blob: 9b31f7fb748d3b9d21dde0b427a64d7f5503bec1 [file] [log] [blame]
package aQute.bnd.compatibility;
public class SignatureGenerator {
// enum ACCESS {
//// final String repr;
//// ACCESS(String s) {
//// repr = s;
//// }
//// public String toString() {
//// return repr;
//// }
// }
// public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
// final PrintStream out = System.err;
// Clazz c = new Clazz("x", new FileResource(new File(
// "src/aQute/bnd/compatibility/SignatureGenerator.class")));
// c.parseClassFileWithCollector(new ClassDataCollector() {
// public void classBegin(int access, String name) {
// out.print(name);
// out.println(access(access));
// }
// private ACCESS access(int access) {
// if (Modifier.isPublic(access))
// return ACCESS.PUBLIC;
// throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// }
// public void extendsClass(String name) {
// }
// public void implementsInterfaces(String name[]) {
// }
// public void addReference(String token) {
// }
// public void annotation(Annotation annotation) {
// }
// public void parameter(int p) {
// }
// public void method(Clazz.MethodDef defined) {
// if (defined.isConstructor())
// constructor(defined.access, defined.descriptor);
// else
// method(defined.access,, defined.descriptor);
// }
// public void field(Clazz.FieldDef defined) {
// field(defined.access,, defined.descriptor);
// }
// public void reference(Clazz.MethodDef referenced) {
// }
// public void reference(Clazz.FieldDef referenced) {
// }
// public void classEnd() {
// }
// @Deprecated// Will really be removed!
// public void field(int access, String name, String descriptor) {
// }
// @Deprecated// Will really be removed!
// public void constructor(int access, String descriptor) {
// }
// @Deprecated// Will really be removed!
// public void method(int access, String name, String descriptor) {
// }
// /**
// * The EnclosingMethod attribute
// *
// * @param cName
// * The name of the enclosing class, never null. Name is
// * with slashes.
// * @param mName
// * The name of the enclosing method in the class with
// * cName or null
// * @param mDescriptor
// * The descriptor of this type
// */
// public void enclosingMethod(String cName, String mName, String mDescriptor) {
// }
// /**
// * The InnerClass attribute
// *
// * @param innerClass
// * The name of the inner class (with slashes). Can be
// * null.
// * @param outerClass
// * The name of the outer class (with slashes) Can be
// * null.
// * @param innerName
// * The name inside the outer class, can be null.
// * @param modifiers
// * The access flags
// */
// public void innerClass(String innerClass, String outerClass, String innerName,
// int innerClassAccessFlags) {
// }
// public void signature(String signature) {
// }
// public void constant(Object object) {
// }
// });
// }