blob: 8a3a60a927ec2bfe282c4915748492d1dc1d3f50 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.exceptions.OFParseError;
* IPv6 address object. Instance controlled, immutable. Internal representation:
* two 64 bit longs (not that you'd have to know).
* @author Andreas Wundsam <>
public class IPv6Address extends IPAddress<IPv6Address> {
static final int LENGTH = 16;
private final long raw1;
private final long raw2;
private static final int NOT_A_CIDR_MASK = -1;
private static final int CIDR_MASK_CACHE_UNSET = -2;
// Must appear before the static IPv4Address constant assignments
private volatile int cidrMaskLengthCache = CIDR_MASK_CACHE_UNSET;
private final static long NONE_VAL1 = 0x0L;
private final static long NONE_VAL2 = 0x0L;
public static final IPv6Address NONE = new IPv6Address(NONE_VAL1, NONE_VAL2);
public static final IPv6Address NO_MASK = IPv6Address.of(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFl, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFl);
public static final IPv6Address FULL_MASK = IPv6Address.of(0x0, 0x0);
private IPv6Address(final long raw1, final long raw2) {
this.raw1 = raw1;
this.raw2 = raw2;
public IPVersion getIpVersion() {
return IPVersion.IPv6;
private int computeCidrMask64(long raw) {
long mask = raw;
if (raw == 0)
return 0;
else if (Long.bitCount((~mask) + 1) == 1) {
// represent a true CIDR prefix length
return Long.bitCount(mask);
else {
// Not a true prefix
private int asCidrMaskLengthInternal() {
if (cidrMaskLengthCache == CIDR_MASK_CACHE_UNSET) {
// No synchronization needed. Writing cidrMaskLengthCache only once
if (raw1 == 0 && raw2 == 0) {
cidrMaskLengthCache = 0;
} else if (raw1 == -1L) {
// top half is all 1 bits
int tmpLength = computeCidrMask64(raw2);
if (tmpLength != NOT_A_CIDR_MASK)
tmpLength += 64;
cidrMaskLengthCache = tmpLength;
} else if (raw2 == 0) {
cidrMaskLengthCache = computeCidrMask64(raw1);
} else {
cidrMaskLengthCache = NOT_A_CIDR_MASK;
return cidrMaskLengthCache;
public boolean isCidrMask() {
return asCidrMaskLengthInternal() != NOT_A_CIDR_MASK;
public int asCidrMaskLength() {
if (!isCidrMask()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("IP is not a valid CIDR prefix " +
"mask " + toString());
} else {
return asCidrMaskLengthInternal();
public boolean isBroadcast() {
return this.equals(NO_MASK);
public IPv6Address and(IPv6Address other) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(other, "other must not be null");
IPv6Address otherIp = other;
return IPv6Address.of((raw1 & otherIp.raw1), (raw2 & otherIp.raw2));
public IPv6Address or(IPv6Address other) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(other, "other must not be null");
IPv6Address otherIp = other;
return IPv6Address.of((raw1 | otherIp.raw1), (raw2 | otherIp.raw2));
public IPv6Address not() {
return IPv6Address.of(~raw1, ~raw2);
public static IPv6Address of(final byte[] address) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(address, "address must not be null");
if (address.length != LENGTH) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid byte array length for IPv6 address: " + address.length);
long raw1 =
(address[0] & 0xFFL) << 56 | (address[1] & 0xFFL) << 48
| (address[2] & 0xFFL) << 40 | (address[3] & 0xFFL) << 32
| (address[4] & 0xFFL) << 24 | (address[5] & 0xFFL) << 16
| (address[6] & 0xFFL) << 8 | (address[7]);
long raw2 =
(address[8] & 0xFFL) << 56 | (address[9] & 0xFFL) << 48
| (address[10] & 0xFFL) << 40 | (address[11] & 0xFFL) << 32
| (address[12] & 0xFFL) << 24 | (address[13] & 0xFFL) << 16
| (address[14] & 0xFFL) << 8 | (address[15]);
return IPv6Address.of(raw1, raw2);
private static class IPv6Builder {
private long raw1, raw2;
public void setUnsignedShortWord(final int i, final int value) {
int shift = 48 - (i % 4) * 16;
if (value < 0 || value > 0xFFFF)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("16 bit word must be in [0, 0xFFFF]");
if (i >= 0 && i < 4)
raw1 = raw1 & ~(0xFFFFL << shift) | (value & 0xFFFFL) << shift;
else if (i >= 4 && i < 8)
raw2 = raw2 & ~(0xFFFFL << shift) | (value & 0xFFFFL) << shift;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("16 bit word index must be in [0,7]");
public IPv6Address getIPv6() {
return IPv6Address.of(raw1, raw2);
private final static Pattern colonPattern = Pattern.compile(":");
/** parse an IPv6Address from its conventional string representation.
* <p>
* Expects up to 8 groups of 16-bit hex words seperated by colons
* (e.g., 2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348).
* <p>
* Supports zero compression (e.g., 2001:db8::7348).
* Does <b>not</b> currently support embedding a dotted-quad IPv4 address
* into the IPv6 address (e.g., 2001:db8::
* @param string a string representation of an IPv6 address
* @return the parsed IPv6 address
* @throws NullPointerException if string is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if string is not a valid IPv6Address
public static IPv6Address of(@Nonnull final String string) throws IllegalArgumentException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(string, "string must not be null");
IPv6Builder builder = new IPv6Builder();
String[] parts = colonPattern.split(string, -1);
int leftWord = 0;
int leftIndex = 0;
boolean hitZeroCompression = false;
for (leftIndex = 0; leftIndex < parts.length; leftIndex++) {
String part = parts[leftIndex];
if (part.length() == 0) {
// hit empty group of zero compression
hitZeroCompression = true;
builder.setUnsignedShortWord(leftWord++, Integer.parseInt(part, 16));
if (hitZeroCompression) {
if (leftIndex == 0) {
// if colon is at the start, two columns must be at the start,
// move to the second empty group
leftIndex = 1;
if (parts.length < 2 || parts[1].length() > 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed IPv6 address: " + string);
int rightWord = 7;
int rightIndex;
for (rightIndex = parts.length - 1; rightIndex > leftIndex; rightIndex--) {
String part = parts[rightIndex];
if (part.length() == 0)
builder.setUnsignedShortWord(rightWord--, Integer.parseInt(part, 16));
if (rightIndex == parts.length - 1) {
// if colon is at the end, two columns must be at the end, move
// to the second empty group
if (rightIndex < 1 || parts[rightIndex - 1].length() > 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed IPv6 address: " + string);
if (leftIndex != rightIndex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed IPv6 address: " + string);
} else {
if (leftIndex != 8) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed IPv6 address: " + string);
return builder.getIPv6();
/** construct an IPv6 adress from two 64 bit integers representing the first and
* second 8-byte blocks of the address.
* @param raw1 - the first 8 byte block of the address
* @param raw2 - the second 8 byte block of the address
* @return the constructed IPv6Address
public static IPv6Address of(final long raw1, final long raw2) {
if(raw1==NONE_VAL1 && raw2 == NONE_VAL2)
return NONE;
return new IPv6Address(raw1, raw2);
public static IPv6Address ofCidrMaskLength(int cidrMaskLength) {
cidrMaskLength >= 0 && cidrMaskLength <= 128,
"Invalid IPv6 CIDR mask length: %s", cidrMaskLength);
if (cidrMaskLength == 128) {
return IPv6Address.NO_MASK;
} else if (cidrMaskLength == 0) {
return IPv6Address.FULL_MASK;
} else {
BigInteger mask
= BigInteger.ONE.negate().shiftLeft(128 - cidrMaskLength);
byte[] maskBytesTemp = mask.toByteArray();
byte[] maskBytes;
if (maskBytesTemp.length < 16) {
maskBytes = new byte[16];
System.arraycopy(maskBytesTemp, 0,
maskBytes, 16 - maskBytesTemp.length,
Arrays.fill(maskBytes, 0, 16 - maskBytesTemp.length, (byte)(0xFF));
} else if (maskBytesTemp.length > 16) {
maskBytes = new byte[16];
System.arraycopy(maskBytesTemp, 0, maskBytes, 0, maskBytes.length);
} else {
maskBytes = maskBytesTemp;
return IPv6Address.of(maskBytes);
private volatile byte[] bytesCache = null;
public byte[] getBytes() {
if (bytesCache == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (bytesCache == null) {
bytesCache =
new byte[] { (byte) ((raw1 >> 56) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw1 >> 48) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw1 >> 40) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw1 >> 32) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw1 >> 24) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw1 >> 16) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw1 >> 8) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw1 >> 0) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw2 >> 56) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw2 >> 48) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw2 >> 40) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw2 >> 32) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw2 >> 24) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw2 >> 16) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw2 >> 8) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((raw2 >> 0) & 0xFF) };
return Arrays.copyOf(bytesCache, bytesCache.length);
public int getLength() {
return LENGTH;
public String toString() {
return toString(true, false);
public int getUnsignedShortWord(final int i) {
if (i >= 0 && i < 4)
return (int) ((raw1 >>> (48 - i * 16)) & 0xFFFF);
else if (i >= 4 && i < 8)
return (int) ((raw2 >>> (48 - (i - 4) * 16)) & 0xFFFF);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("16 bit word index must be in [0,7]");
/** get the index of the first word where to apply IPv6 zero compression */
public int getZeroCompressStart() {
int start = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int maxLength = -1;
int candidateStart = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (candidateStart >= 0) {
// in a zero octect
if (getUnsignedShortWord(i) != 0) {
// end of this candidate word
int candidateLength = i - candidateStart;
if (candidateLength >= maxLength) {
start = candidateStart;
maxLength = candidateLength;
candidateStart = -1;
} else {
// not in a zero octect
if (getUnsignedShortWord(i) == 0) {
candidateStart = i;
if (candidateStart >= 0) {
int candidateLength = 8 - candidateStart;
if (candidateLength >= maxLength) {
start = candidateStart;
maxLength = candidateLength;
return start;
public String toString(final boolean zeroCompression, final boolean leadingZeros) {
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
int compressionStart = zeroCompression ? getZeroCompressStart() : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
boolean inCompression = false;
boolean colonNeeded = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
int word = getUnsignedShortWord(i);
if (word == 0) {
if (inCompression)
else if (i == compressionStart) {
inCompression = true;
colonNeeded = false;
} else {
inCompression = false;
if (colonNeeded) {
colonNeeded = false;
res.append(leadingZeros ? String.format("%04x", word) : Integer.toString(word,
colonNeeded = true;
return res.toString();
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + (int) (raw1 ^ (raw1 >>> 32));
result = prime * result + (int) (raw2 ^ (raw2 >>> 32));
return result;
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
IPv6Address other = (IPv6Address) obj;
if (raw1 != other.raw1)
return false;
if (raw2 != other.raw2)
return false;
return true;
public void write16Bytes(ChannelBuffer c) {
public static IPv6Address read16Bytes(ChannelBuffer c) throws OFParseError {
return IPv6Address.of(c.readLong(), c.readLong());
public IPv6Address applyMask(IPv6Address mask) {
return and(mask);
public int compareTo(IPv6Address o) {
int res =, o.raw1);
if(res != 0)
return res;
return, o.raw2);
public void putTo(PrimitiveSink sink) {