blob: dbc033a44b20f86597bc91a9d6a076b7b01c08c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.BundleComponentActivator;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.helper.ComponentMethods;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.manager.ImmediateComponentManager;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.metadata.ComponentMetadata;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.metadata.XmlHandler;
public class ConfiguredComponentHolderTest extends TestCase
public void test_none()
// setup a holder
final String name = "test.none";
final ComponentMetadata cm = createComponentMetadata( name );
final TestingConfiguredComponentHolder holder = new TestingConfiguredComponentHolder( cm );
// assert single component and no map
final ImmediateComponentManager cmgr = getSingleManager( holder );
assertNotNull( "Expect single component manager", cmgr );
assertNull( "Expect no component manager list", getComponentManagers( holder ) );
// assert no configuration of single component
assertFalse( "Expect no configuration", cmgr.hasConfiguration() );
public void test_singleton()
// setup a holder
final String name = "test.singleton";
final ComponentMetadata cm = createComponentMetadata( name );
final TestingConfiguredComponentHolder holder = new TestingConfiguredComponentHolder( cm );
// assert single component and no map
final ImmediateComponentManager cmgr = getSingleManager( holder );
assertNotNull( "Expect single component manager", cmgr );
assertNull( "Expect no component manager list", getComponentManagers( holder ) );
// assert no configuration of single component
assertFalse( "Expect no configuration", cmgr.hasConfiguration() );
// configure with the singleton configuration
final Dictionary config = new Hashtable();
config.put( "value", name );
holder.configurationUpdated( name, config );
// assert single component and no map
final ImmediateComponentManager cmgrAfterConfig = getSingleManager( holder );
assertNotNull( "Expect single component manager", cmgrAfterConfig );
assertNull( "Expect no component manager list", getComponentManagers( holder ) );
// assert configuration of single component
assertTrue( "Expect configuration after updating it", cmgrAfterConfig.hasConfiguration() );
final Dictionary componentConfig = ( ( MockImmediateComponentManager ) cmgrAfterConfig ).getConfiguration();
assertEquals( "Expect exact configuration set", config, componentConfig );
// unconfigure singleton
holder.configurationDeleted( name );
// assert single component and no map
final ImmediateComponentManager cmgrAfterUnconfig = getSingleManager( holder );
assertNotNull( "Expect single component manager", cmgrAfterUnconfig );
assertNull( "Expect no component manager list", getComponentManagers( holder ) );
// assert no configuration of single component
assertFalse( "Expect no configuration", cmgrAfterUnconfig.hasConfiguration() );
public void test_factory()
// setup a holder
final String name = "test.factory";
final ComponentMetadata cm = createComponentMetadata( name );
final TestingConfiguredComponentHolder holder = new TestingConfiguredComponentHolder( cm );
// assert single component and no map
final ImmediateComponentManager cmgr = getSingleManager( holder );
assertNotNull( "Expect single component manager", cmgr );
assertNull( "Expect no component manager list", getComponentManagers( holder ) );
// assert no configuration of single component
assertFalse( "Expect no configuration", cmgr.hasConfiguration() );
// configure with configuration
final String pid1 = "test.factory.0001";
final Dictionary config1 = new Hashtable();
config1.put( "value", pid1 );
holder.configurationUpdated( pid1, config1 );
// assert single component and single-entry map
final ImmediateComponentManager cmgrAfterConfig = getSingleManager( holder );
final ImmediateComponentManager[] cmgrsAfterConfig = getComponentManagers( holder );
assertNotNull( "Expect single component manager", cmgrAfterConfig );
assertNotNull( "Expect component manager list", cmgrsAfterConfig );
assertEquals( "Expect one component manager in list", 1, cmgrsAfterConfig.length );
// add another configuration
final String pid2 = "test.factory.0002";
final Dictionary config2 = new Hashtable();
config1.put( "value", pid2 );
holder.configurationUpdated( pid2, config2 );
// assert single component and single-entry map
final ImmediateComponentManager cmgrAfterConfig2 = getSingleManager( holder );
final ImmediateComponentManager[] cmgrsAfterConfig2 = getComponentManagers( holder );
assertNotNull( "Expect single component manager", cmgrAfterConfig2 );
assertNotNull( "Expect component manager list", cmgrsAfterConfig2 );
assertEquals( "Expect two component manager in list", 2, cmgrsAfterConfig2.length );
// remove second configuration
holder.configurationDeleted( pid2 );
// assert single component and single-entry map
final ImmediateComponentManager cmgrAfterUnConfig2 = getSingleManager( holder );
final ImmediateComponentManager[] cmgrsAfterUnConfig2 = getComponentManagers( holder );
assertNotNull( "Expect single component manager", cmgrAfterUnConfig2 );
assertNotNull( "Expect component manager list", cmgrsAfterUnConfig2 );
assertEquals( "Expect one component manager in list", 1, cmgrsAfterUnConfig2.length );
// add second config again and remove first config -> replace singleton component
holder.configurationUpdated( pid2, config2 );
holder.configurationDeleted( pid1 );
// assert single component and single-entry map
final ImmediateComponentManager cmgrAfterConfigUnconfig = getSingleManager( holder );
final ImmediateComponentManager[] cmgrsAfterConfigUnconfig = getComponentManagers( holder );
assertNotNull( "Expect single component manager", cmgrAfterConfigUnconfig );
assertNotNull( "Expect component manager list", cmgrsAfterConfigUnconfig );
assertEquals( "Expect one component manager in list", 1, cmgrsAfterConfigUnconfig.length );
// remove second configuration (leaving no configurations)
holder.configurationDeleted( pid2 );
// assert single component and single-entry map
final ImmediateComponentManager cmgrAfterAllUnconfig = getSingleManager( holder );
final ImmediateComponentManager[] cmgrsAfterAllUnconfig = getComponentManagers( holder );
assertNotNull( "Expect single component manager", cmgrAfterAllUnconfig );
assertNull( "Expect no component manager list", cmgrsAfterAllUnconfig );
private static ComponentMetadata createComponentMetadata( String name )
final ComponentMetadata metadata = new ComponentMetadata( XmlHandler.DS_VERSION_1_1 );
metadata.setName( name );
return metadata;
private static ImmediateComponentManager getSingleManager( ImmediateComponentHolder holder )
final Field f = ImmediateComponentHolder.class.getDeclaredField( "m_singleComponent" );
f.setAccessible( true );
return ( ImmediateComponentManager ) f.get( holder );
catch ( Throwable t )
fail( "Cannot access getComponentManagers method: " + t );
return null; // compiler does not know about "fail" throwing
private static ImmediateComponentManager[] getComponentManagers( ImmediateComponentHolder holder )
final Method m = ImmediateComponentHolder.class.getDeclaredMethod( "getComponentManagers", new Class[]
{ Boolean.TYPE } );
m.setAccessible( true );
return ( ImmediateComponentManager[] ) m.invoke( holder, new Object[]
{ Boolean.FALSE } );
catch ( Throwable t )
fail( "Cannot access getComponentManagers method: " + t );
return null; // compiler does not know about "fail" throwing
private static class TestingConfiguredComponentHolder extends ImmediateComponentHolder
TestingConfiguredComponentHolder( ComponentMetadata metadata )
super( null, metadata );
protected ImmediateComponentManager createComponentManager()
return new MockImmediateComponentManager( getActivator(), this, getComponentMetadata() );
private static class MockImmediateComponentManager extends ImmediateComponentManager
private Dictionary m_configuration;
public MockImmediateComponentManager( BundleComponentActivator activator, ComponentHolder componentHolder, ComponentMetadata metadata )
super( activator, componentHolder, metadata, new ComponentMethods() );
Dictionary getConfiguration()
return m_configuration;
public boolean hasConfiguration()
return m_configuration != null;
public void reconfigure( Dictionary configuration )
this.m_configuration = configuration;