blob: c85c750ec6e6a1ef8a494c54eaf1ed138140ecf6 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
/** User-facing object representing a bitmap of ports that can be matched on.
* This is implemented by the custom BSN OXM type of_oxm_bsn_in_ports_512.
* You can call set() on the builder for all the Ports you want to match on
* and unset to exclude the port.
* <b>Implementation note:</b> to comply with the matching semantics of OXM (which is a logical "AND" not "OR")
* the underlying match uses a data format which is very unintuitive. The value is always
* 0, and the mask has the bits set for the ports that should <b>NOT</b> be included in the
* range.
* For the curious: We transformed the bitmap (a logical OR) problem into a logical
* AND NOT problem.
* We logically mean: Inport is 1 OR 3
* We technically say: Inport IS NOT 2 AND IS NOT 4 AND IS NOT 5 AND IS NOT ....
* The second term cannot be represented in OXM, the second can.
* That said, all that craziness is hidden from the user of this object.
* <h2>Usage</h2>
* OFPortBitmap is meant to be used with MatchField <tt>BSN_IN_PORTS_512</tt> in place
* of the raw type Masked&lt;OFBitMask512&gt;.
* <h3>Example:</h3>:
* <pre>
* OFPortBitMap portBitMap;
* Match.Builder matchBuilder;
* // initialize
* matchBuilder.setMasked(MatchField.BSN_IN_PORTS_512, portBitmap);
* </pre>
* @author Andreas Wundsam {@literal <}{@literal >}
public class OFPortBitMap512 extends Masked<OFBitMask512> {
private OFPortBitMap512(OFBitMask512 mask) {
super(OFBitMask512.NONE, mask);
/** @return whether or not the given port is logically included in the
* match, i.e., whether a packet from in-port <em>port</em> be matched by
* this OXM.
public boolean isOn(OFPort port) {
// see the implementation note above about the logical inversion of the mask
return !(this.mask.isOn(port.getPortNumber()));
public static OFPortBitMap512 ofPorts(OFPort... ports) {
Builder builder = new Builder();
for (OFPort port: ports) {
/** @return an OFPortBitmap based on the 'mask' part of an OFBitMask512, as, e.g., returned
* by the switch.
public static OFPortBitMap512 of(OFBitMask512 mask) {
return new OFPortBitMap512(mask);
/** @return iterating over all ports that are logically included in the
* match, i.e., whether a packet from in-port <em>port</em> be matched by
* this OXM.
public Iterable<OFPort> getOnPorts() {
ArrayList<OFPort> ports = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0; i < 511; i++) {
if(!(this.mask.isOn(i))) {
return ports;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof OFPortBitMap512))
return false;
OFPortBitMap512 other = (OFPortBitMap512)obj;
return (other.value.equals(this.value) && other.mask.equals(this.mask));
public int hashCode() {
return 619 * mask.hashCode() + 257 * value.hashCode();
public static class Builder {
private long raw1 = -1, raw2 = -1, raw3 = -1, raw4 = -1,
raw5 = -1, raw6 = -1, raw7 = -1, raw8 = -1;
public Builder() {
/** @return whether or not the given port is logically included in the
* match, i.e., whether a packet from in-port <em>port</em> be matched by
* this OXM.
public boolean isOn(OFPort port) {
// see the implementation note above about the logical inversion of the mask
return !(OFBitMask512.isBitOn(raw1, raw2, raw3, raw4,
raw5, raw6, raw7, raw8, port.getPortNumber()));
/** remove this port from the match, i.e., packets from this in-port
* will NOT be matched.
public Builder unset(OFPort port) {
// see the implementation note above about the logical inversion of the mask
int bit = port.getPortNumber();
if (bit < 0 || bit > 511)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Port number is out of bounds");
else if (bit == 511)
// the highest order bit in the bitmask is reserved. The switch will
// set that bit for all ports >= 511. The reason is that we don't want
// the OFPortMap to match all ports out of its range (i.e., a packet
// coming in on port 581 would match *any* OFPortMap).
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The highest order bit in the bitmask is reserved.");
else if (bit < 64) {
raw8 |= ((long)1 << bit);
} else if (bit < 128) {
raw7 |= ((long)1 << bit - 64);
} else if (bit < 192) {
raw6 |= ((long)1 << bit - 128);
} else if (bit < 256) {
raw5 |= ((long)1 << bit - 192);
} else if (bit < 320) {
raw4 |= ((long)1 << bit - 256);
} else if (bit < 384) {
raw3 |= ((long)1 << bit - 320);
} else if (bit < 448) {
raw2 |= ((long)1 << bit - 384);
} else {
raw1 |= ((long)1 << (bit - 448));
return this;
/** add this port from the match, i.e., packets from this in-port
* will NOT be matched.
public Builder set(OFPort port) {
// see the implementation note above about the logical inversion of the mask
int bit = port.getPortNumber();
if (bit < 0 || bit > 511)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Port number is out of bounds");
else if (bit == 511)
// the highest order bit in the bitmask is reserved. The switch will
// set that bit for all ports >= 511. The reason is that we don't want
// the OFPortMap to match all ports out of its range (i.e., a packet
// coming in on port 581 would match *any* OFPortMap).
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The highest order bit in the bitmask is reserved.");
else if (bit < 64) {
raw8 &= ~((long)1 << bit);
} else if (bit < 128) {
raw7 &= ~((long)1 << bit - 64);
} else if (bit < 192) {
raw6 &= ~((long)1 << bit - 128);
} else if (bit < 256) {
raw5 &= ~((long)1 << bit - 192);
} else if (bit < 320) {
raw4 &= ~((long)1 << bit - 256);
} else if (bit < 384) {
raw3 &= ~((long)1 << bit - 320);
} else if (bit < 448) {
raw2 &= ~((long)1 << bit - 384);
} else {
raw1 &= ~((long)1 << (bit - 448));
return this;
public OFPortBitMap512 build() {
return new OFPortBitMap512(OFBitMask512.of(raw1, raw2, raw3, raw4,
raw5, raw6, raw7, raw8));