Alex Karasulu | 07d2049 | 2006-03-06 15:35:44 +0000 | [diff] [blame] | 1 | ; Project supplied Inno Setup File |
| 2 | |
| 3 | #define MyAppName "${app}" |
| 4 | #define MyAppVerName "${app} ${app.version}" |
| 5 | #define MyAppVersion "${app.version}" |
| 6 | #define MyAppPublisher "${}" |
| 7 | #define MyAppURL "${app.url}" |
| 8 | #define MyAppExeName "${app}w.exe" |
| 9 | #define MyAppCompanyName "${}" |
| 10 | #define MyAppDescription "${app.description}" |
| 11 | #define MyAppCopyright "Copyright (c) ${app.copyright.year} ${}" |
| 12 | |
| 13 | ; Set this constant to the path where your installation image resides |
| 14 | #define SourceBase "${image.basedir}" |
| 15 | |
| 16 | [Setup] |
| 17 | AppName={#MyAppName} |
| 18 | AppVerName={#MyAppVerName} |
| 19 | AppPublisher={#MyAppPublisher} |
| 20 | AppPublisherURL={#MyAppURL} |
| 21 | AppSupportURL={#MyAppURL} |
| 22 | AppUpdatesURL={#MyAppURL} |
| 23 | DefaultDirName={pf}\${app}-${app.version} |
| 24 | DefaultGroupName={#MyAppName} |
| 25 | LicenseFile={#SourceBase}\${} |
| 26 | OutputDir="${}" |
| 27 | OutputBaseFilename=${} |
| 28 | SetupIconFile={#SourceBase}\${} |
| 29 | Compression=lzma |
| 30 | SolidCompression=true |
| 31 | VersionInfoCompany={#MyAppCompanyName} |
| 32 | VersionInfoDescription={#MyAppDescription} |
| 33 | AppCopyright={#MyAppCopyright} |
| 34 | ShowLanguageDialog=yes |
| 35 | AppVersion={#MyAppVersion} |
| 36 | |
| 37 | [Languages] |
| 38 | Name: eng; MessagesFile: compiler:Default.isl |
| 39 | |
| 40 | [Tasks] |
| 41 | Name: desktopicon; Description: {cm:CreateDesktopIcon}; GroupDescription: {cm:AdditionalIcons}; Flags: unchecked |
| 42 | |
| 43 | [Files] |
| 44 | ; bin directory targets |
| 45 | Source: {#SourceBase}\bin\${app}w.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Tasks: ; Languages: |
| 46 | Source: {#SourceBase}\bin\${app}.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin |
| 47 | Source: {#SourceBase}\bin\bootstrapper.jar; DestDir: {app}\bin; DestName: bootstrapper.jar |
| 48 | Source: {#SourceBase}\bin\felix.jar; DestDir: {app}\bin; DestName: felix.jar |
| 49 | Source: {#SourceBase}\bin\logger.jar; DestDir: {app}\bin; DestName: logger.jar |
| 50 | Source: {#SourceBase}\bin\daemon.jar; DestDir: {app}\bin; DestName: daemon.jar |
Richard S. Hall | 3355486 | 2007-06-01 15:37:21 +0000 | [diff] [blame] | 51 | ; bundle directory targets |
| 52 | Source: {#SourceBase}\bundle\*; DestDir: {app}\bundle; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs |
Alex Karasulu | 07d2049 | 2006-03-06 15:35:44 +0000 | [diff] [blame] | 53 | ; conf directory targets |
| 54 | Source: {#SourceBase}\conf\; DestDir: {app}\conf; DestName: |
| 55 | Source: {#SourceBase}\conf\; DestDir: {app}\conf; DestName: |
Richard S. Hall | 3355486 | 2007-06-01 15:37:21 +0000 | [diff] [blame] | 56 | Source: {#SourceBase}\conf\; DestDir: {app}\conf; DestName: |
Alex Karasulu | 07d2049 | 2006-03-06 15:35:44 +0000 | [diff] [blame] | 57 | ; top level directory targets |
| 58 | Source: {#SourceBase}\${}; DestDir: {app}; DestName: ${} |
| 59 | Source: {#SourceBase}\${}; DestDir: {app}; DestName: ${} |
| 60 | Source: {#SourceBase}\${}; DestDir: {app}; DestName: ${} |
| 61 | ; empty var & lib\ext directory structure |
| 62 | Source: {#SourceBase}\var\*; DestDir: "{app}\var\"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs |
| 63 | Source: {#SourceBase}\lib\ext; DestDir: "{app}\lib"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs |
| 64 | ; lib directory targets |
| 65 | ${app.lib.jars} |
| 66 | ${docs.directive} |
| 67 | ${sources.directive} |
| 68 | ${notice.file} |
| 69 | |
| 70 | [Icons] |
| 71 | Name: {group}\Service Settings; Filename: {app}\bin\${app}w.exe; Parameters: //ES//${app}; IconIndex: 0 |
| 72 | Name: {userdesktop}\{#MyAppName}; Filename: {app}\bin\${app}w.exe; Tasks: desktopicon; Parameters: //ES//${app}; IconIndex: 0; Languages: |
| 73 | Name: {group}\Tray Monitor; Filename: {app}\bin\${app}w.exe; Parameters: //MS//${app}; IconIndex: 0 |
| 74 | Name: {group}\Test Service; Filename: {app}\bin\${app}.exe; IconIndex: 0 |
| 75 | |
| 76 | [Run] |
| 77 | Filename: {app}\bin\${app}.exe; WorkingDir: {app}\bin; Tasks: ; Languages: ; Parameters: "//IS//${app.displayname} --Description=""${app.description} Service ${app.version} - ${app.url}"" --DisplayName=${app.displayname} --Install=""{app}\bin\${app}.exe"" --StartMode=jvm --StopMode=jvm --StartMethod prunsrvStart --StartParams=""{app}"" --StopMethod prunsrvStop --StopParams=""{app}"" --Startup=manual --JvmOptions=""-D${app}.home={app}"" --Classpath=""{app}\bin\bootstrapper.jar;{app}\conf;{app}\bin\logger.jar;{app}\bin\daemon.jar"" --LogPath=""{app}\var\log"" --LogPrefix=${app}.log --LogLevel=debug --StdOutput=""{app}\var\log\${app}-stdout.log"" --StdError=""{app}\var\log\${app}-stderr.log"""; Flags: runhidden |
| 78 | Filename: {app}\bin\${app}w.exe; Parameters: //ES//${app.displayname}; WorkingDir: {app}\bin; Flags: postinstall nowait; Description: Runs the configuration manager for the ${app} windows service |
| 79 | |
| 80 | [Registry] |
| 81 | |
| 82 | [UninstallRun] |
| 83 | Filename: {app}\bin\${app}.exe; WorkingDir: {app}\bin; Parameters: //DS//${app.displayname} |