blob: d374574510495041699072849474910821cf8355 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.bundleplugin;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import aQute.bnd.header.OSGiHeader;
import aQute.bnd.header.Parameters;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Instruction;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Instructions;
import aQute.lib.collections.ExtList;
import aQute.libg.generics.Create;
import org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestSection;
import org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiveConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.handler.manager.ArtifactHandlerManager;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.model.License;
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.model.Resource;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectHelper;
import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyGraphBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyGraphBuilderException;
import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyNode;
import org.apache.maven.shared.osgi.DefaultMaven2OsgiConverter;
import org.apache.maven.shared.osgi.Maven2OsgiConverter;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.UnArchiver;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.manager.ArchiverManager;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.DirectoryScanner;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.PropertyUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import aQute.bnd.header.Attrs;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Analyzer;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Builder;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Constants;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Descriptors.PackageRef;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.EmbeddedResource;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.FileResource;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Jar;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Packages;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Processor;
import aQute.lib.spring.SpringXMLType;
* Create an OSGi bundle from Maven project
@Mojo( name = "bundle", requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.TEST,
threadSafe = true,
defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PACKAGE )
public class BundlePlugin extends AbstractMojo
* Directory where the manifest will be written
@Parameter( property = "manifestLocation", defaultValue = "${}/META-INF" )
protected File manifestLocation;
* Output a nicely formatted manifest that still respects the 72 character line limit.
@Parameter( property = "niceManifest", defaultValue = "false" )
protected boolean niceManifest;
* File where the BND instructions will be dumped
@Parameter( property = "dumpInstructions" )
protected File dumpInstructions;
* File where the BND class-path will be dumped
@Parameter( property = "dumpClasspath" )
protected File dumpClasspath;
* When true, unpack the bundle contents to the outputDirectory
@Parameter( property = "unpackBundle" )
protected boolean unpackBundle;
* Comma separated list of artifactIds to exclude from the dependency classpath passed to BND (use "true" to exclude everything)
@Parameter( property = "excludeDependencies" )
protected String excludeDependencies;
* Final name of the bundle (without classifier or extension)
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${}")
private String finalName;
* Classifier type of the bundle to be installed. For example, "jdk14".
* Defaults to none which means this is the project's main bundle.
protected String classifier;
* Packaging type of the bundle to be installed. For example, "jar".
* Defaults to none which means use the same packaging as the project.
protected String packaging;
private MavenProjectHelper m_projectHelper;
private ArchiverManager m_archiverManager;
private ArtifactHandlerManager m_artifactHandlerManager;
private DependencyGraphBuilder m_dependencyGraphBuilder;
* Project types which this plugin supports.
protected List<String> supportedProjectTypes = Arrays.asList( new String[]
{ "jar", "bundle" } );
* The directory for the generated bundles.
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${}" )
private File outputDirectory;
* The directory for the generated JAR.
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${}" )
private String buildDirectory;
* The Maven project.
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${project}", readonly = true, required = true )
private MavenProject project;
* The BND instructions for the bundle.
private Map<String, String> instructions = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
* Use locally patched version for now.
private final Maven2OsgiConverter m_maven2OsgiConverter = new DefaultMaven2OsgiConverter();
* The archive configuration to use.
private MavenArchiveConfiguration archive; // accessed indirectly in JarPluginConfiguration
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${session}", readonly = true, required = true )
private MavenSession m_mavenSession;
private static final String MAVEN_SYMBOLICNAME = "maven-symbolicname";
private static final String MAVEN_RESOURCES = "{maven-resources}";
private static final String MAVEN_TEST_RESOURCES = "{maven-test-resources}";
private static final String LOCAL_PACKAGES = "{local-packages}";
private static final String MAVEN_SOURCES = "{maven-sources}";
private static final String MAVEN_TEST_SOURCES = "{maven-test-sources}";
private static final String BUNDLE_PLUGIN_EXTENSION = "BNDExtension-";
private static final String BUNDLE_PLUGIN_PREPEND_EXTENSION = "BNDPrependExtension-";
private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY =
private static final String[] DEFAULT_INCLUDES =
{ "**/**" };
private static final String NL = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
protected Maven2OsgiConverter getMaven2OsgiConverter()
return m_maven2OsgiConverter;
protected MavenProject getProject()
return project;
protected DependencyNode buildDependencyGraph( MavenProject mavenProject ) throws MojoExecutionException
DependencyNode dependencyGraph;
dependencyGraph = m_dependencyGraphBuilder.buildDependencyGraph( mavenProject, null );
catch ( DependencyGraphBuilderException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
return dependencyGraph;
* @see org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo#execute()
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException
Properties properties = new Properties();
String projectType = getProject().getArtifact().getType();
// ignore unsupported project types, useful when bundleplugin is configured in parent pom
if ( !supportedProjectTypes.contains( projectType ) )
"Ignoring project type " + projectType + " - supportedProjectTypes = " + supportedProjectTypes );
execute( getProject(), buildDependencyGraph(getProject()), instructions, properties );
protected void execute( MavenProject currentProject, DependencyNode dependencyGraph, Map<String, String> originalInstructions, Properties properties )
throws MojoExecutionException
execute( currentProject, dependencyGraph, originalInstructions, properties, getClasspath( currentProject, dependencyGraph ) );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error calculating classpath for project " + currentProject, e );
/* transform directives from their XML form to the expected BND syntax (eg. _include becomes -include) */
protected static Map<String, String> transformDirectives( Map<String, String> originalInstructions )
Map<String, String> transformedInstructions = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
for ( Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> i = originalInstructions.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry<String, String> e =;
String key = e.getKey();
if ( key.startsWith( "_" ) )
key = "-" + key.substring( 1 );
String value = e.getValue();
if ( null == value )
value = "";
value = value.replaceAll( "\\p{Blank}*[\r\n]\\p{Blank}*", "" );
if ( Analyzer.WAB.equals( key ) && value.length() == 0 )
// provide useful default
value = "src/main/webapp/";
transformedInstructions.put( key, value );
return transformedInstructions;
protected boolean reportErrors( String prefix, Analyzer analyzer )
List<String> errors = analyzer.getErrors();
List<String> warnings = analyzer.getWarnings();
for ( Iterator<String> w = warnings.iterator(); w.hasNext(); )
String msg =;
getLog().warn( prefix + " : " + msg );
boolean hasErrors = false;
String fileNotFound = "Input file does not exist: ";
for ( Iterator<String> e = errors.iterator(); e.hasNext(); )
String msg =;
if ( msg.startsWith(fileNotFound) && msg.endsWith( "~" ) )
// treat as warning; this error happens when you have duplicate entries in Include-Resource
String duplicate = Processor.removeDuplicateMarker( msg.substring( fileNotFound.length() ) );
getLog().warn( prefix + " : Duplicate path '" + duplicate + "' in Include-Resource" );
getLog().error( prefix + " : " + msg );
hasErrors = true;
return hasErrors;
protected void execute( MavenProject currentProject, DependencyNode dependencyGraph, Map<String, String> originalInstructions, Properties properties,
Jar[] classpath ) throws MojoExecutionException
File jarFile = new File( getBuildDirectory(), getBundleName( currentProject ) );
Builder builder = buildOSGiBundle( currentProject, dependencyGraph, originalInstructions, properties, classpath );
boolean hasErrors = reportErrors( "Bundle " + currentProject.getArtifact(), builder );
if ( hasErrors )
String failok = builder.getProperty( "-failok" );
if ( null == failok || "false".equalsIgnoreCase( failok ) )
throw new MojoFailureException( "Error(s) found in bundle configuration" );
// attach bundle to maven project
builder.getJar().write( jarFile );
Artifact mainArtifact = currentProject.getArtifact();
if ( "bundle".equals( mainArtifact.getType() ) )
// workaround for MNG-1682: force maven to install artifact using the "jar" handler
mainArtifact.setArtifactHandler( m_artifactHandlerManager.getArtifactHandler( "jar" ) );
boolean customClassifier = null != classifier && classifier.trim().length() > 0;
boolean customPackaging = null != packaging && packaging.trim().length() > 0;
if ( customClassifier && customPackaging )
m_projectHelper.attachArtifact( currentProject, packaging, classifier, jarFile );
else if ( customClassifier )
m_projectHelper.attachArtifact( currentProject, jarFile, classifier );
else if ( customPackaging )
m_projectHelper.attachArtifact( currentProject, packaging, jarFile );
mainArtifact.setFile( jarFile );
if ( unpackBundle )
unpackBundle( jarFile );
if ( manifestLocation != null )
File outputFile = new File( manifestLocation, "MANIFEST.MF" );
ManifestPlugin.writeManifest( builder, outputFile, niceManifest );
catch ( IOException e )
getLog().error( "Error trying to write Manifest to file " + outputFile, e );
// cleanup...
catch ( MojoFailureException e )
getLog().error( e.getLocalizedMessage() );
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error(s) found in bundle configuration", e );
catch ( Exception e )
getLog().error( "An internal error occurred", e );
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Internal error in maven-bundle-plugin", e );
protected Builder getOSGiBuilder( MavenProject currentProject, Map<String, String> originalInstructions, Properties properties,
Jar[] classpath ) throws Exception
properties.putAll( getDefaultProperties( currentProject ) );
properties.putAll( transformDirectives( originalInstructions ) );
// process overrides from project
final Map<String, String> addProps = new HashMap<String, String>();
final Iterator<Map.Entry<Object, Object>> iter = currentProject.getProperties().entrySet().iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() )
final Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry =;
final String key = entry.getKey().toString();
if ( key.startsWith(BUNDLE_PLUGIN_EXTENSION) )
final String oKey = key.substring(BUNDLE_PLUGIN_EXTENSION.length());
final String currentValue = properties.getProperty(oKey);
if ( currentValue == null )
addProps.put(oKey, entry.getValue().toString());
addProps.put(oKey, currentValue + ',' + entry.getValue());
final String oKey = key.substring(BUNDLE_PLUGIN_PREPEND_EXTENSION.length());
final String currentValue = properties.getProperty(oKey);
if ( currentValue == null )
addProps.put(oKey, entry.getValue().toString());
addProps.put(oKey, entry.getValue() + "," + currentValue);
properties.putAll( addProps );
final Iterator<String> keyIter = addProps.keySet().iterator();
while ( keyIter.hasNext() )
Object key =;
properties.remove(BUNDLE_PLUGIN_EXTENSION + key);
properties.remove(BUNDLE_PLUGIN_PREPEND_EXTENSION + key);
if (properties.getProperty("Bundle-Activator") != null
&& properties.getProperty("Bundle-Activator").isEmpty())
if (properties.containsKey("-disable-plugin"))
String[] disabled = properties.remove("-disable-plugin").toString().replaceAll(" ", "").split(",");
String[] enabled = properties.getProperty(Analyzer.PLUGIN, "").replaceAll(" ", "").split(",");
Set<String> plugin = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String s : plugin)
if (sb.length() > 0)
properties.setProperty(Analyzer.PLUGIN, sb.toString());
Builder builder = new Builder();
synchronized ( BundlePlugin.class ) // protect setBase...getBndLastModified which uses static DateFormat
builder.setBase( getBase( currentProject ) );
builder.setProperties( sanitize( properties ) );
if ( classpath != null )
builder.setClasspath( classpath );
return builder;
protected static Properties sanitize( Properties properties )
// convert any non-String keys/values to Strings
Properties sanitizedEntries = new Properties();
for ( Iterator<Map.Entry<Object,Object>> itr = properties.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry<Object,Object> entry =;
if ( entry.getKey() instanceof String == false )
String key = sanitize(entry.getKey());
if ( !properties.containsKey( key ) )
sanitizedEntries.setProperty( key, sanitize( entry.getValue() ) );
else if ( entry.getValue() instanceof String == false )
entry.setValue( sanitize( entry.getValue() ) );
properties.putAll( sanitizedEntries );
return properties;
protected static String sanitize( Object value )
if ( value instanceof String )
return ( String ) value;
else if ( value instanceof Iterable )
String delim = "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for ( Object i : ( Iterable<?> ) value )
buf.append( delim ).append( i );
delim = ", ";
return buf.toString();
else if ( value.getClass().isArray() )
String delim = "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for ( int i = 0, len = Array.getLength( value ); i < len; i++ )
buf.append( delim ).append( Array.get( value, i ) );
delim = ", ";
return buf.toString();
return String.valueOf( value );
protected void addMavenInstructions( MavenProject currentProject, DependencyNode dependencyGraph, Builder builder ) throws Exception
if ( currentProject.getBasedir() != null )
// update BND instructions to add included Maven resources
includeMavenResources(currentProject, builder, getLog());
// calculate default export/private settings based on sources
addLocalPackages(outputDirectory, builder);
// tell BND where the current project source resides
addMavenSourcePath(currentProject, builder, getLog());
// update BND instructions to embed selected Maven dependencies
Collection<Artifact> embeddableArtifacts = getEmbeddableArtifacts( currentProject, dependencyGraph, builder );
new DependencyEmbedder( getLog(), dependencyGraph, embeddableArtifacts ).processHeaders(builder);
if ( dumpInstructions != null || getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
getLog().debug( "BND Instructions:" + NL + dumpInstructions( builder.getProperties(), buf ) );
if ( dumpInstructions != null )
getLog().info( "Writing BND instructions to " + dumpInstructions );
FileUtils.fileWrite( dumpInstructions, "# BND instructions" + NL + buf );
if ( dumpClasspath != null || getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
getLog().debug("BND Classpath:" + NL + dumpClasspath(builder.getClasspath(), buf));
if ( dumpClasspath != null )
getLog().info( "Writing BND classpath to " + dumpClasspath );
FileUtils.fileWrite( dumpClasspath, "# BND classpath" + NL + buf );
protected Builder buildOSGiBundle( MavenProject currentProject, DependencyNode dependencyGraph, Map<String, String> originalInstructions, Properties properties,
Jar[] classpath ) throws Exception
Builder builder = getOSGiBuilder( currentProject, originalInstructions, properties, classpath );
addMavenInstructions( currentProject, dependencyGraph, builder );;
mergeMavenManifest(currentProject, dependencyGraph, builder);
return builder;
protected static StringBuilder dumpInstructions( Properties properties, StringBuilder buf )
buf.append( "#-----------------------------------------------------------------------" + NL );
Properties stringProperties = new Properties();
for ( Enumeration<String> e = (Enumeration<String>) properties.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
// we can only store String properties
String key = e.nextElement();
String value = properties.getProperty( key );
if ( value != null )
stringProperties.setProperty( key, value );
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); out, null ); // properties encoding is 8859_1
buf.append( out.toString( "8859_1" ) );
buf.append( "#-----------------------------------------------------------------------" + NL );
catch ( Throwable e )
// ignore...
return buf;
protected static StringBuilder dumpClasspath( List<Jar> classpath, StringBuilder buf )
buf.append("#-----------------------------------------------------------------------" + NL);
buf.append( "-classpath:\\" + NL );
for ( Iterator<Jar> i = classpath.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
File path =;
if ( path != null )
buf.append( ' ' + path.toString() + ( i.hasNext() ? ",\\" : "" ) + NL );
buf.append( "#-----------------------------------------------------------------------" + NL );
catch ( Throwable e )
// ignore...
return buf;
protected static StringBuilder dumpManifest( Manifest manifest, StringBuilder buf )
buf.append( "#-----------------------------------------------------------------------" + NL );
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ManifestWriter.outputManifest(manifest, out, true); // manifest encoding is UTF8
buf.append( out.toString( "UTF8" ) );
buf.append( "#-----------------------------------------------------------------------" + NL );
catch ( Throwable e )
// ignore...
return buf;
protected static void includeMavenResources( MavenProject currentProject, Analyzer analyzer, Log log )
// pass maven resource paths onto BND analyzer
final String mavenResourcePaths = getMavenResourcePaths( currentProject, false );
final String mavenTestResourcePaths = getMavenResourcePaths( currentProject, true );
final String includeResource = analyzer.getProperty( Analyzer.INCLUDE_RESOURCE );
if ( includeResource != null )
if ( includeResource.contains( MAVEN_RESOURCES ) || includeResource.contains( MAVEN_TEST_RESOURCES ) )
String combinedResource = StringUtils.replace( includeResource, MAVEN_RESOURCES, mavenResourcePaths );
combinedResource = StringUtils.replace( combinedResource, MAVEN_TEST_RESOURCES, mavenTestResourcePaths );
if ( combinedResource.length() > 0 )
analyzer.setProperty( Analyzer.INCLUDE_RESOURCE, combinedResource );
analyzer.unsetProperty( Analyzer.INCLUDE_RESOURCE );
else if ( mavenResourcePaths.length() > 0 )
log.warn( Analyzer.INCLUDE_RESOURCE + ": overriding " + mavenResourcePaths + " with " + includeResource
+ " (add " + MAVEN_RESOURCES + " if you want to include the maven resources)" );
else if ( mavenResourcePaths.length() > 0 )
analyzer.setProperty( Analyzer.INCLUDE_RESOURCE, mavenResourcePaths );
protected void mergeMavenManifest( MavenProject currentProject, DependencyNode dependencyGraph, Builder builder ) throws Exception
Jar jar = builder.getJar();
if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
getLog().debug( "BND Manifest:" + NL + dumpManifest( jar.getManifest(), new StringBuilder() ) );
boolean addMavenDescriptor = currentProject.getBasedir() != null;
* Grab customized manifest entries from the maven-jar-plugin configuration
MavenArchiveConfiguration archiveConfig = JarPluginConfiguration.getArchiveConfiguration( currentProject );
String mavenManifestText = new MavenArchiver().getManifest( currentProject, archiveConfig ).toString();
addMavenDescriptor = addMavenDescriptor && archiveConfig.isAddMavenDescriptor();
Manifest mavenManifest = new Manifest();
// First grab the external manifest file (if specified and different to target location)
File externalManifestFile = archiveConfig.getManifestFile();
if ( null != externalManifestFile )
if ( !externalManifestFile.isAbsolute() )
externalManifestFile = new File( currentProject.getBasedir(), externalManifestFile.getPath() );
if ( externalManifestFile.exists() && !externalManifestFile.equals( new File( manifestLocation, "MANIFEST.MF" ) ) )
InputStream mis = new FileInputStream( externalManifestFile ); mis );
// Then apply customized entries from the jar plugin; note: manifest encoding is UTF8 new ByteArrayInputStream( mavenManifestText.getBytes( "UTF8" ) ) );
if ( !archiveConfig.isManifestSectionsEmpty() )
* Add customized manifest sections (for some reason MavenArchiver doesn't do this for us)
List<ManifestSection> sections = archiveConfig.getManifestSections();
for ( Iterator<ManifestSection> i = sections.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
ManifestSection section =;
Attributes attributes = new Attributes();
if ( !section.isManifestEntriesEmpty() )
Map<String, String> entries = section.getManifestEntries();
for ( Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> j = entries.entrySet().iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry<String, String> entry =;
attributes.putValue( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
mavenManifest.getEntries().put( section.getName(), attributes );
Attributes mainMavenAttributes = mavenManifest.getMainAttributes();
mainMavenAttributes.putValue( "Created-By", "Apache Maven Bundle Plugin" );
String[] removeHeaders = builder.getProperty( Constants.REMOVEHEADERS, "" ).split( "," );
// apply -removeheaders to the custom manifest
for ( int i = 0; i < removeHeaders.length; i++ )
for ( Iterator<Object> j = mainMavenAttributes.keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
if ( removeHeaders[i].trim() ) )
* Overlay generated bundle manifest with customized entries
Properties properties = builder.getProperties();
Manifest bundleManifest = jar.getManifest();
if ( properties.containsKey( "Merge-Headers" ) )
Instructions instructions = new Instructions( ExtList.from(builder.getProperty("Merge-Headers")) );
mergeManifest( instructions, bundleManifest, mavenManifest );
bundleManifest.getMainAttributes().putAll( mainMavenAttributes );
bundleManifest.getEntries().putAll( mavenManifest.getEntries() );
// adjust the import package attributes so that optional dependencies use
// optional resolution.
String importPackages = bundleManifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Import-Package" );
if ( importPackages != null )
Set optionalPackages = getOptionalPackages( currentProject, dependencyGraph );
Map<String, ? extends Map<String, String>> values = new Analyzer().parseHeader( importPackages );
for ( Map.Entry<String, ? extends Map<String, String>> entry : values.entrySet() )
String pkg = entry.getKey();
Map<String, String> options = entry.getValue();
if ( !options.containsKey( "resolution:" ) && optionalPackages.contains( pkg ) )
options.put( "resolution:", "optional" );
String result = Processor.printClauses( values );
bundleManifest.getMainAttributes().putValue( "Import-Package", result );
jar.setManifest( bundleManifest );
catch ( Exception e )
getLog().warn( "Unable to merge Maven manifest: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() );
if ( addMavenDescriptor )
doMavenMetadata( currentProject, jar );
if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
getLog().debug( "Final Manifest:" + NL + dumpManifest( jar.getManifest(), new StringBuilder() ) );
builder.setJar( jar );
protected static void mergeManifest( Instructions instructions, Manifest... manifests ) throws IOException
for ( int i = manifests.length - 2; i >= 0; i-- )
Manifest mergedManifest = manifests[i];
Manifest manifest = manifests[i + 1];
Attributes mergedMainAttributes = mergedManifest.getMainAttributes();
Attributes mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
Attributes filteredMainAttributes = filterAttributes( instructions, mainAttributes, null );
if ( !filteredMainAttributes.isEmpty() )
mergeAttributes( mergedMainAttributes, filteredMainAttributes );
Map<String, Attributes> mergedEntries = mergedManifest.getEntries();
Map<String, Attributes> entries = manifest.getEntries();
for ( Map.Entry<String, Attributes> entry : entries.entrySet() )
String name = entry.getKey();
Attributes attributes = entry.getValue();
Attributes filteredAttributes = filterAttributes( instructions, attributes, null );
if ( !filteredAttributes.isEmpty() )
Attributes mergedAttributes = mergedManifest.getAttributes( name );
if ( mergedAttributes != null)
mergeAttributes(mergedAttributes, filteredAttributes);
mergedEntries.put(name, filteredAttributes);
* @see Analyzer#filter
private static Attributes filterAttributes(Instructions instructions, Attributes source, Set<Instruction> nomatch) {
Attributes result = new Attributes();
Map<String, Object> keys = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
for ( Object key : source.keySet() )
keys.put( key.toString(), key );
List<Instruction> filters = new ArrayList<Instruction>( instructions.keySet() );
if (nomatch == null)
nomatch = Create.set();
for ( Instruction instruction : filters ) {
boolean match = false;
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> i = keys.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =;
String key = entry.getKey();
if ( instruction.matches( key ) )
match = true;
if (!instruction.isNegated()) {
Object name = entry.getValue();
Object value = source.get( name );
result.put( name, value );
i.remove(); // Can never match again for another pattern
if (!match && !instruction.isAny())
* Tricky. If we have umatched instructions they might indicate that we
* want to have multiple decorators for the same package. So we check
* the unmatched against the result list. If then then match and have
* actually interesting properties then we merge them
for (Iterator<Instruction> i = nomatch.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Instruction instruction =;
// We assume the user knows what he is
// doing and inserted a literal. So
// we ignore any not matched literals
// #252, we should not be negated to make it a constant
if (instruction.isLiteral() && !instruction.isNegated()) {
Object key = keys.get( instruction.getLiteral() );
if ( key != null )
Object value = source.get( key );
result.put( key, value );
// Not matching a negated instruction looks
// like an error ... Though so, but
// in the second phase of Export-Package
// the !package will never match anymore.
if (instruction.isNegated()) {
// An optional instruction should not generate
// an error
if (instruction.isOptional()) {
return result;
private static void mergeAttributes( Attributes... attributesArray ) throws IOException
for ( int i = attributesArray.length - 2; i >= 0; i-- )
Attributes mergedAttributes = attributesArray[i];
Attributes attributes = attributesArray[i + 1];
for ( Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : attributes.entrySet() )
Object name = entry.getKey();
String value = (String) entry.getValue();
String oldValue = (String) mergedAttributes.put( name, value );
if ( oldValue != null )
Parameters mergedClauses = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(oldValue);
Parameters clauses = OSGiHeader.parseHeader( value );
if ( !mergedClauses.isEqual( clauses) )
for ( Map.Entry<String, Attrs> clauseEntry : clauses.entrySet() )
String clause = clauseEntry.getKey();
Attrs attrs = clauseEntry.getValue();
Attrs mergedAttrs = mergedClauses.get( clause );
if ( mergedAttrs == null)
mergedClauses.put( clause, attrs );
else if ( !mergedAttrs.isEqual(attrs) )
for ( Map.Entry<String,String> adentry : attrs.entrySet() )
String adname = adentry.getKey();
String ad = adentry.getValue();
if ( mergedAttrs.containsKey( adname ) )
Attrs.Type type = attrs.getType( adname );
switch (type)
case LONGS:
ExtList<String> mergedAd = ExtList.from( mergedAttrs.get( adname ) );
ExtList.from( ad ).addAll( ExtList.from( ad ) );
mergedAttrs.put(adname, mergedAd.join() );
mergedAttrs.put( adname, ad );
mergedAttributes.put( name, Processor.printClauses( mergedClauses ) );
protected Set<String> getOptionalPackages( MavenProject currentProject, DependencyNode dependencyGraph ) throws IOException, MojoExecutionException
ArrayList<Artifact> inscope = new ArrayList<Artifact>();
final Collection<Artifact> artifacts = getSelectedDependencies( dependencyGraph, currentProject.getArtifacts() );
for ( Iterator<Artifact> it = artifacts.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Artifact artifact =;
if ( artifact.getArtifactHandler().isAddedToClasspath() )
inscope.add( artifact );
HashSet<String> optionalArtifactIds = new HashSet<String>();
for ( Iterator<Artifact> it = inscope.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Artifact artifact =;
if ( artifact.isOptional() )
String id = artifact.toString();
if ( artifact.getScope() != null )
// strip the scope...
id = id.replaceFirst( ":[^:]*$", "" );
optionalArtifactIds.add( id );
HashSet<String> required = new HashSet<String>();
HashSet<String> optional = new HashSet<String>();
for ( Iterator<Artifact> it = inscope.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Artifact artifact =;
File file = getFile( artifact );
if ( file == null )
Jar jar = new Jar( artifact.getArtifactId(), file );
if ( isTransitivelyOptional( optionalArtifactIds, artifact ) )
optional.addAll( jar.getPackages() );
required.addAll( jar.getPackages() );
optional.removeAll( required );
return optional;
* Check to see if any dependency along the dependency trail of
* the artifact is optional.
* @param artifact
protected boolean isTransitivelyOptional( HashSet<String> optionalArtifactIds, Artifact artifact )
List<String> trail = artifact.getDependencyTrail();
for ( Iterator<String> iterator = trail.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
String next =;
if ( optionalArtifactIds.contains( next ) )
return true;
return false;
private void unpackBundle( File jarFile )
File outputDir = getOutputDirectory();
if ( null == outputDir )
outputDir = new File( getBuildDirectory(), "classes" );
* this directory must exist before unpacking, otherwise the plexus
* unarchiver decides to use the current working directory instead!
if ( !outputDir.exists() )
UnArchiver unArchiver = m_archiverManager.getUnArchiver( "jar" );
unArchiver.setDestDirectory( outputDir );
unArchiver.setSourceFile( jarFile );
catch ( Exception e )
getLog().error( "Problem unpacking " + jarFile + " to " + outputDir, e );
protected static String removeTagFromInstruction( String instruction, String tag )
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
String[] clauses = instruction.split( "," );
for ( int i = 0; i < clauses.length; i++ )
String clause = clauses[i].trim();
if ( !tag.equals( clause ) )
if ( buf.length() > 0 )
buf.append( ',' );
buf.append( clause );
return buf.toString();
private static Map<String, String> getProperties( Model projectModel, String prefix )
Map<String, String> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
Method methods[] = Model.class.getDeclaredMethods();
for ( int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++ )
String name = methods[i].getName();
if ( name.startsWith( "get" ) )
Object v = methods[i].invoke( projectModel, null );
if ( v != null )
name = prefix + Character.toLowerCase( name.charAt( 3 ) ) + name.substring( 4 );
if ( v.getClass().isArray() )
properties.put( name, Arrays.asList( ( Object[] ) v ).toString() );
properties.put( name, v.toString() );
catch ( Exception e )
// too bad
return properties;
private static StringBuffer printLicenses( List<License> licenses )
if ( licenses == null || licenses.size() == 0 )
return null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String del = "";
for ( Iterator<License> i = licenses.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
License l =;
String url = l.getUrl();
if ( url == null )
sb.append( del );
sb.append( url );
del = ", ";
if ( sb.length() == 0 )
return null;
return sb;
* @param jar
* @throws IOException
private void doMavenMetadata( MavenProject currentProject, Jar jar ) throws IOException
String path = "META-INF/maven/" + currentProject.getGroupId() + "/" + currentProject.getArtifactId();
File pomFile = currentProject.getFile();
if ( pomFile == null || !pomFile.exists() )
pomFile = new File( currentProject.getBasedir(), "pom.xml" );
if ( pomFile.exists() )
jar.putResource( path + "/pom.xml", new FileResource( pomFile ) );
Properties p = new Properties();
p.put( "version", currentProject.getVersion() );
p.put( "groupId", currentProject.getGroupId() );
p.put( "artifactId", currentProject.getArtifactId() );
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); out, "Generated by org.apache.felix.bundleplugin" );
jar.putResource( path + "/", new EmbeddedResource( out.toByteArray(), System.currentTimeMillis() ) );
protected Jar[] getClasspath( MavenProject currentProject, DependencyNode dependencyGraph ) throws IOException, MojoExecutionException
List<Jar> list = new ArrayList<Jar>();
if ( getOutputDirectory() != null && getOutputDirectory().exists() )
list.add( new Jar( ".", getOutputDirectory() ) );
final Collection<Artifact> artifacts = getSelectedDependencies( dependencyGraph, currentProject.getArtifacts() );
for ( Iterator<Artifact> it = artifacts.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Artifact artifact =;
if ( artifact.getArtifactHandler().isAddedToClasspath() )
File file = getFile( artifact );
if ( file == null )
"File is not available for artifact " + artifact + " in project "
+ currentProject.getArtifact() );
Jar jar = new Jar( artifact.getArtifactId(), file );
list.add( jar );
Jar[] cp = new Jar[list.size()];
list.toArray( cp );
return cp;
private Collection<Artifact> getSelectedDependencies( DependencyNode dependencyGraph, Collection<Artifact> artifacts ) throws MojoExecutionException
if ( null == excludeDependencies || excludeDependencies.length() == 0 )
return artifacts;
else if ( "true".equalsIgnoreCase( excludeDependencies ) )
return Collections.emptyList();
Collection<Artifact> selectedDependencies = new LinkedHashSet<Artifact>( artifacts );
DependencyExcluder excluder = new DependencyExcluder( dependencyGraph, artifacts );
excluder.processHeaders( excludeDependencies );
selectedDependencies.removeAll( excluder.getExcludedArtifacts() );
return selectedDependencies;
* Get the file for an Artifact
* @param artifact
protected File getFile( Artifact artifact )
return artifact.getFile();
private static void header( Properties properties, String key, Object value )
if ( value == null )
if ( value instanceof Collection && ( ( Collection ) value ).isEmpty() )
properties.put( key, value.toString().replaceAll( "[\r\n]", "" ) );
* Convert a Maven version into an OSGi compliant version
* @param version Maven version
* @return the OSGi version
protected String convertVersionToOsgi( String version )
return getMaven2OsgiConverter().getVersion( version );
* TODO this should return getMaven2Osgi().getBundleFileName( project.getArtifact() )
protected String getBundleName( MavenProject currentProject )
String extension;
extension = currentProject.getArtifact().getArtifactHandler().getExtension();
catch ( Throwable e )
extension = currentProject.getArtifact().getType();
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( extension ) || "bundle".equals( extension ) || "pom".equals( extension ) )
extension = "jar"; // just in case maven gets confused
if ( null != classifier && classifier.trim().length() > 0 )
return finalName + '-' + classifier + '.' + extension;
return finalName + '.' + extension;
protected String getBuildDirectory()
return buildDirectory;
protected void setBuildDirectory( String _buildirectory )
buildDirectory = _buildirectory;
protected Properties getDefaultProperties( MavenProject currentProject )
Properties properties = new Properties();
String bsn;
bsn = getMaven2OsgiConverter().getBundleSymbolicName( currentProject.getArtifact() );
catch ( Exception e )
bsn = currentProject.getGroupId() + "." + currentProject.getArtifactId();
// Setup defaults
properties.put( MAVEN_SYMBOLICNAME, bsn );
properties.put( Analyzer.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME, bsn );
properties.put( Analyzer.IMPORT_PACKAGE, "*" );
properties.put( Analyzer.BUNDLE_VERSION, getMaven2OsgiConverter().getVersion( currentProject.getVersion() ) );
// remove the extraneous Include-Resource and Private-Package entries from generated manifest
properties.put( Constants.REMOVEHEADERS, Analyzer.INCLUDE_RESOURCE + ',' + Analyzer.PRIVATE_PACKAGE );
header( properties, Analyzer.BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION, currentProject.getDescription() );
StringBuffer licenseText = printLicenses( currentProject.getLicenses() );
if ( licenseText != null )
header( properties, Analyzer.BUNDLE_LICENSE, licenseText );
header( properties, Analyzer.BUNDLE_NAME, currentProject.getName() );
if ( currentProject.getOrganization() != null )
if ( currentProject.getOrganization().getName() != null )
String organizationName = currentProject.getOrganization().getName();
header( properties, Analyzer.BUNDLE_VENDOR, organizationName );
properties.put( "", organizationName );
properties.put( "", organizationName );
if ( currentProject.getOrganization().getUrl() != null )
String organizationUrl = currentProject.getOrganization().getUrl();
header( properties, Analyzer.BUNDLE_DOCURL, organizationUrl );
properties.put( "project.organization.url", organizationUrl );
properties.put( "pom.organization.url", organizationUrl );
properties.putAll( currentProject.getProperties() );
properties.putAll( currentProject.getModel().getProperties() );
for ( Iterator<String> i = currentProject.getFilters().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
File filterFile = new File( );
if ( filterFile.isFile() )
properties.putAll( PropertyUtils.loadProperties( filterFile ) );
if ( m_mavenSession != null )
// don't pass upper-case session settings to bnd as they end up in the manifest
Properties sessionProperties = m_mavenSession.getExecutionProperties();
for ( Enumeration<String> e = (Enumeration<String>) sessionProperties.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
String key = e.nextElement();
if ( key.length() > 0 && !Character.isUpperCase( key.charAt( 0 ) ) )
properties.put( key, sessionProperties.getProperty( key ) );
catch ( Exception e )
getLog().warn( "Problem with Maven session properties: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() );
properties.putAll( getProperties( currentProject.getModel(), "" ) );
properties.putAll( getProperties( currentProject.getModel(), "pom." ) );
properties.putAll( getProperties( currentProject.getModel(), "project." ) );
properties.put( "project.baseDir", getBase( currentProject ) );
properties.put( "", getBuildDirectory() );
properties.put( "", getOutputDirectory() );
properties.put( "classifier", classifier == null ? "" : classifier );
// Add default plugins
header( properties, Analyzer.PLUGIN, ScrPlugin.class.getName() + ","
+ BlueprintPlugin.class.getName() + ","
+ SpringXMLType.class.getName() );
return properties;
protected static File getBase( MavenProject currentProject )
return currentProject.getBasedir() != null ? currentProject.getBasedir() : new File( "" );
protected File getOutputDirectory()
return outputDirectory;
protected void setOutputDirectory( File _outputDirectory )
outputDirectory = _outputDirectory;
private static void addLocalPackages( File outputDirectory, Analyzer analyzer ) throws IOException
Packages packages = new Packages();
if ( outputDirectory != null && outputDirectory.isDirectory() )
// scan classes directory for potential packages
DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner();
scanner.setBasedir( outputDirectory );
scanner.setIncludes( new String[]
{ "**/*.class" } );
String[] paths = scanner.getIncludedFiles();
for ( int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++ )
packages.put( analyzer.getPackageRef( getPackageName( paths[i] ) ) );
Packages exportedPkgs = new Packages();
Packages privatePkgs = new Packages();
boolean noprivatePackages = "!*".equals( analyzer.getProperty( Analyzer.PRIVATE_PACKAGE ) );
for ( PackageRef pkg : packages.keySet() )
// mark all source packages as private by default (can be overridden by export list)
privatePkgs.put( pkg );
// we can't export the default package (".") and we shouldn't export internal packages
String fqn = pkg.getFQN();
if ( noprivatePackages || !( ".".equals( fqn ) || fqn.contains( ".internal" ) || fqn.contains( ".impl" ) ) )
exportedPkgs.put( pkg );
Properties properties = analyzer.getProperties();
String exported = properties.getProperty( Analyzer.EXPORT_PACKAGE );
if ( exported == null )
if ( !properties.containsKey( Analyzer.EXPORT_CONTENTS ) )
// no -exportcontents overriding the exports, so use our computed list
for ( Attrs attrs : exportedPkgs.values() )
attrs.put( Constants.SPLIT_PACKAGE_DIRECTIVE, "merge-first" );
properties.setProperty( Analyzer.EXPORT_PACKAGE, Processor.printClauses( exportedPkgs ) );
// leave Export-Package empty (but non-null) as we have -exportcontents
properties.setProperty( Analyzer.EXPORT_PACKAGE, "" );
else if ( exported.indexOf( LOCAL_PACKAGES ) >= 0 )
String newExported = StringUtils.replace( exported, LOCAL_PACKAGES, Processor.printClauses( exportedPkgs ) );
properties.setProperty( Analyzer.EXPORT_PACKAGE, newExported );
String internal = properties.getProperty( Analyzer.PRIVATE_PACKAGE );
if ( internal == null )
if ( !privatePkgs.isEmpty() )
for ( Attrs attrs : privatePkgs.values() )
attrs.put( Constants.SPLIT_PACKAGE_DIRECTIVE, "merge-first" );
properties.setProperty( Analyzer.PRIVATE_PACKAGE, Processor.printClauses( privatePkgs ) );
// if there are really no private packages then use "!*" as this will keep the Bnd Tool happy
properties.setProperty( Analyzer.PRIVATE_PACKAGE, "!*" );
else if ( internal.indexOf( LOCAL_PACKAGES ) >= 0 )
String newInternal = StringUtils.replace( internal, LOCAL_PACKAGES, Processor.printClauses( privatePkgs ) );
properties.setProperty( Analyzer.PRIVATE_PACKAGE, newInternal );
private static String getPackageName( String filename )
int n = filename.lastIndexOf( File.separatorChar );
return n < 0 ? "." : filename.substring( 0, n ).replace( File.separatorChar, '.' );
private static List<Resource> getMavenResources( MavenProject currentProject, boolean test )
List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Resource>( test ? currentProject.getTestResources() : currentProject.getResources() );
if ( currentProject.getCompileSourceRoots() != null )
// also scan for any "packageinfo" files lurking in the source folders
final List<String> packageInfoIncludes = Collections.singletonList( "**/packageinfo" );
for ( Iterator<String> i = currentProject.getCompileSourceRoots().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
String sourceRoot =;
Resource packageInfoResource = new Resource();
packageInfoResource.setDirectory( sourceRoot );
packageInfoResource.setIncludes( packageInfoIncludes );
resources.add( packageInfoResource );
return resources;
protected static String getMavenResourcePaths( MavenProject currentProject, boolean test )
final String basePath = currentProject.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath();
Set<String> pathSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
for ( Iterator<Resource> i = getMavenResources( currentProject, test ).iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Resource resource =;
final String sourcePath = resource.getDirectory();
final String targetPath = resource.getTargetPath();
// ignore empty or non-local resources
if ( new File( sourcePath ).exists() && ( ( targetPath == null ) || ( targetPath.indexOf( ".." ) < 0 ) ) )
DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner();
scanner.setBasedir( sourcePath );
if ( resource.getIncludes() != null && !resource.getIncludes().isEmpty() )
scanner.setIncludes( ( String[] ) resource.getIncludes().toArray( EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY ) );
scanner.setIncludes( DEFAULT_INCLUDES );
if ( resource.getExcludes() != null && !resource.getExcludes().isEmpty() )
scanner.setExcludes( ( String[] ) resource.getExcludes().toArray( EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY ) );
List<String> includedFiles = Arrays.asList( scanner.getIncludedFiles() );
for ( Iterator<String> j = includedFiles.iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
String name =;
String path = sourcePath + '/' + name;
// make relative to project
if ( path.startsWith( basePath ) )
if ( path.length() == basePath.length() )
path = ".";
path = path.substring( basePath.length() + 1 );
// replace windows backslash with a slash
// this is a workaround for a problem with bnd 0.0.189
if ( File.separatorChar != '/' )
name = name.replace( File.separatorChar, '/' );
path = path.replace( File.separatorChar, '/' );
// copy to correct place
path = name + '=' + path;
if ( targetPath != null )
path = targetPath + '/' + path;
// use Bnd filtering?
if ( resource.isFiltering() )
path = '{' + path + '}';
pathSet.add( path );
StringBuffer resourcePaths = new StringBuffer();
for ( Iterator<String> i = pathSet.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
resourcePaths.append( );
if ( i.hasNext() )
resourcePaths.append( ',' );
return resourcePaths.toString();
protected Collection<Artifact> getEmbeddableArtifacts( MavenProject currentProject, DependencyNode dependencyGraph, Analyzer analyzer )
throws MojoExecutionException
final Collection<Artifact> artifacts;
String embedTransitive = analyzer.getProperty( DependencyEmbedder.EMBED_TRANSITIVE );
if ( Boolean.valueOf( embedTransitive ).booleanValue() )
// includes transitive dependencies
artifacts = currentProject.getArtifacts();
// only includes direct dependencies
artifacts = currentProject.getDependencyArtifacts();
return getSelectedDependencies( dependencyGraph, artifacts );
protected static void addMavenSourcePath( MavenProject currentProject, Analyzer analyzer, Log log )
// pass maven source paths onto BND analyzer
StringBuilder mavenSourcePaths = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder mavenTestSourcePaths = new StringBuilder();
Map<StringBuilder, List<String>> map = new HashMap<StringBuilder, List<String>>(2);
map.put(mavenSourcePaths, currentProject.getCompileSourceRoots() );
map.put(mavenTestSourcePaths, currentProject.getTestCompileSourceRoots() );
for ( Map.Entry<StringBuilder, List<String>> entry : map.entrySet() )
List<String> compileSourceRoots = entry.getValue();
if ( compileSourceRoots != null )
StringBuilder sourcePaths = entry.getKey();
for ( Iterator<String> i = compileSourceRoots.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
if ( sourcePaths.length() > 0 )
sourcePaths.append( ',' );
sourcePaths.append( );
final String sourcePath = analyzer.getProperty( Analyzer.SOURCEPATH );
if ( sourcePath != null )
if ( sourcePath.contains(MAVEN_SOURCES) || sourcePath.contains(MAVEN_TEST_RESOURCES) )
String combinedSource = StringUtils.replace( sourcePath, MAVEN_SOURCES, mavenSourcePaths.toString() );
combinedSource = StringUtils.replace( combinedSource, MAVEN_TEST_SOURCES, mavenTestSourcePaths.toString() );
if ( combinedSource.length() > 0 )
analyzer.setProperty( Analyzer.SOURCEPATH, combinedSource );
analyzer.unsetProperty( Analyzer.SOURCEPATH );
else if ( mavenSourcePaths.length() > 0 )
log.warn( Analyzer.SOURCEPATH + ": overriding " + mavenSourcePaths + " with " + sourcePath + " (add "
+ MAVEN_SOURCES + " if you want to include the maven sources)" );
else if ( mavenTestSourcePaths.length() > 0 )
log.warn( Analyzer.SOURCEPATH + ": overriding " + mavenTestSourcePaths + " with " + sourcePath + " (add "
+ MAVEN_TEST_SOURCES + " if you want to include the maven sources)" );
else if ( mavenSourcePaths.length() > 0 )
analyzer.setProperty( Analyzer.SOURCEPATH, mavenSourcePaths.toString() );