeafRef) {
List<YangAtomicPath> atomicPathList = new ArrayList<>();
YangNodeIdentifier yangNodeIdentifier;
Iterator<String> nodes = rightAbsolutePath.iterator();
String currentInvocationFunction =;
currentInvocationFunction = currentInvocationFunction.trim();
String[] currentFunction = currentInvocationFunction.split("[(]");
if (!(currentFunction[0].trim().equals(CURRENT)) || !(currentFunction[1].trim().equals(CLOSE_PARENTHESIS))) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : "
+ getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " " + yangLeafRef.getPath() +
" does not follow valid path syntax");
throw parserException;
while (nodes.hasNext()) {
YangAtomicPath atomicPath = new YangAtomicPath();
String node =;
yangNodeIdentifier = getValidNodeIdentifierForLeafref(node.trim(), yangConstruct, ctx, yangLeafRef);
return atomicPathList;
* Validates the match for first path predicate in a given string.
* @param matchRequiredString string for which match has to be done
* @return the matched string
private static String matchForPathPredicate(String matchRequiredString) {
String matchedString = null;
java.util.regex.Matcher matcher = PATH_PREDICATE_PATTERN.matcher(matchRequiredString);
if (matcher.find()) {
matchedString =;
return matchedString;
* Checks and return valid absolute schema node id.
* @param argumentString string from yang file
* @param yangConstructType yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @return target nodes list of absolute schema node id
public static List<YangAtomicPath> getValidAbsoluteSchemaNodeId(String argumentString,
YangConstructType yangConstructType,
ParserRuleContext ctx) {
List<YangAtomicPath> targetNodes = new ArrayList<>();
YangNodeIdentifier yangNodeIdentifier;
String tmpSchemaNodeId = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(argumentString);
// absolute-schema-nodeid = 1*("/" node-identifier)
if (!tmpSchemaNodeId.startsWith(SLASH)) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstructType) + " name " + argumentString +
"is not valid");
throw parserException;
String[] tmpData = tmpSchemaNodeId.replaceFirst(CARET + SLASH, EMPTY_STRING).split(SLASH);
for (String nodeIdentifiers : tmpData) {
yangNodeIdentifier = getValidNodeIdentifier(nodeIdentifiers, yangConstructType, ctx);
YangAtomicPath yangAbsPath = new YangAtomicPath();
return targetNodes;
* Throws parser exception for unsupported YANG constructs.
* @param yangConstructType yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @param errorInfo error information
* @param fileName YANG file name
public static void handleUnsupportedYangConstruct(YangConstructType yangConstructType,
ParserRuleContext ctx, String errorInfo, String fileName) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException(YANG_FILE_ERROR
+ QUOTES + getYangConstructType(yangConstructType) + QUOTES
+ errorInfo);
parserException.setCharPosition(ctx.getStart().getCharPositionInLine()); + " at position " + parserException.getCharPositionInLine() +
" in line " + parserException.getLineNumber() + " of yang file " + fileName);
* Returns date and makes it in usable format for revision.
* @param dateInString date argument string from yang file
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @return date format for revision
public static Date getValidDateFromString(String dateInString, ParserRuleContext ctx) {
String dateArgument = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(dateInString);
if (!dateArgument.matches(DATE_PATTERN)) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: Input date is not correct");
throw parserException;
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
try {
//if not valid, it will throw ParseException
return sdf.parse(dateArgument);
} catch (ParseException e) {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: Input date is not correct");
throw parserException;
* Checks and return valid prefix.
* @param inputString string from yang file
* @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
* @param ctx yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
* @return valid prefix
public static String getValidPrefix(String inputString,
YangConstructType yangConstruct, ParserRuleContext ctx) {
String tmpPrefixString = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(inputString);
String[] tmpData = tmpPrefixString.split(Pattern.quote(COLON));
if (tmpData.length == 2) {
return tmpData[0];
} else {
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " name " + inputString +
" is not valid.");
throw parserException;