blob: 5b8c149c7dcf700a362d16a3045e1a81189d767a [file] [log] [blame]
package aQute.bnd.maven;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.jar.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import aQute.lib.osgi.*;
import aQute.lib.tag.*;
import aQute.libg.header.*;
import aQute.libg.version.*;
public class PomFromManifest extends WriteResource {
final Manifest manifest;
private List<String> scm = new ArrayList<String>();
private List<String> developers = new ArrayList<String>();
final static Pattern NAME_URL = Pattern.compile("(.*)(http://.*)");
String xbsn;
String xversion;
String xgroupId;
String xartifactId;
private String projectURL;
public String getBsn() {
if (xbsn == null)
xbsn = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME);
if (xbsn == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create POM unless bsn is set");
xbsn = xbsn.trim();
int n = xbsn.lastIndexOf('.');
if (n < 0) {
n = xbsn.length();
xbsn = xbsn + "." + xbsn;
if (xgroupId == null)
xgroupId = xbsn.substring(0, n);
if (xartifactId == null) {
xartifactId = xbsn.substring(n + 1);
n = xartifactId.indexOf(';');
if (n > 0)
xartifactId = xartifactId.substring(0, n).trim();
return xbsn;
public String getGroupId() {
return xgroupId;
public String getArtifactId() {
return xartifactId;
public Version getVersion() {
if (xversion != null)
return new Version(xversion);
String version = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION);
Version v = new Version(version);
return new Version(v.getMajor(), v.getMinor(), v.getMicro());
public PomFromManifest(Manifest manifest) {
this.manifest = manifest;
@Override public long lastModified() {
return 0;
@Override public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
PrintWriter ps = IO.writer(out);
String name = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Analyzer.BUNDLE_NAME);
String description = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Constants.BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION);
String docUrl = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Constants.BUNDLE_DOCURL);
String bundleVendor = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Constants.BUNDLE_VENDOR);
String licenses = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Constants.BUNDLE_LICENSE);
Tag project = new Tag("project");
project.addAttribute("xmlns", "");
project.addAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "");
project.addContent(new Tag("modelVersion").addContent("4.0.0"));
project.addContent(new Tag("groupId").addContent(getGroupId()));
project.addContent(new Tag("artifactId").addContent(getArtifactId()));
project.addContent(new Tag("version").addContent(getVersion().toString()));
if (description != null) {
new Tag(project, "description").addContent(description);
if (name != null) {
new Tag(project, "name").addContent(name);
if (projectURL != null)
new Tag(project, "url").addContent(projectURL);
else if (docUrl != null) {
new Tag(project, "url").addContent(docUrl);
} else
new Tag(project, "url").addContent("http://no-url");
String scmheader = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Bundle-SCM");
if (scmheader != null)
Tag scmtag = new Tag(project, "scm");
if (scm != null && !scm.isEmpty()) {
for (String cm : this.scm) {
new Tag(scmtag, "url").addContent(cm);
new Tag(scmtag, "connection").addContent(cm);
new Tag(scmtag, "developerConnection").addContent(cm);
} else {
new Tag(scmtag, "url").addContent("private");
new Tag(scmtag, "connection").addContent("private");
new Tag(scmtag, "developerConnection").addContent("private");
if (bundleVendor != null) {
Matcher m = NAME_URL.matcher(bundleVendor);
String namePart = bundleVendor;
String urlPart = this.projectURL;
if (m.matches()) {
namePart =;
urlPart =;
Tag organization = new Tag(project, "organization");
new Tag(organization, "name").addContent(namePart.trim());
if (urlPart != null) {
new Tag(organization, "url").addContent(urlPart.trim());
if (!developers.isEmpty()) {
Tag d = new Tag(project, "developers");
for (String email : developers) {
String id = email;
String xname = email;
String organization = null;
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("([^@]+)@([\\d\\w\\-_\\.]+)\\.([\\d\\w\\-_\\.]+)")
if (m.matches()) {
xname =;
organization =;
Tag developer = new Tag(d, "developer");
new Tag(developer, "id").addContent(id);
new Tag(developer, "name").addContent(xname);
new Tag(developer, "email").addContent(email);
if (organization != null)
new Tag(developer, "organization").addContent(organization);
if (licenses != null) {
Tag ls = new Tag(project, "licenses");
Parameters map = Processor.parseHeader(licenses, null);
for (Iterator<Entry<String, Attrs>> e = map.entrySet().iterator(); e
.hasNext();) {
// Bundle-License:
//; \
// description="${Bundle-Copyright}"; \
// link=LICENSE
//  <license>
//    <name>This material is licensed under the Apache
// Software License, Version 2.0</name>
//    <url></url>
//    <distribution>repo</distribution>
//    </license>
Entry<String, Attrs> entry =;
Tag l = new Tag(ls, "license");
Map<String, String> values = entry.getValue();
String url = entry.getKey();
if (values.containsKey("description"))
tagFromMap(l, values, "description", "name", url);
tagFromMap(l, values, "name", "name", url);
tagFromMap(l, values, "url", "url", url);
tagFromMap(l, values, "distribution", "distribution", "repo");
project.print(0, ps);
* Utility function to print a tag from a map
* @param ps
* @param values
* @param string
* @param tag
* @param object
private Tag tagFromMap(Tag parent, Map<String, String> values, String string, String tag,
String object) {
String value = values.get(string);
if (value == null)
value = object;
if (value == null)
return parent;
new Tag(parent, tag).addContent(value.trim());
return parent;
public void setSCM(String scm) {
public void setURL(String url) {
this.projectURL = url;
public void setBsn(String bsn) {
this.xbsn = bsn;
public void addDeveloper(String email) {
public void setVersion(String version) {
this.xversion = version;
public void setArtifact(String artifact) {
this.xartifactId = artifact;
public void setGroup(String group) {
this.xgroupId = group;