blob: a2f05cf857469a0e3690b5172b1867828cf5e3b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Returns true if the port is up, i.e., it's neither administratively
* down nor link down. It currently does NOT take STP state into
* consideration
* @return whether the port is up
public boolean isEnabled() {
return (!state.contains(OFPortState.LINK_DOWN) && !config.contains(OFPortConfig.PORT_DOWN));
* Returns the current generation ID of this port.
* The generationId is reported by the switch as a @{link OFPortDescProp} in
* {@link OFPortDescStatsReply} and {@link OFPortStatus} messages. If the
* current OFPortDesc does not contain a generation Id, returns U64.ZERO;
* For OpenFlow versions earlier than 1.4, always returns U64.ZERO;
* @return the generation ID or U64.NULL if not reported
* @since 1.4
public U64 getBsnGenerationId() {
//:: if msg.member_by_name("properties"):
for(OFPortDescProp prop: getProperties()) {
if(prop instanceof OFPortDescPropBsnGenerationId) {
return ((OFPortDescPropBsnGenerationId) prop).getGenerationId();
//:: #endif
return U64.ZERO;