blob: 6570df82616cfd96a4edc68b6a4c53208ac1d343 [file] [log] [blame]
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> F get(MatchField<F> field)
throws UnsupportedOperationException {
// FIXME yotam - please replace with real implementation
return null;
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> Masked<F> getMasked(MatchField<F> field)
throws UnsupportedOperationException {
// FIXME yotam - please replace with real implementation
return null;
public boolean supports(MatchField<?> field) {
// FIXME yotam - please replace with real implementation
return false;
public boolean supportsMasked(MatchField<?> field) {
// FIXME yotam - please replace with real implementation
return false;
public boolean isExact(MatchField<?> field) {
// FIXME yotam - please replace with real implementation
return false;
public boolean isFullyWildcarded(MatchField<?> field) {
// FIXME yotam - please replace with real implementation
return false;
public boolean isPartiallyMasked(MatchField<?> field) {
// FIXME yotam - please replace with real implementation
return false;
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> Match.Builder setExact(
MatchField<F> field, F value) {
// FIXME yotam - please replace with real implementation
return null;
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> Match.Builder setMasked(
MatchField<F> field, F value, F mask) {
// FIXME yotam - please replace with real implementation
return null;
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> Match.Builder setMasked(
MatchField<F> field, Masked<F> valueWithMask) {
// FIXME yotam - please replace with real implementation
return null;
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> Match.Builder wildcard(MatchField<F> field) {
// FIXME yotam - please replace with real implementation
return null;