blob: 32f709b48f0622e5ae95d98610b92ef912b40479 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer;
* Wrapper around an IPv4Address address
* @author Andreas Wundsam <>
public class IPv4Address extends IPAddress<IPv4Address> {
static final int LENGTH = 4;
private final int rawValue;
private static final int NOT_A_CIDR_MASK = -1;
private static final int CIDR_MASK_CACHE_UNSET = -2;
// Must appear before the static IPv4Address constant assignments
private volatile int cidrMaskLengthCache = CIDR_MASK_CACHE_UNSET;
private final static int NONE_VAL = 0x0;
public final static IPv4Address NONE = new IPv4Address(NONE_VAL);
public static final IPv4Address NO_MASK = IPv4Address.of(0xFFFFFFFF);
public static final IPv4Address FULL_MASK = IPv4Address.of(0x00000000);
private IPv4Address(final int rawValue) {
this.rawValue = rawValue;
public IPVersion getIpVersion() {
return IPVersion.IPv4;
private int asCidrMaskLengthInternal() {
if (cidrMaskLengthCache == CIDR_MASK_CACHE_UNSET) {
// No lock required. We only write cidrMaskLengthCache once
int maskint = getInt();
if (maskint == 0) {
cidrMaskLengthCache = 0;
} else if (Integer.bitCount((~maskint) + 1) == 1) {
// IP represents a true CIDR prefix length
cidrMaskLengthCache = Integer.bitCount(maskint);
} else {
cidrMaskLengthCache = NOT_A_CIDR_MASK;
return cidrMaskLengthCache;
public boolean isCidrMask() {
return asCidrMaskLengthInternal() != NOT_A_CIDR_MASK;
public int asCidrMaskLength() {
if (!isCidrMask()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("IP is not a valid CIDR prefix " +
"mask " + toString());
} else {
return asCidrMaskLengthInternal();
public boolean isBroadcast() {
return this.equals(NO_MASK);
public IPv4Address and(IPv4Address other) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(other, "other must not be null");
IPv4Address otherIp = other;
return IPv4Address.of(rawValue & otherIp.rawValue);
public IPv4Address or(IPv4Address other) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(other, "other must not be null");
IPv4Address otherIp = other;
return IPv4Address.of(rawValue | otherIp.rawValue);
public IPv4Address not() {
return IPv4Address.of(~rawValue);
* Returns an {@code IPv4Address} object that represents the given
* IP address. The argument is in network byte order: the highest
* order byte of the address is in {@code address[0]}.
* <p>
* The address byte array must be 4 bytes long (32 bits long).
* <p>
* Similar to {@link InetAddress#getByAddress(byte[])}.
* @param address the raw IP address in network byte order
* @return an {@code IPv4Address} object that represents the given
* raw IP address
* @throws NullPointerException if the given address was {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given address was of an invalid
* byte array length
* @see InetAddress#getByAddress(byte[])
public static IPv4Address of(@Nonnull final byte[] address) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(address, "address must not be null");
if (address.length != LENGTH) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid byte array length for IPv4Address address: " + address.length);
int raw =
(address[0] & 0xFF) << 24 | (address[1] & 0xFF) << 16
| (address[2] & 0xFF) << 8 | (address[3] & 0xFF) << 0;
return IPv4Address.of(raw);
* Returns an {@code IPv4Address} object that represents the given
* IP address.
* @param raw the raw IP address represented as a 32-bit integer
* @return an {@code IPv4Address} object that represents the given
* raw IP address
public static IPv4Address of(final int raw) {
if(raw == NONE_VAL)
return NONE;
return new IPv4Address(raw);
* Returns an {@code IPv4Address} object that represents the given
* IP address. The argument is in the canonical quad-dotted notation.
* For example, {@code}.
* @param string the IP address in the canonical quad-dotted notation
* @return an {@code IPv4Address} object that represents the given
* IP address
* @throws NullPointerException if the given string was {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given string was not a valid
* IPv4 address
public static IPv4Address of(@Nonnull final String string) throws IllegalArgumentException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(string, "string must not be null");
int start = 0;
int shift = 24;
int raw = 0;
while (shift >= 0) {
int end = string.indexOf('.', start);
if (end == start || !((shift > 0) ^ (end < 0)))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("IP Address not well formed: " + string);
String substr =
end > 0 ? string.substring(start, end) : string.substring(start);
int val = Integer.parseInt(substr);
if (val < 0 || val > 255)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("IP Address not well formed: " + string);
raw |= val << shift;
shift -= 8;
start = end + 1;
return IPv4Address.of(raw);
* Returns an {@code IPv4Address} object that represents the given
* IP address. The argument is given as an {@code Inet4Address} object.
* @param address the IP address as an {@code Inet4Address} object
* @return an {@code IPv4Address} object that represents the
* given IP address
* @throws NullPointerException if the given {@code Inet4Address} was
* {@code null}
public static IPv4Address of(@Nonnull final Inet4Address address) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(address, "address must not be null");
return IPv4Address.of(address.getAddress());
* Returns an {@code IPv4Address} object that represents the
* CIDR subnet mask of the given prefix length, that is, the
* number of leading one-bits.
* @param cidrMaskLength the prefix length of the CIDR subnet mask,
* where {@code 0 <= cidrMaskLength <= 32}
* @return an {@code IPv4Address} object that represents the
* CIDR subnet mask of the given prefix length
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given prefix length was invalid
public static IPv4Address ofCidrMaskLength(final int cidrMaskLength) {
cidrMaskLength >= 0 && cidrMaskLength <= 32,
"Invalid IPv4 CIDR mask length: %s", cidrMaskLength);
if (cidrMaskLength == 32) {
return IPv4Address.NO_MASK;
} else if (cidrMaskLength == 0) {
return IPv4Address.FULL_MASK;
} else {
int mask = (-1) << (32 - cidrMaskLength);
return IPv4Address.of(mask);
* Returns an {@code IPv4AddressWithMask} object that represents this
* IP address masked by the given IP address mask.
* @param mask the {@code IPv4Address} object that represents the mask
* @return an {@code IPv4AddressWithMask} object that represents this
* IP address masked by the given mask
* @throws NullPointerException if the given mask was {@code null}
public IPv4AddressWithMask withMask(@Nonnull final IPv4Address mask) {
return IPv4AddressWithMask.of(this, mask);
* Returns an {@code IPv4AddressWithMask} object that represents this
* IP address masked by the given IP address mask. The argument is in
* network byte order: the highest order byte of the address is in
* {@code mask[0]}.
* <p>
* The address byte array must be 4 bytes long (32 bits long).
* @param mask the raw IP address mask in network byte order
* @return an {@code IPv4AddressWithMask} object that represents this
* IP address masked by the given raw IP address mask
* @throws NullPointerException if the given mask was {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given mask was of an invalid
* byte array length
* @see #of(byte[])
public IPv4AddressWithMask withMask(@Nonnull final byte[] mask) {
return IPv4AddressWithMask.of(this, IPv4Address.of(mask));
* Returns an {@code IPv4AddressWithMask} object that represents this
* IP address masked by the given IP address mask.
* @param mask the raw IP address mask represented as a 32-bit integer
* @return an {@code IPv4AddressWithMask} object that represents this
* IP address masked by the given raw IP address mask
* @see #of(int)
public IPv4AddressWithMask withMask(final int mask) {
return IPv4AddressWithMask.of(this, IPv4Address.of(mask));
* Returns an {@code IPv4AddressWithMask} object that represents this
* IP address masked by the given IP address mask. The argument is in
* the canonical quad-dotted notation. For example, {@code}.
* @param mask the IP address mask in the canonical quad-dotted notation
* @return an {@code IPv4AddressWithMask} object that represents this
* IP address masked by the given IP address mask
* @throws NullPointerException if the given string was {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given string was not a valid
* IPv4 address
* @see #of(String)
public IPv4AddressWithMask withMask(@Nonnull final String mask) {
return IPv4AddressWithMask.of(this, IPv4Address.of(mask));
* Returns an {@code IPv4AddressWithMask} object that represents this
* IP address masked by the given IP address mask. The argument is given as
* an {@code Inet4Address} object.
* @param mask the IP address mask as an {@code Inet4Address} object
* @return an {@code IPv4AddressWithMask} object that represents this
* IP address masked by the given IP address mask
* @throws NullPointerException if the given {@code Inet4Address} was
* {@code null}
* @see #of(Inet4Address)
public IPv4AddressWithMask withMask(@Nonnull final Inet4Address mask) {
return IPv4AddressWithMask.of(this, IPv4Address.of(mask));
* Returns an {@code IPv4AddressWithMask} object that represents this
* IP address masked by the CIDR subnet mask of the given prefix length,
* that is, the number of leading one-bits.
* @param cidrMaskLength the prefix length of the CIDR subnet mask,
* where {@code 0 <= cidrMaskLength <= 32}
* @return an {@code IPv4AddressWithMask} object that
* represents this IP address masked by the CIDR
* subnet mask of the given prefix length
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given prefix length was invalid
* @see #ofCidrMaskLength(int)
public IPv4AddressWithMask withMaskOfLength(final int cidrMaskLength) {
return IPv4AddressWithMask.of(this,
public int getInt() {
return rawValue;
private volatile byte[] bytesCache = null;
public byte[] getBytes() {
if (bytesCache == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (bytesCache == null) {
bytesCache =
new byte[] { (byte) ((rawValue >>> 24) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((rawValue >>> 16) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((rawValue >>> 8) & 0xFF),
(byte) ((rawValue >>> 0) & 0xFF) };
return Arrays.copyOf(bytesCache, bytesCache.length);
public int getLength() {
return LENGTH;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
res.append((rawValue >> 24) & 0xFF).append('.');
res.append((rawValue >> 16) & 0xFF).append('.');
res.append((rawValue >> 8) & 0xFF).append('.');
res.append((rawValue >> 0) & 0xFF);
return res.toString();
public void write4Bytes(ChannelBuffer c) {
public static IPv4Address read4Bytes(ChannelBuffer c) {
return IPv4Address.of(c.readInt());
public IPv4Address applyMask(IPv4Address mask) {
return and(mask);
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + rawValue;
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
IPv4Address other = (IPv4Address) obj;
if (rawValue != other.rawValue)
return false;
return true;
public int compareTo(IPv4Address o) {
return, o.rawValue);
public void putTo(PrimitiveSink sink) {