blob: 24cab5bcc6f585d3d77ef4e3e79034517ae1026a [file] [log] [blame]
//:: from generic_utils import OrderedSet
//:: from java_gen.java_model import model
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> F get(MatchField<F> field)
throws UnsupportedOperationException {
if (!supports(field))
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("OFMatchV3Ver13 does not support matching on field " + field.getName());
OFOxm<F> oxm = this.oxmList.get(field);
if (oxm == null || !field.arePrerequisitesOK(this))
return null;
return oxm.getValue();
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> Masked<F> getMasked(MatchField<F> field)
throws UnsupportedOperationException {
if (!supportsMasked(field))
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("OFMatchV3Ver13 does not support masked matching on field " + field.getName());
OFOxm<F> oxm = this.oxmList.get(field);
if (oxm == null || !field.arePrerequisitesOK(this))
return null;
if (oxm.getMask() == null)
return null;
// TODO: Make OfOxm extend Masked and just return the OXM?
return Masked.of(oxm.getValue(), oxm.getMask());
private static boolean supportsField(MatchField<?> field) {
switch ( {
//:: for id_constant in sorted(set(id_constant for _, id_constant, _ in model.oxm_map.values())):
case ${id_constant}:
//:: #endfor
return true;
return false;
public boolean supports(MatchField<?> field) {
return supportsField(field);
public boolean supportsMasked(MatchField<?> field) {
return supportsField(field);
public boolean isExact(MatchField<?> field) {
if (!supports(field))
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("OFMatchV3Ver13 does not support matching on field " + field.getName());
OFOxm<?> oxm = this.oxmList.get(field);
return oxm != null && !oxm.isMasked();
public boolean isFullyWildcarded(MatchField<?> field) {
if (!supports(field))
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("OFMatchV3Ver13 does not support matching on field " + field.getName());
OFOxm<?> oxm = this.oxmList.get(field);
return oxm == null;
public boolean isPartiallyMasked(MatchField<?> field) {
if (!supports(field))
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("OFMatchV3Ver13 does not support matching on field " + field.getName());
OFOxm<?> oxm = this.oxmList.get(field);
return oxm != null && oxm.isMasked();
private class MatchFieldIterator extends UnmodifiableIterator<MatchField<?>> {
private Iterator<OFOxm<?>> oxmIterator;
MatchFieldIterator() {
oxmIterator = oxmList.iterator();
public boolean hasNext() {
return oxmIterator.hasNext();
public MatchField<?> next() {
OFOxm<?> next =;
return next.getMatchField();
public Iterable<MatchField<?>> getMatchFields() {
return new Iterable<MatchField<?>>() {
public Iterator<MatchField<?>> iterator() {
return new MatchFieldIterator();