blob: aafe2625d14a09249e6354cac4189288816d58f3 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.projectfloodlight.openflow.util;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.PrimitiveSinkable;
/** Utility methods for dumping collections into primitive sinks.
* @author Andreas Wundsam {@literal <}{@literal >}
public class PrimitiveSinkUtils {
private PrimitiveSinkUtils() {}
/** puts a nullable String into a primitive sink. The entry is prepended by a 'presence'
* boolean bit and the string length;
* @param sink the sink to put the object
* @param nullableChars the potentially null string to put in the sink
public static void putNullableStringTo(PrimitiveSink sink,
@Nullable CharSequence nullableChars) {
sink.putBoolean(nullableChars != null);
if(nullableChars != null) {
/** puts a nullable element into a primitive sink. The entry is prepended by a 'present' bit.
* @param sink the sink to put the object
* @param nullableObj the nullable object
public static void putNullableTo(PrimitiveSink sink,
@Nullable PrimitiveSinkable nullableObj) {
sink.putBoolean(nullableObj != null);
if(nullableObj != null)
/** puts the elements of a sorted set into the {@link PrimitiveSink}. Does not support null
* elements. The elements are assumed to be self-delimitating.
* @param sink
* @param set
public static void putSortedSetTo(PrimitiveSink sink,
SortedSet<? extends PrimitiveSinkable> set) {
for(PrimitiveSinkable e: set) {
/** puts the elements of a list into the {@link PrimitiveSink}. Does not support null
* elements. The elements are assumed to be self-delimitating.
* @param sink
* @param set
public static void putListTo(PrimitiveSink sink,
List<? extends PrimitiveSinkable> set) {
for(PrimitiveSinkable e: set) {