blob: c878665339a5fb8cc6396c28cd8a6585ef4a4226 [file] [log] [blame]
package aQute.lib.osgi;
import aQute.lib.osgi.Descriptors.TypeRef;
public class ClassDataCollector {
public void classBegin(int access, TypeRef name) {
public boolean classStart(int access, TypeRef className) {
return true;
public void extendsClass(TypeRef zuper) throws Exception {
public void implementsInterfaces(TypeRef[] interfaces) throws Exception {
public void addReference(TypeRef ref) {
public void annotation(Annotation annotation) {
public void parameter(int p) {
public void method(Clazz.MethodDef defined) {
public void field(Clazz.FieldDef defined) {
public void reference(Clazz.MethodDef referenced) {
public void reference(Clazz.FieldDef referenced) {
public void classEnd() throws Exception {
public void deprecated() throws Exception {
* The EnclosingMethod attribute
* @param cName The name of the enclosing class, never null. Name is with slashes.
* @param mName The name of the enclosing method in the class with cName or null
* @param mDescriptor The descriptor of this type
public void enclosingMethod(TypeRef cName, String mName, String mDescriptor) {
* The InnerClass attribute
* @param innerClass The name of the inner class (with slashes). Can be null.
* @param outerClass The name of the outer class (with slashes) Can be null.
* @param innerName The name inside the outer class, can be null.
* @param modifiers The access flags
* @throws Exception
public void innerClass(TypeRef innerClass, TypeRef outerClass, String innerName,
int innerClassAccessFlags) throws Exception {
public void signature(String signature) {
public void constant(Object object) {
public void memberEnd() {
public void version(int minor, int major) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void referenceMethod(int access, TypeRef className, String method, String descriptor) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub