blob: c91a7fdbf96a74b1a50224ab76468c781394d584 [file] [log] [blame]
Pierre De Ropfaca2892016-01-31 23:27:05 +00001package;
10 * Builds a Dependency Manager Configuration Dependency.
11 * By default, the updated callback is "updated", like in original DM API.
12 *
13 * <p> Code example with a component that defines a Configuration Dependency. the ServiceImpl modified method
14 * callback is declared using a method reference (see the "cb(ServiceImpl::modified)" code):
15 *
16 * <pre> {@code
17 * public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
18 * public void activate() throws Exception {
19 * component(comp -> comp
20 * .impl(ServiceImpl.class)
21 * .withConf(conf ->;
22 * }
23 * }
24 * }</pre>
25 *
26 * @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a>
27 */
28public interface ConfigurationDependencyBuilder extends DependencyBuilder<ConfigurationDependency> {
29 /**
30 * Sets the pid for this configuration dependency.
31 *
32 * @param pid the configuration dependendency pid.
33 * @return this builder
34 */
35 ConfigurationDependencyBuilder pid(String pid);
37 /**
38 * Sets the class which fqdn represents the pid for this configuration dependency. Usually, this class can optionally be annotated with metatypes bnd annotations.
39 *
40 * @param pidClass the class which fqdn represents the pid for this configuration dependency.
41 * @return this builder
42 */
43 ConfigurationDependencyBuilder pid(Class<?> pidClass);
45 /**
46 * Sets propagation of the configuration properties to the service properties (false by default).
47 * All public configuration properties (not starting with a dot) will be propagated to the component service properties.
48 *
49 * @return this builder
50 */
51 ConfigurationDependencyBuilder propagate();
53 /**
54 * Sets propagation of the configuration properties to the service properties (false by default).
55 *
56 * @param propagate true if all public configuration properties (not starting with a dot) must be propagated to the component service properties (false by default)
57 * @return this builder
58 */
59 ConfigurationDependencyBuilder propagate(boolean propagate);
61 /**
62 * Configures whether or not the component instance should be instantiated at the time the updated callback is invoked.
63 * By default, when the callback is applied on an external object instance, the component is not instantiated, but in this case
64 * you can force the creation of the component instances by calling this method.
65 *
66 * @param needsInstance true if the component instance should be instantiated at the time the updated callback is invoked on an external object instance.
67 * @return this builder
68 */
69 ConfigurationDependencyBuilder needsInstance(boolean needsInstance);
71 /**
72 * Sets a <code>callback</code> to call on the component instance(s) when the configuration is updated.
73 *
74 * @param updateMethod the callback to call on the component instance(s) when the configuration is updated.
75 * @return this builder
76 */
77 ConfigurationDependencyBuilder cb(String updateMethod);
79 /**
80 * Sets a <code>callback instance</code> to call on a given object instance when the configuration is updated.
81 * When the updated method is invoked, the Component implementation has not yet been instantiated, unless you have called
82 * the @link {@link #needsInstance(boolean)} method with "true".
83 *
84 * @param callbackInstance the object instance on which the updatedMethod is invoked
85 * @param updateMethod the callback to call on the callbackInstance when the configuration is updated.
86 * @return this builder
87 */
88 ConfigurationDependencyBuilder cbi(Object callbackInstance, String updateMethod);
90 /**
91 * Sets a <code>callback</code> method reference used to invoke an update method. The method reference must point to a method from one of the component
92 * implementation classes, and is invoked when the configuration is updated.
93 *
94 * @param <T> the type of the component implementation class on which the callback is invoked on.
95 * @param callback the callback method reference which must point to a method from one of the component implementation classes. The method
96 * takes as argument a Dictionary.
97 * @return this builder
98 */
99 <T> ConfigurationDependencyBuilder cb(CbTypeDictionary<T> callback);
101 /**
102 * Sets the <code>callback</code> method reference used to invoke an update method. The method reference must point to a method from one of the
103 * component implementation classes, and is invoked when the configuration is updated.
104 *
105 * @param <T> the type of the component implementation class on which the callback is invoked on.
106 * @param callback the callback method reference used to invoke an update method on the component instance(s) when the configuration is updated.
107 * The method takes as argument a Component and a Dictionary.
108 * @return this builder
109 */
110 <T> ConfigurationDependencyBuilder cb(CbTypeComponentDictionary<T> callback);
112 /**
113 * Sets a <code>callback instance</code> method reference used to invoke the update method. The method reference must point to an Object instance
114 * method which takes as argument a Dictionary.
115 *
116 * @param updated a method reference that points to an Object instance method which takes as argument a Dictionary.
117 * @return this builder
118 */
119 ConfigurationDependencyBuilder cbi(CbDictionary updated);
121 /**
122 * Sets a <code>callback instance</code> method reference used to invoke the update method. The method reference must point to an Object instance method
123 * which takes as argument a Component and a Dictionary.
124 *
125 * @param updated a method reference that points to an Object instance method which takes as argument a Component and a Dictionary.
126 * @return this builder
127 */
128 ConfigurationDependencyBuilder cbi(CbComponentDictionary updated);