blob: 324098a2f3535b495b9ef35860bf4cddef2de477 [file] [log] [blame]
This sample illustrates the usage of the new DependencyManager annotations.
Sample description:
This sample shows a basic "SpellChecker" application which provides a Felix "spellcheck" shell
command. The SpellChecker class is a Felix Shell command (it provides the "Command" service),
which accepts a string as parameter. So, when you type a string, the command just says if the
specified string has been found from one of its injected dictionaries. The SpellChecker class has a
required/multiple dependency over any available DictionaryService. Currently, there is one
"EnglishDictionary" which implements the DictionaryService. The EnglishDictionary service uses
MetaType, allowing to configure english words through ConfigAdmin and WebConsole.
So, before testing, you first have to go to webconsole Configuration panel, and specify some
english words in the configuration for the "English Dictionary" PID. Then, go to the felix shell,
and you will then see the "spellcheck" command (when typing "help").
Notice that in the sample, you will also find an Aspect Service (, which
decorates the EnglishDictionary service, by adding an "aspect" word in the dictionary.
How to test:
1) Install the following bundles:
2) Start felix
3) Go to web console, in the Configuration pannel
4) Edit the "English Dictionary" Configuration, add some words, then click on "save".
At this point, the "EnglishDictionary" service will be enabled and the SpellCheck component
will be injected with it. Then you should see the "spellcheck" command, when typing "help" on the shell.
5) Just type "spellcheck hello", and the command should reply a fantastic message, like "word hello is correct".