| #!/bin/bash |
| # dist-setup.sh |
| # |
| # Runs as distributed user. |
| # |
| # Sets up the distributed ONOS tutorial. |
| |
| export USER=distributed |
| export USER_HOME=/home/${USER} |
| |
| echo "Creating distributed tutorial" |
| |
| IDEA_URL=https://download.jetbrains.com/idea/ideaIC-2016.2.2.tar.gz |
| |
| cd ~ |
| |
| git clone https://github.com/bocon13/onos-byon.git |
| cd onos-byon |
| git checkout started-1.6.0 |
| |
| # Pull ONOS code into local repo to compile against |
| mkdir -p .m2/repository/org |
| cp -r /home/mininet/.m2/repository/org/onosproject .m2/repository/org |
| |
| sed -i -e 's/open/xdg-open/' ~/onos/tools/test/bin/onos-gui |
| |
| echo "export KARAF_TAR=/home/mininet/apache-karaf-3.0.5.tar.gz" >> ~/.bashrc |
| echo "cell 3node > /dev/null" >> ~/.bashrc |
| |
| |
| cat > ~/startmn.sh << EOF |
| #!/bin/bash |
| sudo python ~/onos/tools/test/topos/sol.py \$OC1 \$OC2 \$OC3 |
| EOF |
| |
| chmod +x ~/startmn.sh |
| |
| DESKTOP=${USER_HOME}/Desktop |
| |
| mkdir -p ${DESKTOP} |
| |
| cat > ${DESKTOP}/IntelliJ << EOF |
| [Desktop Entry] |
| Encoding=UTF-8 |
| Type=Application |
| Name=IntelliJ |
| Name[en_US]=IntelliJ |
| Icon=/home/distributed/Applications/idea/bin/idea.png |
| Exec=/home/distributed/Applications/idea/bin/idea.sh |
| Comment[en_US]= |
| EOF |
| |
| cat > ${DESKTOP}/Tutorial << EOF |
| [Desktop Entry] |
| Encoding=UTF-8 |
| Type=Application |
| Name=ONOS Tutorial |
| Name[en_US]=ONOS Tutorial |
| Icon=internet-web-browser |
| Exec=/usr/bin/chromium-browser https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/Distributed+ONOS+Tutorial |
| Comment[en_US]= |
| EOF |
| |
| |
| cat > ${DESKTOP}/Wireshark << EOF |
| [Desktop Entry] |
| Encoding=UTF-8 |
| Type=Application |
| Name=Wireshark |
| Name[en_US]=Wireshark |
| Icon=wireshark |
| Exec=/usr/bin/wireshark |
| Comment[en_US]= |
| EOF |
| |
| cat > ${DESKTOP}/Terminal << EOF |
| [Desktop Entry] |
| Encoding=UTF-8 |
| Name=LXTerminal |
| TryExec=lxterminal |
| Exec=lxterminal |
| Icon=lxterminal |
| Type=Application |
| Categories=GTK;Utility;TerminalEmulator; |
| EOF |
| |
| cat > ${DESKTOP}/Reset << EOF |
| [Desktop Entry] |
| Encoding=UTF-8 |
| Type=Application |
| Name=Reset |
| Name[en_US]=Reset |
| Icon=konsole |
| Exec=/usr/bin/lxterminal -t 'Resetting; please wait' -e '/bin/bash -c /home/mininet/reset-to-3.sh' |
| Comment[en_US]= |
| EOF |
| |
| sudo apt-get install -y git-review |
| |
| # Install IntelliJ |
| mkdir ~/Applications |
| cd ~/Applications |
| |
| wget -c -N -O /tmp/idea.tar.gz ${IDEA_URL} |
| tar xzf /tmp/idea.tar.gz |
| sudo mv idea-IC-162.1628.40 idea |
| |
| cd - |