blob: b7f00379f073f54c57a63e80c662f1d7b0912272 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types;
public class IPv4AddressWithMask extends IPAddressWithMask<IPv4Address> {
public final static IPv4AddressWithMask NONE = of(IPv4Address.NONE, IPv4Address.NONE);
private IPv4AddressWithMask(int rawValue, int rawMask) {
super(IPv4Address.of(rawValue), IPv4Address.of(rawMask));
private IPv4AddressWithMask(IPv4Address value, IPv4Address mask) {
super(value, mask);
public IPVersion getIpVersion() {
return IPVersion.IPv4;
public static IPv4AddressWithMask of(int rawValue, int rawMask) {
return new IPv4AddressWithMask(rawValue, rawMask);
public static IPv4AddressWithMask of(IPv4Address value, IPv4Address mask) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "value must not be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(mask, "mask must not be null");
return new IPv4AddressWithMask(value, mask);
public static IPv4AddressWithMask of(final String string) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(string, "string must not be null");
int slashPos;
String ip = string;
int cidrMaskLength = 32;
IPv4Address maskAddress = null;
// Read mask suffix
if ((slashPos = string.indexOf('/')) != -1) {
ip = string.substring(0, slashPos);
try {
String suffix = string.substring(slashPos + 1);
if (suffix.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("IP Address not well formed: " + string);
if (suffix.indexOf('.') != -1) {
// Full mask
maskAddress = IPv4Address.of(suffix);
} else {
// CIDR Suffix
cidrMaskLength = Integer.parseInt(suffix);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("IP Address not well formed: " + string);
// Read IP
IPv4Address ipv4 = IPv4Address.of(ip);
if (maskAddress != null) {
// Full address mask
return IPv4AddressWithMask.of(ipv4, maskAddress);
} else {
return IPv4AddressWithMask.of(
ipv4, IPv4Address.ofCidrMaskLength(cidrMaskLength));
public boolean contains(IPAddress<?> ip) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(ip, "ip must not be null");
if(ip.getIpVersion() == IPVersion.IPv4) {
IPv4Address ipv4 = (IPv4Address) ip;
return this.matches(ipv4);
return false;