blob: 837d4d930d60474e8eecb159df3c91a103738dc6 [file] [log] [blame]
Richard S. Hallb63426f2008-03-05 20:03:55 +00001-sources: true
2Export-Package: aQute.fileinstall,
3Bundle-Activator: aQute.fileinstall.FileInstall
4Bundle-Version: 1.3.4
5Bundle-Description: This bundle watches a directory set by the aQute.fileinstall.dir property; the default \
6is "load". JAR files in this directory are installed and uninstalled when they are no longer there. Updating
7 the JAR file in the directory will update the bundle. The bundle allows you to use downloads from
8 a browser, drag and drop, or the command line copy function, for OSGi management.