blob: 4df4790d4e9e460c5c19b59ce6bb102b4e8514f9 [file] [log] [blame]
//:: # Copyright 2013, Big Switch Networks, Inc.
//:: #
//:: # LoxiGen is licensed under the Eclipse Public License, version 1.0 (EPL), with
//:: # the following special exception:
//:: #
//:: # LOXI Exception
//:: #
//:: # As a special exception to the terms of the EPL, you may distribute libraries
//:: # generated by LoxiGen (LoxiGen Libraries) under the terms of your choice, provided
//:: # that copyright and licensing notices generated by LoxiGen are not altered or removed
//:: # from the LoxiGen Libraries and the notice provided below is (i) included in
//:: # the LoxiGen Libraries, if distributed in source code form and (ii) included in any
//:: # documentation for the LoxiGen Libraries, if distributed in binary form.
//:: #
//:: # Notice: "Copyright 2013, Big Switch Networks, Inc. This library was generated by the LoxiGen Compiler."
//:: #
//:: # You may not use this file except in compliance with the EPL or LOXI Exception. You may obtain
//:: # a copy of the EPL at:
//:: #
//:: # http:::
//:: #
//:: # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//:: # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
//:: # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
//:: # EPL for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
//:: # under the EPL.
//:: import itertools
//:: import of_g
//:: import re
//:: include('')
//:: include('')
package ${factory.package};
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFOxmList;
//:: include("")
public class ${} implements ${} {
public final static ${} INSTANCE = new ${}();
//:: if factory.interface.xid_generator:
private final XidGenerator xidGenerator =;
//:: #endif
public OFVersion getOFVersion() {
return OFVersion.OF_${factory.version.of_version};
//:: for name, clazz in factory.interface.sub_factories.items():
public ${clazz} ${name}() {
return ${clazz}Ver${factory.version.of_version}.INSTANCE;
//:: #endfor
//:: general_get_match_func_written = False
//:: for i in factory.interface.members:
//:: if i.is_virtual:
//:: continue
//:: #endif
//:: is_match_object = re.match('OFMatch.*', # i.has_version(factory.version) and model.generate_class(i.versioned_class(factory.version)) and i.versioned_class(factory.version).interface.parent_interface == 'Match'
//:: unsupported_match_object = is_match_object and not i.has_version(factory.version)
//:: if len(i.writeable_members) > 0:
public ${}.Builder ${factory.interface.method_name(i, builder=True)}() {
//:: if i.has_version(factory.version) and model.generate_class(i.versioned_class(factory.version)):
return new ${i.versioned_class(factory.version).name}.Builder()${".setXid(nextXid())" if i.member_by_name("xid") else ""};
//:: else:
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("${} not supported in version ${factory.version}");
//:: #endif
//:: #endif
//:: if not general_get_match_func_written and is_match_object and not unsupported_match_object:
public Match.Builder buildMatch() {
return new ${i.versioned_class(factory.version).name}.Builder();
//:: general_get_match_func_written = True
//:: #endif
//:: if len(i.writeable_members) <= 2:
public ${} ${factory.interface.method_name(i, builder=False)}(${", ".join("%s %s" % (p.java_type.public_type, for p in i.writeable_members if != "xid" )}) {
//:: if i.has_version(factory.version) and model.generate_class(i.versioned_class(factory.version)):
//:: if len(i.writeable_members) > 0:
return new ${i.versioned_class(factory.version).name}(
${",\n ".join(
[ if != "xid" else "nextXid()" for prop in i.versioned_class(factory.version).data_members])}
//:: else:
return ${i.versioned_class(factory.version).name}.INSTANCE;
//:: #endif
//:: else:
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("${} not supported in version ${factory.version}");
//:: #endif
//:: #endif
//:: #endfor
public OFMessageReader<${factory.base_class}> getReader() {
//:: if factory.versioned_base_class:
return ${}.READER;
//:: else:
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Reader<${factory.base_class}> not supported in version ${factory.version}");
//:: #endif
//:: if == 'OFOxms':
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> OFOxm<F> fromValue(F value, MatchField<F> field) {
switch ( {
//:: for oxm_name in model.oxm_map:
//:: type_name, value, masked = model.oxm_map[oxm_name]
//:: if masked:
//:: continue
//:: #endif
//:: method_name = oxm_name.replace('OFOxm', '')
//:: method_name = method_name[0].lower() + method_name[1:]
case ${value}:
//:: # The cast to Object is done to avoid some javac bug that in some versions cannot handle cast from generic type to other types but Object
return (OFOxm<F>)((Object)${method_name}((${type_name})((Object)value)));
//:: #endfor
return null;
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> OFOxm<F> fromValueAndMask(F value, F mask, MatchField<F> field) {
switch ( {
//:: for oxm_name in model.oxm_map:
//:: type_name, value, masked = model.oxm_map[oxm_name]
//:: if not masked:
//:: continue
//:: #endif
//:: method_name = oxm_name.replace('OFOxm', '')
//:: method_name = method_name[0].lower() + method_name[1:]
case ${value}:
//:: # The cast to Object is done to avoid some javac bug that in some versions cannot handle cast from generic type to other types but Object
return (OFOxm<F>)((Object)${method_name}((${type_name})((Object)value), (${type_name})((Object)mask)));
//:: #endfor
return null;
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> OFOxm<F> fromMasked(Masked<F> masked, MatchField<F> field) {
switch ( {
//:: for oxm_name in model.oxm_map:
//:: type_name, value, masked = model.oxm_map[oxm_name]
//:: if not masked:
//:: continue
//:: #endif
//:: method_name = oxm_name.replace('OFOxm', '')
//:: method_name = method_name[0].lower() + method_name[1:]
case ${value}:
//:: # The cast to Object is done to avoid some javac bug that in some versions cannot handle cast from generic type to other types but Object
return (OFOxm<F>)((Object)${method_name}((${type_name})((Object)(masked.getValue())), (${type_name})((Object)(masked.getMask()))));
//:: #endfor
return null;
//:: #endif
//:: if factory.interface.xid_generator:
public long nextXid() {
return xidGenerator.nextXid();
//:: #endif