blob: f1c83279a536fbca427ec06b78a71338ef99df22 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.scr.impl.helper;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.easymock.EasyMock;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class AnnotationTest extends TestCase
public void testNameFixup() throws Exception
assertEquals("foo", Annotations.fixup("foo"));
assertEquals("foo", Annotations.fixup("$foo"));
assertEquals("foo", Annotations.fixup("foo$"));
assertEquals("$foo", Annotations.fixup("$$foo"));
assertEquals("foobar", Annotations.fixup("foo$bar"));
assertEquals("foo$bar", Annotations.fixup("foo$$bar"));
assertEquals("foo.", Annotations.fixup("foo_"));
assertEquals("foo_", Annotations.fixup("foo__"));
assertEquals(".foo", Annotations.fixup("_foo"));
assertEquals("_foo", Annotations.fixup("__foo"));
assertEquals("", Annotations.fixup("foo_bar"));
assertEquals("foo_bar", Annotations.fixup("foo__bar"));
assertEquals("foo$", Annotations.fixup("foo$$$"));
assertEquals("foo_.", Annotations.fixup("foo___"));
assertEquals("", Annotations.fixup("foo$_$_bar"));
public enum E1 {a, b, c}
public @interface A1 {
boolean bool();
byte byt();
Class<?> clas();
E1 e1();
double doubl();
float floa();
int integer();
long lon();
short shor();
String string();
private Bundle mockBundle() throws ClassNotFoundException
Bundle b = EasyMock.createMock(Bundle.class);
EasyMock.expect(b.loadClass(String.class.getName())).andReturn((Class) String.class).anyTimes();
EasyMock.expect(b.loadClass(Integer.class.getName())).andReturn((Class) Integer.class).anyTimes();
return b;
public void testA1() throws Exception
Map<String, Object> values = allValues();
Object o = Annotations.toObject( A1.class, values, mockBundle());
assertTrue("expected an A1", o instanceof A1);
A1 a = (A1) o;
assertEquals(true, a.bool());
assertEquals((byte)12, a.byt());
assertEquals(String.class, a.clas());
assertEquals(E1.a, a.e1());
assertEquals(3.14d, a.doubl());
assertEquals(500f, a.floa());
assertEquals(3, a.integer());
assertEquals(12345678l, a.lon());
assertEquals((short)3, a.shor());
assertEquals("3", a.string());
public void testA1FromArray() throws Exception
Map<String, Object> values = arrayValues();
Object o = Annotations.toObject( A1.class, values, mockBundle());
assertTrue("expected an A1", o instanceof A1);
A1 a = (A1) o;
assertEquals(true, a.bool());
assertEquals((byte)12, a.byt());
assertEquals(String.class, a.clas());
assertEquals(E1.a, a.e1());
assertEquals(3.14d, a.doubl());
assertEquals(500f, a.floa());
assertEquals(3, a.integer());
assertEquals(12345678l, a.lon());
assertEquals((short)3, a.shor());
assertEquals(null, a.string());
private Map<String, Object> allValues()
Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap();
values.put("bool", "true");
values.put("byt", 12l);
values.put("clas", String.class.getName());
values.put("e1", E1.a.toString());
values.put("doubl", "3.14");
values.put("floa", 500l);
values.put("integer", 3.0d);
values.put("lon", "12345678");
values.put("shor", 3l);
values.put("string", 3);
return values;
public void testA1NoValues() throws Exception
Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Object o = Annotations.toObject( A1.class, values, mockBundle());
assertTrue("expected an A1", o instanceof A1);
A1 a = (A1) o;
assertEquals(false, a.bool());
assertEquals((byte)0, a.byt());
assertEquals(null, a.clas());
assertEquals(null, a.e1());
assertEquals(0d, a.doubl());
assertEquals(0f, a.floa());
assertEquals(0, a.integer());
assertEquals(0l, a.lon());
assertEquals((short)0, a.shor());
assertEquals(null, a.string());
public @interface A2 {
boolean bool() default true;
byte byt() default 5;
Class<?> clas() default Integer.class;
E1 e1() default E1.b;
double doubl() default -2;
float floa() default -4;
int integer() default -5;
long lon() default Long.MIN_VALUE;
short shor() default -8;
String string() default "default";
public void testA2AllValues() throws Exception
Map<String, Object> values = allValues();
Object o = Annotations.toObject( A2.class, values, mockBundle());
assertTrue("expected an A2", o instanceof A2);
A2 a = (A2) o;
assertEquals(true, a.bool());
assertEquals((byte)12, a.byt());
assertEquals(String.class, a.clas());
assertEquals(E1.a, a.e1());
assertEquals(3.14d, a.doubl());
assertEquals(500f, a.floa());
assertEquals(3, a.integer());
assertEquals(12345678l, a.lon());
assertEquals((short)3, a.shor());
assertEquals("3", a.string());
public @interface A1Arrays {
boolean[] bool();
byte[] byt();
Class<?>[] clas();
E1[] e1();
double[] doubl();
float[] floa();
int[] integer();
long[] lon();
short[] shor();
String[] string();
public void testA1ArraysNoValues() throws Exception
Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Object o = Annotations.toObject( A1Arrays.class, values, mockBundle());
assertTrue("expected an A1Arrays", o instanceof A1Arrays);
A1Arrays a = (A1Arrays) o;
assertEquals(null, a.bool());
assertEquals(null, a.byt());
assertEquals(null, a.clas());
assertEquals(null, a.e1());
assertEquals(null, a.doubl());
assertEquals(null, a.floa());
assertEquals(null, a.integer());
assertEquals(null, a.lon());
assertEquals(null, a.shor());
assertEquals(null, a.string());
public void testA1Array() throws Exception
Map<String, Object> values = allValues();
Object o = Annotations.toObject( A1Arrays.class, values, mockBundle());
assertTrue("expected an A1Arrays", o instanceof A1Arrays);
A1Arrays a = (A1Arrays) o;
assertArrayEquals(new boolean[] {true}, a.bool());
assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {(byte)12}, a.byt());
assertArrayEquals(new Class<?>[] {String.class}, a.clas());
assertArrayEquals(new E1[] {E1.a}, a.e1());
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {3.14d}, a.doubl());
assertArrayEquals(new float[] {500f}, a.floa());
assertArrayEquals(new int[] {3}, a.integer());
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {12345678l}, a.lon());
assertArrayEquals(new short[] {(short)3}, a.shor());
assertArrayEquals(new String[] {"3"}, a.string());
private void assertArrayEquals(Object a, Object b)
assertEquals("wrong length", Array.getLength(a), Array.getLength(b));
assertEquals("wrong type", a.getClass().getComponentType(), b.getClass().getComponentType());
for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(a); i++)
assertEquals("different value at " + i, Array.get(a, i), Array.get(b, i));
private Map<String, Object> arrayValues()
Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap();
values.put("bool", new boolean[] {true, false});
values.put("byt", new byte[] {12, 3});
values.put("clas", new String[] {String.class.getName(), Integer.class.getName()});
values.put("e1", new String[] {,});
values.put("doubl", new double[] {3.14, 2.78, 9});
values.put("floa", new float[] {500, 37.44f});
values.put("integer", new int[] {3, 6, 9});
values.put("lon", new long[] {12345678l, -1});
values.put("shor", new short[] {3, 88});
values.put("string", new String[] {});
return values;
public void testA1ArrayFromArray() throws Exception
Map<String, Object> values = arrayValues();
public void testA1ArrayFromCollection() throws Exception
Map<String, Object> values = arrayValues();
Map<String, Object> collectionValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry: values.entrySet())
collectionValues.put(entry.getKey(), toList(entry.getValue()));
private List<?> toList(Object value)
List result = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(value); i++)
result.add(Array.get(value, i));
return result;
private void doA1ArrayTest(Map<String, Object> values) throws ClassNotFoundException
Object o = Annotations.toObject( A1Arrays.class, values, mockBundle());
assertTrue("expected an A1Arrays", o instanceof A1Arrays);
A1Arrays a = (A1Arrays) o;
assertArrayEquals(new boolean[] {true, false}, a.bool());
assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {12, 3}, a.byt());
assertArrayEquals(new Class<?>[] {String.class, Integer.class}, a.clas());
assertArrayEquals(new E1[] {E1.a, E1.b}, a.e1());
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {3.14, 2.78, 9}, a.doubl());
assertArrayEquals(new float[] {500f, 37.44f}, a.floa());
assertArrayEquals(new int[] {3, 6, 9}, a.integer());
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {12345678l, -1}, a.lon());
assertArrayEquals(new short[] {(short)3, 88}, a.shor());
assertArrayEquals(new String[] {}, a.string());