blob: ed8a11b7e410884cac48b60bead71cefcb22e594 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types;
public abstract class IPAddress<F extends IPAddress<F>> implements OFValueType<F> {
public abstract IPVersion getIpVersion();
* Checks if this IPAddress represents a valid CIDR style netmask, i.e.,
* it has a set of leading "1" bits followed by only "0" bits
* @return true if this represents a valid CIDR style netmask, false
* otherwise
public boolean isCidrMask() {
return asCidrMaskLength() != -1;
* If this IPAddress represents a valid CIDR style netmask (see
* isCidrMask()) returns the length of the prefix (the number of "1" bits).
* @return length of CIDR mask or -1 if this is not a CIDR netmask
public abstract int asCidrMaskLength();
public abstract boolean equals(Object other);
public abstract int hashCode();
public static IPAddress<?> of(String ip) {
if (ip.indexOf('.') != -1)
return IPv4Address.of(ip);
else if (ip.indexOf(':') != -1)
return IPv6Address.of(ip);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("IP Address not well formed: " + ip);